Publications Obstetrics & Gynaecology

  1. De, A., Nigam, A., Sharma, S. et al. Comparison of Feto-maternal Outcomes Among Various BMI
    Groups As Per Asia Pacific Standards: An Observational Retrospective Comparative Study in a Private
    Tertiary Care Center in Delhi. J Obstet Gynecol India(2023).
    2. Arpita De, Reva Tripathi , Abhinav Jain, Safia Rana. Huge abdominopelvic mass arising from cervical
    fibroid around an infected cervical diverticulum: A very rare case and a review of literature. Accepted
    for publication in J of Midlife Health on 16th Mar 2023. [PubMed indexed]
    3. Gupta N, Sharma S, Nigam A, Panasar S, Kumar S. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant
    women attending tertiary care centre: A cross -sectional study. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2023; 00:1-8.
    4. Anwar A, Mann G , Nigam A, Khanam Z .Laparoscopic approach to postpartum pyoperitoneum : A
    guide to early rehabilitation. Tropical Doctors. June 2023
    5. Sharma S, Gupta N, Nigam A. Our experience on Non-descent Vaginal Hysterectomy: A forgotten skill.
    Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2023;12:1332-5.
    6. Correlation between Neutrophil elastase, Neutrophil and lymphocyte ratio in endothelial dysfunction
    of preeclampsia. Bandhopadhyay A, Wazib S, Bhagat S, Anwar. A.J Clinical Med. Feb 2023.
    7. Siddiqui K, Nandan D, FarooqI, Ansari A, Anwar A. A case of bilateral dislocation of knees: Desbuquois
    dysplasia kim variant. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health,2023;52.
    8. Khanday A, Nigam A. Role of stem cells in cancer cervix. J Colposcopy Low Genital Tract Pathol
    9. Sharma A, Suri J, Khanam Z, Pandey D, Bachani S, Sharma A. Prediction of complications of pre-
    eclampsia using the fullPIERS high risk predictive model. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2023 Jun 16.
    10. Nigam A, Khan DA. Uterine compression sutures. Management of Postpartum haemorrhage: a
    Practical Perspective. 2nd edition Ed by Nigam A, Saxena P. Published by Evangel Publisher.
    2023.Chapter 11: Page104-122.
    11. Nigam A. Stepwise devascularization. Management of Postpartum haemorrhage: a Practical
    Perspective. 2nd edition, Ed by Nigam A, Saxena P. Published by Evangel Publisher. 2023.Chapter 12.
    Page 123-36
    12. Nigam A, Gupta P. Landmark trials in Obstetrics. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2nd
    volume, 2023. Ed Aruna Nigam, Alka Kriplani, Pikee Saxena. Page No 89-110
    13. Nigam A, Gupta P. Landmark trials in Gynaecology. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
    2nd volume, 2023. Ed Aruna Nigam, Alka Kriplani, Pikee Saxena. Page No 231-241
    14. Varun N, Nigam A. Fast Track Targets 2030. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2nd
    volume, 2023. Ed Aruna Nigam, Alka Kriplani, Pikee Saxena. Page No 242-`252
    15. Nigam A, Roy P. Carbetocin in Birthing Current concepts ed Dr Pai HD publisher Evangel first edition
    2023 ; ISBN 978-93-90616-20-6 page 183-86
    16. Jain A, Pratibha, Sharma S, Nigam A. Rare cause of stillbirth: a true knot and loop of cord- case report.
    Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2023; 12(5): 1-3
    1. Arpita De, Aruna Nigam, Sumedha Sharma, Arifa Anwar. Comparison of Feto-maternal Outcomes among Various BMI groups as per Asia Pacific Standards: an Observational Retrospective Comparative
      Study in a Private Tertiary Care Centre in Delhi. Accepted for publication in Nov 2022 in Journal of Obs & Gynae of India. Indexed- Pubmed.
    2. Arpita De, Reva Tripathi, Neha Gupta, Aruna Nigam, Arifa Anwar. “Leadership Driven Persistent Reduction in Cesarean trends: An Interventional Study for Quality Improvement”. Accepted for publication in Aug 2022 in Journal of Obs & Gynae of India. Indexed- Pubmed.
