Dr Sunil Kohli
MBBS, MD Medicine
Professor, Department of Medicine
Reg. Number: DMC-51842

Internist with over 30 years of experience in internal medicine. Experience includes working as a physician at small and large hospitals, teaching at Armed Forces Medical College and at the University of Linköping, Sweden and administrative experience as personal staff to the Head of the Armed Forces Medical Services. Headed the Department of Medicine at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research and at a large, approximately 700 bedded teaching hospital in the Armed Forces. Currently employed as a Professor, Department of Medicine at the Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Delhi. Additionally nominated as member of the Institutional Ethics Committee, Hamdard University. Instrumental in starting a successful and popular diabetes clinic at HAH Centenary Hospital. Have been a speaker and chairperson at several forums, especially in the field of diabetes and medical technology. Nominated as Chairman Central Ethics Committee by Min of AYUSH for Unani projects. Have expert knowledge of computers and have trained abroad in Medical Informatics. Have been a Swedish Institute Scholar and have received the Overseas Associateship Award from the Department of Biotechnology. Can read, write and converse in Swedish with a fair degree of fluency
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MD/MS | 1987 | AFMC, Pune University | DMC-51842 | |
MBBS | 1977 | AFMC, Pune University | DMC-51842 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 17-03-2012 | Till Date | |
Professor | Army Hospital | 21-04-2006 | 22-02-2011 | 4 Years, 10 Months |
Professor | MH Pathankot | 25-05-1999 | 05-03-2003 | 3 Years, 9 Months |
Associate Professor | AFMC, Pune | 10-11-1994 | 25-05-1999 | 4 Years, 6 Months |
Assistant Professor | Army Hospital | 11-12-1987 | 10-11-1992 | 5 Years |
Tutor | AFMC, Pune | 20-12-1985 | 11-12-1987 | 1 Years 11 Months |
- Kohli S, Verma PP, Jagdish TK. Study of disturbances in liver function during Antitubercular therapy. J Assoc Phys Ind. 1990; 38 :49
- Kohli S, Moidu K, Farrer J, Chowdhury S, Ahlfeldt H, Wigertz O, Trell E. A study of e-mail use on a health care bulletin board. In MEDINFO92, KC Lun, P Degoulet, T Piemme, O Reinhof, eds. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992, p 124.
- Singh AK, Patil A, Kohli S, Moidu K, Wigertz O. Medical Informatics as a tool and method in promoting rural health care delivery in developing countries. Paper presented at 6th Asian Congress of Agricultural Medicine & Rural Health at Loni, Maharashtra, India. January 22-24, 1993.
- Singh AK, Kohli S, Moidu K, Boström K, Trell E, Wigertz O. Primary Health Care Computing : Analysis of Swedish Maternal Health Records. J Med Syst. 1994 Oct ; 18(5): 221-8.
- Kohli S, Sahlen K, Sivertun A, Löfman O, Trell E, Wigertz O. Distance from the Primary Health Center : A GIS method to study geographical access to health care. J Med Syst. 1995 Dec ; 19(6): 425-36.
- Sharma SK, Singh YD, Sangameswaran KV, Kohli S, Anand AC, Kalra SP. Takayasu's arteritis : A clinical and angiographic study. J Assoc Phys Ind 1996; 44:1003
- Singh YD, Sharma SK, Kohli S, Anand AC, Kasthuri AS, Kalra SP. Rheumatic fever recurrence in rheumatic heart disease. J Assoc Phys Ind 1996; 44:904
- Kohli S, Singh YD, Sharma SK, Kalra SP. The internet as a medical resource: A guide for physicians. J Assoc Phys Ind 1996; 44:973
- Singh AK, Kohli M, Trell E, Wigertz O, Kohli S. Bhorugram (India) : Revisited. A four year follow up of a computer based information system for distributed MCH services. Int J Med Info 1997 Apr; 44(2): 117-25
- Kohli S, Sahlen K, Sivertun A, Löfman O, Trell E, Wigertz O. Individuals living in areas with high background Radon: A GIS method to identify populations at risk. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 1997 Jun ; 53(2): 105-12
- Singh YD, Matthew I, Kashyap AS, Kohli S, Kasthuri AS. Time to don the business suit. J Assoc Physicians India. 1999 Dec; 47(12): 1221-2
- Kohli S, Noorlind Brage H, Löfman O. Childhood leukaemia in areas with different radon levels : a spatial and temporal analysis using GIS. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2000 Nov; 54(11): 822-6
- S Khetrapal, S Jetley, Z Jairajpuri, S Rana, S Kohli. FNAC of Head & Neck lesions and its utility in clinical diagnosis: A study of 290 cases. Thyroid 49 (16.9), 44, 2015
- Sharma Nilima, Sharma Anuj, Pujani Mukta, Kohli Sunil. An unusual focus of extra pulmonary tuberculosis. International Journal of Advances in Medicine. 2(4),429-432,2015
- Khan Nahid, Ganai Jyoti, Kohli Sunil, Muthukrishnan Shobitha. Evaluation of autonomic function in obese and non obese adolescents. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Physiology. 2(3), 195, 2015
- A Ali, J Ganai, S Muthukrishnan, S Kohli. Evaluation of Autonomic Dysfunction in Obese and Non-Obese Hypertensive Subjects. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR,10(6), YC01, 2016
- Jain V, Manjavkar S, Rajput D, Jain A, Jyotsana, Kohli S. Correlation between abscess size and liver function tests in cases of liver abscess. Int J Res Med Sci 2017;5:3340-4.
- Jyotsana; Khan Afreen; Sharma, Vishaka; Kapur, Prem; Manjavkar, Smita; Jain, Vineet; Kohli, Sunil; Habib, Anwar; Clinical profile of patients with pancytopenia in a tertiary care centre. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2018;6(4),1187.
- Jain, Vineet; Chopra, Arushi; Mir, Khushboo Ahmad; Babu, Chand; Kohli, Sunil; Kapur, Prem; Manjavkar, Smita. Clinicobiochemical Difference of Patients Presenting with Dengue and Chikungunya during Post-Monsoon Season. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 2018;12:3.
- Shah, Alam; Siddiqui, M Akhtar; Maaz, M; Kohli, Sunil; Mridu, Dudeja. Therapeutic evaluation of Unani formulation as an adjuvant in the treatment of Albuminuria in diabetic nephropathy. International Journal of Current Research, 2017;9:3:48377-48381.
- Shagufta, Parveen; Khan, Asim Ali; Kohli, Sunil; Khan, Qamar Alam. Antihyperglycemic effect of Maghz-e-Jamun (Eugenia jambolana) in Prediabetics- A Randomized Placebo Controlled Study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2019;11:1.
- Jain, Vineet; Afreen, Khan; Garg, Richa; Chopra, Arushi; Gaur, Diksha; Kashyap, Varun Kumar; Kohli, Sunil; Bajaj, Kanupriya. Discriminating malaria and dengue fever in endemic areas: Clinical, biochemical and radiological criteria. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 2020,Elsevier
Research Work & Projects
- Currently a supervisor for To check the effect of counselling and treatment adjustment of diabetic patients observing Ramadan fast.
- Currently a supervisor for b) Effects of Teneligliptin on bone turnover markers Bone health in diabetics on treatment with Metformin, DPP4 inhibitors, SGLT2
- Swedish Institute Scholar & Awardee of Overseas Associateship from the Department of Biotechnology