Department of Community Medicine conducted a workshop on ‘Efficient, Quality-assured Data Capture Using a Mobile Phone (EpiCollect) & Reference Management (Zotero) on 23rd January from 08:30 am to 05:30 pm.
In current age of technologies, the mobile devices go beyond communication medium between healthcare service providers and patients. They may be immensely helpful in collection and capturing of patient’s data. To train doctors and paramedics in collecting and managing the data and references electronically, the Department of Community Medicine, Hamdard Institute of Medical Science and research (HIMSR), conducted a workshop on Efficient, Quality-assured Data Capture using a Mobile Phone (EpiCollect). The workshop was organized with support from the International Union against TB and Lung Disease and included hands-on-training on ‘Epicollect’, open access software for efficient and cost-effective data capture. It was attended by participants from various medical and paramedical fields.
The workshop started with extending a warm welcome to the participants by Dr Aqsa Sheikh (Convener of the workshop). She emphasized the benefits of electronic data capture in current times of pandemics. Dr Yasir Alvi (Organizing Secretary of the workshop) who was one of the facilitator, highlighted that data capturing over mobile save time, costs & manpower, and prevents errors, making it efficient and quality-assured. Dr Farishta Singh, Dr Tazean Zahoor Malik and Dr Vishal Singh were also facilitators on the occasion. The participants were also taught reference management over Zotero. They were thrilled to learn how easily and efficiently references can be managed by software. Prof Farzana Islam (Organizing chairperson of the workshop) thanked Dr. G. N. Qazi (Chief Executive Officer), Prof. Mridu Dudeja (Dean) and Prof Musharraf Husian (Coordinator, MEU) for providing with all the support need for workshop. She also expressed happiness on success and urged the participants to disseminate the skill they gained during workshop among their colleague and peers.