    3. De A. Kriplani A. Adenomyosis. In Ed Nigam A, Kriplani A, due to be published by Evangel Publications, Second Edition 2022.
    4. Khanam Z, Bharti R, Suri J, Pandey D, Bachani S. Peritoneal Rupture of Hematocolpos in Distal Vaginal Atresia- A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022;32(2)72:6.
    5. Gupta N, Nigam A, Bedi N, Bhardwaj N, Panesar S. Effect of coronavirus-19 infection on maternal and perinatal outcome: A case control study. Obstetric Medicine. 2022;15 (2):125-129.
    6. De A, Nigam A, Sharma S, Anwar A, Gupta N, Gupta N. Sequential use of drugs (prostaglandin e1 after failed trial of PGE2 gel) for induction of labour: Retrospective observational study. Trop Doct.
      2022 Jul 6;494755221112177.doi: 10.1177/00494755221112177. Online ahead of print
    7. Khanam Z, Bharti R, Suri J, Pandey D, Bachani S. Peritoneal Rupture of Hematocolpos in Distal Vaginal
      Atresia. J Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2022;32(2):72-76.
    8. Pandey D, Bharti R, Dabral A, Khanam Z. Impact of WHO Labor Care Guide on reducing cesarean
      sections at a tertiary center: an open-label randomized controlled trial. AJOG Glob Rep. 2022 Jul
    9. Bharti R, Khanam Z, Mittal P. Feto-pelvic Disproportion Assessment and Management. In: Sekaran SK,
      Patel M, Suman A, Nagrath A, Malhotra N, Malhotra J, Seth S, editors. FOGSI’s Update in Obstetrics &
      Gynaecology Vol 2. New Delhi: Evangel publishing; 2022. p. 96-105.
    10. Mittal P, Suri J, Khanam Z. ClinicalKey Now. HELLP Syndrome. [Internet]. New Delhi; Elsevier; [updated 2022 August 22; cited on 2023 February 23]. Available from: cd-
    1. Arpita De, Irshad Yousuf, Arifa Anwar, Musharraf Hussain, Aruna Nigam. Iatrogenic Tension Pneumothorax and Tension Pneumoperitoneum with Diaphragmatic injury Secondary to Vigorous Resuscitation in a collapsed patient undergoing Cesarean: Lessons Learnt. Pan Asian J obs Gyn 2021;4(3):126-129
    2. De A, Nigam A. Robson Ten Group Classification: A Way Forward to Reduce Cesarean Deliveries. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2021;4(2):47-51.
    3. Singh S, Agarwal S, Puri V, Aggarwal S, Roy P, Gupta A, Puri M. Gas gangrene of the uterus following surgical abortion: A rare case report. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2021;00:1-2.
    4. Illahi G, Faisal I, Salam S, Syed S, Umar A. (2021). Comparison between anatomical landmark versus ultrasound-guided technique for internal jugular vein cannulation. IOSR-JDM), 20(04), 01-05.
    5. Akther N, Khanday A ;Hyperthyroidism and Hyperprolactenemia as a cause of primary infertility. International journal of fertility and fetal medicine. 2021 Dec ; 12(3);66-68.
    6. Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among pregnant women with known HIV status and their perinatal outcomea retrospective single centre analysis. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Chaubey S et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Apr;10(4) 2020:
    7. Yadav R, Chopra K, Roy P, Vats B. Meticulous management of a case of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome using dopamine agonist and GnRH antagonist: a case report. J Infertil Reprod Biol. 2020;8(3):53-56.
    8. Muzaffar U, Rashid S, Salaam S, Yousuf S. Outcome of pregnancy following previous spontaneous abortion. Indian J Obstet Gynecol Res 2020 ; 7(2):207-209.
