Notice Inviting Tender for Repairing, servicing & commissioning of firefighting system of HIMSR building(Last Date: 21-06-23)

Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research
& Associated HAH Centenary Hospital
Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi-110 062


Date: 16/05/2023


Sealed tenders (Two bid – Technical & Financial Bids) are hereby invited on behalf of HIMSR from experienced, authorized and approved Contractors.

Name of the work                   :           Repairing, servicing & commissioning of firefighting system of HIMSR building

Tender Fee                              :           Rs.   1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only)

Earnest Money Deposit          :           Rs. 1, 00,000/- (Rupees one Lakh only)

Completion Time                    :           45 days

Issue of Tender Document     :           16th May 2023

Last Date of Submission         :           21st June 2023

  1. The Contractors having relevant experience in such field may download tender documents from the institute’s official website and submit the same. The filled tender along with the prescribed Earnest Money Deposit and Tender Fee should be submitted in the tender box at 9th floor of HAHC Hospital ‘B’ Block on or before 21st June 2023 at 2:00 PM. The bids will be opened on the same day at 2:30 PM.
  2. Before submitting the Tender, the Tenderer shall visit the site at their own cost and expenses and understand the scope of work, examine and satisfy as to the nature of the existing roads, means of communications, the character of the soil, and of the
  3. The Rates quoted by the Tenderer shall include Costs and expenses on all counts cost of materials, transportation of machine(s), tools, equipments, labour, power, administration charges, price escalations, profits & all taxes as per the GOI.
  4. Intending tenderers should have valid registration with GST and related authorities.
  5. The intending tenderers should have satisfactorily completed similar nature work means fire-fighting works etc. in reputed institutions, collages, multi storage building & hospitals and also attach the completion certificate/ report.
  6. The tender documents duly completed along with EMD in form of demand draft/pay order in favour of the “HIMSR”, payable at New Delhi from any Scheduled/Nationalized Bank will be submitted along with the technical bid. The technical bid of the parties shall be opened on the same day (i.e. due date of submission) at 2:30 PM. Any tender without EMD & Tender Fee shall be summarily rejected.
  7. HIMSR reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof and also not bound to accept lowest tender. Tenders in whom any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or found incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected.
  8. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly in connection with tender is strictly prohibited and the tender submitted by the contractors who resort canvassing will be liable to be rejected.
  9. The technical bid submitted by the parties shall be opened on the same day i.e. last date of submission at 2:00 pm in the presence of tenderers who wish to be present. The Financial bids of technically qualified parties shall be opened at a later date and the technically qualified parties shall be informed in advance about the opening of their financial bid.


Prof. (Dr.) Mridu Dudeja



