Circular – Finalisation of Accounts 2018-19


 No. HIMSR/Fin/2018-19

The Financial Year 2018-19 is coming to close and 31st March, 2019 is the last date of this financial year. All the Books of Accounts of the HIMSR and associated Hospital (HAHCH) have to be closed as on the last day of the year. Before closing the Books of Accounts, due care is to be taken to see that all the expenses have been accounted. It is not merely accounting of all the expenses incurred already but also taking care to provide liability in the Books of all the commitments and expenses due but not paid for the period ended 31st March, 2019. To complete this task efficiently and in time, the cooperation of all the Departments/Centers etc. is essential. In this regard all the bills for expenses incurred, purchases made and works done till 31st March 2019 be forwarded to Finance Department within the time schedule given here under:

All the purchases made till 31st March 2019 are to be accounted. Bills for all materials, medicines, consumables, glassware, lab items, stationery etc. received upto 31st March 2019 to be sent before 15th April 2019 after stock taking & approval of Competent Authority.

A. Non-Recurring Expenditure

    1. Civil construction, renovation, works
      Final Bills and Running Bills of all Civil & Electrification works completed till 31st March 2019 should be updated and submitted to Finance Office along with the approval of Competent Authority by 25th April 2019.
    2. Civil & Electric maintenance works
      Final bills for the works completed till 31st March’ 19 shall be submitted by 25th April 2019.
    3. Equipment’s and Furniture
      1. Bills for furniture & equipment’s received and installed till 31st March 2019 are to be submitted by 20th April 2019
      2. Details of furniture and equipment’s installed during the year shall be sent by 20th April 2019 (Department/location wise list)
    4. Advances & Deposits and Impress
      1. For all advances and impress drawn as of 31st March’ 19, the account shall be rendered by 10th April’ 19. The unspent amount shall be refunded by 31st March 2019.
      2. All deposits in the name of outside agencies shall be reviewed and reduced to minimum & certificates be obtained from the parties who are holding our deposit account.

B. Recurring Expenditure

      1. Purchases
        All the purchases made till 31st March 2019 are to be accounted. Bills for all materials, medicines, consumables, glassware, lab items, stationery etc. received upto 31st March 2019 to be sent before 15th April 2019 after stock taking & approval of Competent Authority.
      2. HIMSR Pharmacy
        The bills for purchase of medicines, surgical consumables and Lab items upto 31st March 2019 shall be reconciled for Financial Year 2018-19 and submitted to Finance Department latest by 10th April 2019.
      3. Outsourced Services
        The bills for outsourced services like security, housekeeping, manpower, AMC services etc. for the period ended 31st March 2019 shall be forwarded by 20th April 2019.
      4. Other Expenses:
        For all other expenditure incurred till 31st March 2019, bills/accounts shall be rendered by 20th April’ 19.
      5. Personnel Claims
        All personnel claims for the period ended 31st March 2019 shall be submitted in the Finance Section latest by 20th April 2019.

C. Receipts

      1. Other Receipts
        The receipts till 31st March 2019 shall be reconciled particularly in respect of Sanyog Pharmacy and Hamdard Imaging Centre and shall be deposited with HIMSR latest by 10th April’ 19.
        All are requested to cooperate in adhering to above dates strictly. Even where bills are not available till scheduled dates, the details of commitments shall be communicated to Finance Office by 20th April 2019 so that necessary provision is made to facilitate payment subsequently.

Bills for payment received after scheduled dates shall not be entertained later on.

(Mushtaq A. Zargar)
Finance Officer (HIMSR)