    9. Khanam Z, Mittal P, Suri J. Does the Addition of Serum PAPP-A and β-hCG Improve the Predictive Value of Uterine Artery Pulsatility Index for Preeclampsia at 11-14 Weeks of Gestation? A Prospective Observational Study. J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2021 Jun;71(3):226-234. doi: 10.1007/s13224-020-01420-7. Epub 2021 Jan 21. PMID: 34408341; PMCID: PMC8310817. (First and corresponding author)
    10. Khanam Z, Purwar R, Kumari A. A large hematometra after cervical carcinoma in-situ – A case report and review of literature. New Indian Journal of OBGYN. (accepted 10/10/2021). (First and corresponding author)
    11. Suri J, Khanam Z. Prognosticating feto-maternal ICU outcomes. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. 2021;25(Suppl 3):S206–S222. (Co-author)
    12. Pandey D, Khanam Z, Bharti R, .Unusual Leiomyoma presentations and management. Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2022;14(3):227–232.
    13. Purwar R, Malik S, Khanam Z, Mishra A. Progression of the first stage of labour, in low risk nulliparas in a South Asian population: a prospective observational study. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2021 May 2:1-5. doi: 10.1080/01443615.2020.1867967. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33938356.
    14. Khanam Z, Suri J. P0004-Peripartum acute respiratory distress syndrome: Our 5-year experience at a tertiary care hospital in India. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2021; 155(Suppl. 2): 127-532.
    15. Nigam A, Basanti N, Sharma S, Gupta N, Jain A . Robert's uterus-rare cause of intractable dysmenorrhea and chronic pelvic pain. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences. 2021 Jul- Sep;14(3):317-320. doi: 10.4103/jhrs.jhrs_32_21. Epub 2021 Aug 30.
    16. Nigam A, Aggarwal P, Baghel A, Gupta N, Sharma S, Jain A. Vaginoscopic incision of oblique vaginal septum in an adolescent girl with OHVIRA syndrome: Simple management of complicated anomaly.DOI:10.4103/jhrs.jhrs_46_21. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences 2021 Jul- Sep;14(3):313-316. doi: 10.4103/jhrs.jhrs_46_21. Epub 2021 Aug 30.
    17. Tripathi, R., Gupta, N., Mazhari, F. et al. A Prospective Study to determine if Management of Cases of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) can be modified. J Obstet Gynecol India (2021).
    18. Akther N, Khanday A ;Hyperthyroidism and Hyperprolactenemia as a cause of primary infertility.
      International journal of fertility and fetal medicine. 2021 Dec ; 12(3);66-68
    19. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Editors Dr Aruna Nigam, Dr Alka Kriplani. Evangel publishers. First edition 2021
    20. Kashyap B, De A. Obstetric Sepsis. In “Recent advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology”. Ed  Nigam A, Kriplani A, published by Evangel Publications , First Edition 2021.
    21. Prakash A, De A. Covid 19 in Pregnancy.  In “Recent advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology”. Ed Nigam A, Kriplani A, published by Evangel Publications , First Edition 2021.
    22. Sahar T, Nigam A, Anjum S, Waziri F, Jain SK, Wajid S. Differential expression of Lumican, Mimecan, Annexin A5 and Serotransferrin in ectopic and matched eutopic endometrium in ovarian endometriosis: a case-control study. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2021 Jan;37(1):56-60.
    23. Nigam A, Nabi N, Khursheed N. Extraovarian endometriosis: beyond medical management. Ed Nigam A, Kriplani A. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, first edition 2021, Evangel Publishers. Pg 153-64
