Dr. Supriya Chaubey
Assistant professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Reg. Number: DMC-53619

Dr Supriya Chaubey is assistant professor at HIMSR. She is great academician, researcher and clinician. She realizes her potentials in challenging medical situations and develop capabilities by acquiring knowledge and skills. She is self-confident with excellent communication skills.
Area of Interest
- Endoscopic surgery
- Infertility
- High risk pregnancy and oncology
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MBBS | 2006 | King George Medical college & university | DMC 53619 | |
MS | 2011 | M.L.N. Medical college, Allahabad | DMC 53619 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Assistant Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 01-09-2022 | Present | |
Assistant Professor | ABVIMS & RMLH, New Delhi | 08-12-2021 | 07-06-2022 | 6 Months |
Assistant Professor | Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad | 20-03-2021 | 30-11-2021 | 8 Months |
Assistant Professor | ABVIMS & RMLH, New Delhi | 01-09-2020 | 28-02-2021 | 6 Months |
Senior research officer CHRD (WHO) | VMMC, New Delhi | 25-02-2020 | 21-07-2020 | 5 Months |
Senior Resident | UCMS, New Delhi | 19-02-2018 | 03-01-2020 | 1 Year 10 Months |
Senior Resident | HIMR, Lucknow | 13-09-2015 | 31-03-2016 | 6.5 Months |
Senior Resident | KGMU Lucknow | 13-09-2011 | 15-03-2012 | 6 Months |
- Comparison of continuous vs. interrupted method of abdominal fascial closure in patients with septic peritonitis in gynecological and urological cases - a retrospective trial of 120 cases. International Journal of Research and Review. 2019; 6(8):25-30.
- Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among pregnant women with known HIV status and their perinatal outcomea retrospective single centre analysis. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Chaubey S et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Apr;10(4) www.ijrcog.org
- Life threatening Endocrinological Emergencies in Obstetrics;pg 36-43; ICOG CAMPUS: Theme- SEVERE ACUTE MATERNAL MORBIDITY
Research Work & Projects
- Comparison of continuous vs. interrupted method of abdominal fascial closure in patients with septic peritonitis in gynecological and urological cases - a retrospective trial of 120 cases.
- Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in pregnant women with known HIV status (a prospective study of 1200 cases)
- Fellowship in minimal access surgery FMAS
- Awarded 3 rd prize in Gynae SURGICON 2022 A-V on “internal iliac artery ligation by novice” in video category held at HIMSR on 3 rd Dec 2022.
- Awarded with Dr. P.S. Ranganathan Memorial Prize for paper “Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among pregnant women with known HIV status” during National conference of IASSTD & AIDS at Vijayawada, 22-24 th Oct.2010
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- FOGSI (The Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India)
- AOGD (Life member)
- IMA of EAST DELHI branch (life member)
- UPCOG (life member)
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Guest speaker during Panacea- pre anastomosis conference on “SCREENING AND MANAGEMENT OF PRE-CANCEROUS LESIONS” organized by Dept. of Gynaecology and IFMS on 15 th November 2022.
- Video presentation on “internal iliac artery ligation by novice” in Gynae SURGICON 2022 A-V held at HIMSR on 3 rd Dec 2022.
- Debate “Asymptomatic post-menopausal women with an incidental finding of thickened endometrium should undergo endometrial biopsy” Update in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at ABVIMS AND DR. RML HOSPITAL, New Delhi on 27 th March 2022
- “Protect Breastfeeding and Shared Responsibility” counselling session of pregnant women and new mothers in collaboration with Paediatric department at Santosh Medical College on 7 th august 2021
- Delivered talk on “Breastfeeding benefits to mother and child” at CME: World Breastfeeding Week at Santosh Medical College Ghaziabad on 2 nd august 2021
- “Zero Tolerance to Maternal Deaths Due To PPH” at Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad on 29 th July 2021.
- Clinical paper titled “ A retrospective analysis of perinatal outcomes in pregnant females with STDs” during 4oth National conference of IASSTD & AIDS ASTICON at Bhopal, 22 Nov.2016
- Presented clinical paper “Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among pregnant women with known HIV status” in AICOG HYDERABAD; 5-9 Jan. 2011.
- Presented clinical paper on “transvaginal sonography & saline infusion sono hysterography in the evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding” in NZ-YUVA FOGSI Gorakhpur, 23-25 JULY 2010.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- GYNAE SURGICON 2022 A TO V on 3 rd and 4 th December 2022
- “SCREENING AND MANAGEMENT OF PRE-CANCEROUS LESIONS” organized by Dept. of Gynaecology and IFMS on 15th November 2022.
- CME cum WORKSHOP on MANAGING POST PSRTUM HEMORRHAGE: CONCEPT, PRACTICE & ADVANCES at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research , New Delhi on 10 th September 2022.
- UPDATE IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY at ABVIMS and DR.RML Hospital, New Delhi on 27 th March 2022
- CME on “Zero Tolerance to Maternal Deaths Due To PPH” at Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad on 29 th July 2021.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- Scientific session on “Evaluation of Infertile Couple and Stimulation Protocols” at Indira IVF Ghaziabad on 20 th august 2022
- 3 rd National Conference of Society of Vaginal Surgeons Of India on 13 th - 14 th Nov 2021
- “UPDATE ON MANAGEMENT OF MENOPAUSE” AOGD with IMA Delhi on 24 th July 2021.
- 42 nd Annual Virtual AOGD Conference 30 th Oct-1 st Nov 2020
- Workshop on updating Surgical Skills In Gynecological Oncology 26 th Oct 2020
- FOGSI International Adolescent Health E-conference 28 th -30 th August 2020
- IHC 2018, Gurugram.
- Hysteroscopy hands on simulator workshop on 1 st , 2 nd dec 2018 at IHC, Gurugram.
- Pre congress workshop in academia 2018 on 24 th Nov.
- Training program on quality management and outcome by dsprud on 15 th Sep 2018.
- Global Perineocon 2018 6 th to 8 th April at PGIMER & RML hospital, new Delhi.
- AICOG 2018.
- Post congress workshop “urogynecology” of AOGD on 17 th Nov 2017.
- AOGD workshop basics of endoscopy in gynecology on 21 st July 2017.
- Annual CME 2017 on safe fetal journey on 13 th July 2017.
- North zone YUVA FOGSI 2017
- ASICON 2016 in Bhopal AIIMS.