circular for expenses incurred in Financial Year 2020-21

NO: FINANCE/HIMSR/2020-21/100   


The Financial Year 2020-21 is coming to close and 31st March, 2021 is the last date of this financial year. All the Books of Accounts of the HIMSR and associated Hospital (HAHCH) have to be closed on the last day of the year. Before closing the Books of Accounts, due care is to be taken to see that all the expenses have been accounted for. It is not merely accounting of all the expenses incurred already but also taking care to provide liability in the Books of all the commitments and expenses due but not paid for the period ending 31st March 2021.

To complete this task efficiently and in time, the cooperation of all the Departments/Centers, etc. is essential. In this regard all the bills for expenses incurred, purchases made, and works done till 28th Feb. 2021 be submitted to Finance Section latest by 20th March 2021, and bills for March 2021’ be submitted latest by 20th April 2021.


  1. All Bills of materials, medicines, consumables, glassware, lab items, stationery, etc. received and stock taken till 31st March 2021.(Action by MS, AMS Dean & All HOD’s)
  2. Final Bills and Running Bills of all Civil & Electrification works completed till 31st March 2021.(Action by MS, AMS, Dean, JE)
  3. Final bills of Civil & Electric maintenance works.( Action by MS , AMS, JE)
  4. Bills for purchase of Furniture & Equipment’s received and installed till 31st March 2021.Besides the details of furniture and equipment’s installed during the year (Department/location wise list) shall be furnished separately. ( Action by MS, AMS, JE, AM purchase) 
  5. Bills for settlement/ adjustment of all advances and imprest drawn as of 31st March 21, the unspent amount shall be refunded by 31st March 2021.(Action by MS, Dean , AMS, All HOD’s)
  6. The bills for purchase of medicines, surgical consumables and Lab reagents & consumable items up to 31st March 2021.(Action by AMS, Pharmacy)
  7. The bills for outsourced services like security, housekeeping, manpower, AMC services, etc. for the period ended 31st March 2021. (Action by MS, AMS, Dean, biomedical Eng.)
  8. All personnel claims of employees (salaries, Medical reimbursements, CEA etc) for the period ended 31st March 2021.(Action by respective eligible Employees)
  9. Claims related to stipend of MBBS & PG students till 31st March 2021.(Action by Dean , All HOD’s)
  10. The receipts till 31st March 2021 shall be reconciled particularly in respect of Hospital receipts, Credit/Debit card sales with Bank. Reconciliation with Hamdard Imaging Centre and all other outsource agencies.( Action by MS, AMS)
  11. All other expenditure incurred which are not covered above till 31st March 2021.


 All are requested to cooperate in adhering to the given scheduled dates. Bills received after scheduled date may not be entertained later on at the sole responsibility of concerned HOD.



  (Mushtaq A. Zargar)

Head Finance & Administration