    24. Nigam A, Varun N.  Conservative management of uterine fibroids. Ed Nigam A, Kriplani A.
      Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, first edition 2021, Evangel Publishers. 223-239
    1. 1. Arpita De, Renu Misra, Abhinav Jain. Torsion in a massive hematosalpinx with a functional
      rudimentary horn: a rare cause of acute abdomen in adolescence, managed laparoscopically. Int J
      Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. Dec 2020;9(12):5127-5130
      2. Elahi AA, Nigam A, Sharma S, Gupta N, Varun N, Gupta N, De A, Tripathi R. Outcome of
      Conservative Laparoscopic Approach in Pediatric and Adolescent Ovarian Torsion: Retrospective
      Cohort Study. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2020;3(2):77-81
      3. Nigam A, De A. Endoscopic Equipment and Instruments. Clinical Methods in Obstetrics and
      Gynaecology. Jaypee publishers 2 nd ed Manju Puri. (2020)  Chapter 53 page no 548-563
      4. Preterm Labour: Pikee Saxena, Aruna Nigam. First Edition 2020
      5. Aruna Nigam. ISCCP, FOGSI Gynae Oncology, AOGIN India, Consensus Guidelines for Cervical
      Cancer Screening, HPV vaccination and Management in the COVID-19 Pandemic and beyond co-
      author in the above guideline released in 2020
      6. Nigam A, Agarwal P. When does labor becomes abnormal – in first stage.  Souvenir National E
      conference on Labour and birth 2020; 41-45
      7. Sharma R, Nigam A. Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (FHA): Time to Think Beyond Polycystic
      Ovarian Syndrome. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2020;3(3):107-112.
      8. Gupta N, Srivastava A, Varun N, Anwar A, Nigam A. A Prospective Study on Profile of
      Gynaecological Problems in Adolescent Girls at a Tertiary Care Centre. Int. J. School. Health.
    1. 1. K Bhatia, YM Mala, R Tripathi, A Manchanda, M.M. Singh. Validation of a Scoring Model for the
      Prediction of Peripartum Complications in Patients with Placenta Previa. International Journal of
      Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research (IJOGR). Vol. 6 (2019) No.2, pp. 708-724
      2. Reena Rani, Sunita Bai Meena, C.P Yadav, Deepti Goswami, Reva Tripathi, Asmita M. Rathore
      Prediction of severe adverse maternal outcome in women admitted in obstetric ward using
      physiological and biochemical parameters. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2019
      3. Reva Tripathi: Book review – The Ovary. IJMR, Sept 2019. Doi 10.4103/ijmr. IJMR_1052_19
      4. Das MK, Tripathi R, Kashyap NK, Fotedar S, Bisht SS, Rathore AM, et al. Clinical Validation of
      Mobile Cardiotocograph Device for Intrapartum and Antepartum Monitoring Compared to Standard
      Cardiotocograph: An Inter-Rater Agreement Study.    J Fam Reprod Health 2019; 13(2): 109-15
      5. Management of Post partum Haemorrhage: A Practical Perspective: Editors Dr Aruna Nigam, Pikee
      Saxena. Evangel publishers. First edition 2019
      6. Prevalence of gestational thrombocytopenia and its effect on maternal and fetal outcome. Vijay Zutshi,
      Nidhi Gupta N, Renu Arora, SupriyaDhanker. Iraqi J Hematol 2019; 8:21-4.
      7. Nigam A, Sharma S, Varun N, Munjal YP, Prakash A. “Comparative analysis of 2-week glycaemic
      profile of healthy versus mild gestational diabetic pregnant women using flash glucose monitoring
      system: an observational study”. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. BJOG. 2019 Aug; 126
      Suppl 4:27-33. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.15849.
      8. Sharma S, Sharma P. “Reproductive health problems and their awareness among adolescent girls: a
      clinical study”. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
      2019 Oct;8(10):3870-3873.
      9. Nigam A, Varun N, Sharma S, , Munjal YP, Prakash A. “Glycemic profile in the second and third
      trimester of normal pregnancy compared to non-pregnant adult females”. Obstetric Medicine.
      10. Varun N, Jain A, Nigam A, Noor S, Gupta N, Sharma S. Approach Towards Misplaced or Malposition
      IUCD: Lessons Learned. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 May, Vol-13(5): QC01-
      QC0411. Nigam A, Sharma S, Varun N, Munjal YP, Prakash A. Comparative analysis of two week glycaemic
      profile of healthy versus mild gestational diabetic pregnant women using flash glucose monitoring
      system: an observational study. BJOG 2019 Aug;126suppl 4:27-33. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.15849.
      12. De A, Nigam A, Jain A, Gupta N, Tripathi R. Laparoscopic management of Non-Puerperal Uterine
      Inversion. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2019;26:981-985
      13. Sharma S, Nigam A. Public forum by undergraduate Medical students during clinical postings: A
      way to improve the communication skill. Indian J Med Spec 2019;10:22-5
      14. Anjum S, Sahar T, Nigam A, Wajid S. Transcriptome Analysis of mRNA in Uterine Leiomyoma
      Using Next-Generation RNA Sequencing. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2019;19(14):1703-18
      PMID: 30963983
      15. Sahar T, Nigam A, Anjum S, Waziri F, Biswas S, Jain SK, Wajid S. Interactome Analysis Of The
      Differentially Expressed Proteins In Uterine Leiomyoma. Anticancer Agents Med Chem.
      2019;19(10):1293-1312. PMID:30727917
      16. Nigam A, Somyaa. Informed consent document and process. In: Ethics In Clinical Research Ed by
      Munjal Yp, Prakash A, Pangtey GS. First edition 2019:23-30.   ISBN 978-81-939995-2-3
      17. Nigam A, Gupta N. Effect of tobacco on female reproductive organs. In Tobacco and Related Health
      hazards Ed by Prakash A, Talukdar T published by Evangel publications. first edition 2019:91-99
      18. Nigam A, Ahmad A. Managing hypertension in pregnancy. Chapter 19, Evangel publisher
      19. Nigam A, Khan DA. Uterine compression sutures. Management of Postpartum haemorrhage: a
      Practical Perspective. Ed by Nigam A, Saxena P. Published by Evangel Publisher. 2019.Chapter 9:
      20. Nigam A, Fatima F. Stepwise devascularization. Management of Postpartum haemorrhage: a
      Practical Perspective. Ed by Nigam A, Saxena P. Published by Evangel Publisher. 2019.Chapter 10.
      Page 86-97
      21. Fazilat A, Rashid N, Nigam A, Anjum S, Gupta N, Jain SK, Wajid S. Differential expression of
      MARK4 protein and related perturbations in females with ovulatory PCOS. Endocr Metab Immune
      Disord Drug Targets. 2019;19(7):1064-74 PMID: 31322078
      22. Nigam A, Gupta N, Jain A, Nigam A. Absent inferior venacava and antiphospholipid antibody
      syndrome: compounding risk factor for deep vein thrombosis and recurrent pregnancy loss. Indian
      Journal of Medical Specialities 2019;10(4):219-22
      23. Sharma R, Nigam A. Skill lab in Obstetrics and gynaecology curriculum- An advancement in
      medical education technology. Pan Asian J Obstet Gynecol 2019;2 (2):53-56
      24. Nigam A,  Nabi N, Gupta N, Mujtaba M. Gossypiboma mimicking as an adnexal mass after 4 years:
      a diagnostic dilemma. Pan Asian J Obstet Gynecol 2019;2 (2):83-86
      25. Nigam A, Saxena P. Dyslipidemia in pregnancy. Handbook on dyslipidemia. Evangel publishers
    1. Tantuway B, Das V, Mala YM, Garg A, Tripathi R., Correlation of Doppler assessment of fetal aortic
      isthmus with perinatal outcome in intrauterine growth restriction. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet
      Gynecol 2018; 7:3780-5.
    2. Meenoo S, Tripathi R, Tyagi S, Ramji S, Shah S, et al. (2018) Triaging Hospitalization in Threatened
      Preterm Labor Patients Using a Biochemical Marker and Transvaginal Ultrasound-A Pilot
      Implementation Study in a Tertiary Center of North India. J Preg Child Health 2018: 6:400.
    3. Y.M.Mala, R.Prasad, N.Singh, C.P.Baweja, R.Tripathi, N.Yedla. Role of laparoscopy in diagnosing
      genital tuberculosis in suspected women. A cross -sectional study from a tertiary care hospital in
      Northern India. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis.65 (2018)23-29
    4.  R Rathi, Amita Jain, Shramana Mandal, Nita Khurana, Reva Tripathi. Giant chorangioma presenting
      with an absent foetus: a mystery! Journal of Obstet and Gynaecol, 2018; 38(7), pp. 1021–1022.
    5. Unilateraltubo-ovarian agenesis with contralateral adnexal torsion in apremenarchal girl. Nidhi Gupta,
      Aruna Nigam, Reva Tripathi, Arpita De.  BMJ Case Rep Published Online First: 22 april
    6. Arpita De. Reva Tripathi. “Infertility” as course contents for Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and
      Child Health (PGDMCH) programme, IGNOU in 20187. Arpita De, Reva Tripathi. “Reproductive Tract Infections and Sexully Transmitted Infections” as
      course contents for Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH) programme,
      IGNOU in 2018
    7. Primary amenorrhoea and clitoromegaly in a nulliparous woman: successful medical and surgical
      management. Aruna Nigam, Arifa Anwar Elahi, Neha Varun, Nidhi Gupta. BMJ CaseRep.
    8. Ruptured choledochal cyst during early pregnancy with successful fetomaternal outcome. Neha Varun,
      Arifa Anwar Elahi, Nidhi Gupta,Aruna Nigam. BMJ Case Rep 1 april 2018. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-
    9.  Nidhi Gupta, Farhat Mazhari*, Neha Varun, Reva Tripathi. Variedclinical presentations of scar
      endometriosis: case reports. Int J ReprodContracept ObstetGynecol 2018;7:2968-70.
    10. Nigam A, Elahi AA, Batra S. Recurrent postcoital vesicovaginal fistula: outcome of consensual sex in
      an adult female.  J Obstet Gynaecol . 2018 Jan;38(1):137-138.
    11. Varun N, Nigam A, Elahi AA, Jain A. Cornual ectopic pregnancy: laparoscopic management step by
      step. BMJ Case Rep. 2018 Mar 28;2018. pii: bcr-2017-223998. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2017-223998.
    12. Nigam A, Saxena P. Study designs for Research. Page 62-71. Hand book on Research Methodology
      edited by Prakash A, Pangtey G, Munjal YP  Published by Physician research foundation 2018
    13. Rashid N, Nigam A, Jain SK, Wazid S. Altered endometrial receptivity in infertile females with
      polycystic ovarian syndrome as compared to fertile counterparts: analogy of protein expression
      profiles. Human Reproduction 2018;33:458
    14.  Varun N, elahi A, Gupta N, Nigam A. Ruptured choledochal cyst during early pregnancy with
      successful fetomaternal outcome. BMJ Case Rep 2018. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-224357
    15. Pujani M, Hassan MJ, Jetley S, Jairajpuri SZ, Khan S, Rana S, Nigam A. A critical appraisal of the
      spectrum of polypoidal lesions of uterus: A pathologist perspective. Al Ameen J Med Sci
    16. Saxena P, Nigam A. Screening and diagnosis of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy: Challenges and
      controversies. Clinical Guidelines for management of diabetes in Pregnancy. Edited by Dr Pikee
      Saxena. Published by Jaypee brothers Medical publishers, first edition 2018; Page 32-41
    17. Nigam A, Saxena P. Bariatric surgeries and gestational diabetes: implications.  Clinical Guidelines for
      management of diabetes in Pregnancy. Edited by Dr Pikee Saxena. Published by Jaypee brothers
      Medical publishers, first edition 2018; Pg 192—200
    18. Gupta N, Nigam A, Tripathi R, De A. Unilateral tubo-ovarian agenesis with contralateral adnexal
      torsion in a premenarchal girl. BMJ Case Rep. 2018 May 7;2018. pii: bcr-2017-224157. doi:
    19.  Ahmad A, Nigam A, Saloni A, Prasad S. Screening chromosomal anomalies in early pregnancy: When
      and why. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2018;9(2);86-94
    20. Nigam A, Sharma S, Elahi AA, Batra S. Umbilical coiling index: an important predictor of fetal
      outcome. Pan Asian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2018:1:44-47
    21. Nigam A. Luteal phase support: why, when and how. Pan Asian Journal of Obstetrics and
      Gynaecology 2018;1: 79-83
    22. Nigam A, Saxena P. Cesarean section on demand: Dilemma between ethics and Autonomy. Pan Asian
      J Obs Gyn 2018;1(2):51-53
    23.  Varun N, Nigam A, Khan S, Jain A, Tripathi R. Clinicopthologic review of primary synchronous
      tumours of endometrium and ovary: What is different. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2018;1:97-100
    24. Nigam A, Ahmad A,  Sharma A, Saith P, Batra S . Postpartum Intrauterine Device Refusal In Delhi:
      Reasons Analysed. J Obstet Gynecol India 2018;68:208-213
    1. Tripathi R, Verma D, Gupta VK, Tyagi S, Kalaivani M, Ramji S, Mala Y M. Evaluation of 75g glucose load in non-fasting state [Diabetes in Pregnancy Study group of India (DIPSI) criteria] as a diagnostic test for gestational diabetes mellitus. Indian J Med Res 2017;145:209-14
    2. Tripathi R, Tyagi S, Goel V. Metformin in gestational diabetes mellitus. Indian J Med Res 2017; 145:588-91.
    3. K.Bhatia, Y.M.Mala, R.Tripathi. Successful pregnancy outcome after malignant epi- thelial ovarian tumor: A case report. International Journal of advanced research and review, 2(8):2017;36-38
    4. Bhoomika Tantuway, Poonam Sachdeva, Reva Tripathi, YM Mala. Primary ovarian ectopic pregnancy. Journal of case reports. 2017; 7:  130 – 132. Tripathi R, Tyagi S, Yadav P, Meenoo S, Shah S, et al. (2017) Evaluation of Phosphorylated Insulin like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 and Sonographically Measured Cervical Length for Prediction of Preterm Birth in Threatened Preterm Labor: A Clinical Approach. Int J Pregn &Child  Birth 2017; 2(3): 00024. DOI: 10.15406/ipcb.2017.02.00024
    5. Meenoo S, Bhoomika Tantuway, Reva Tripathi. A case report: adenosarcoma of uterus in a young nulligravida. International Journal of Advanced Research and Review, 2(8), 2017; 01-03
    6. Review of Critically Ill Obstetric Patients Requiring Intensive Care: ARetrospective Study. Sumitra Bachani, Vijay Zutshi, Nidhi Gupta, SwatiShivhare. Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
      Volume 5Number 4, October – December 2017, 529-534.
    7. Intra-operative uterine scar condition and feto-maternal outcome inpatients of previous lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) with scartenderness. Nidhi Gupta, Renuka Sinha. Int J Res Med Sci. 2017 Nov;5(11):4911-4914.
    8. Knowledge, attitude and practice study on immediate postpartumintrauterine contraceptive device method of family planning. NidhiGupta, Renuka Sinha, Abha Mangal. Int J Community Med PublicHealth. 2017 Aug;4(8):2981-2984.
    9. Parasitic fibroid during Pregnancy: A Diagnostic Dilemma (RareCase Report)Neha Varun, Arifa A. Elahi, Aruna Nigam, Nidhi Gupta. Indian Journalof Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research
    10. A rare case of Meckel-Gruber syndrome: Antenatal diagnosis.Nidhi Gupta, Seema Singhal. J CasesObstetGynecol, 2017;4(3):72-75.
    11. Misplaced IUCD: a case report. Neha Varun*, Aruna Nigam, NidhiGupta. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Nov;6(11):5155-5157
    12. Ahmad A, Elahi AA, Nigam A, Kapoor R. Mentoring in Medicine: Introducing a structuredprogramme in a Medical College in Delhi. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 2017;16 : 29-34
    13. Nigam A, Saxena P. writing an introduction of research article. Pearls on scientific Paper writing. Page 14-17, Editors YP Munjal, Prakash A, Pangtey GP. Published by Physician Research foundation (Research Wing API) 2017
    14. Saxena P, Nigam A. Authorships and Acknowledgement. Pearls on scientific Paper writing. Page 58- 62, Editors YP Munjal, Prakash A, Pangtey GP. Published by Physician Research foundation (Research Wing API) 2017
