Doctor's Profile

Dr. Shyamasree Nandy

MSc Medical Microbiology

Demonstrator, Department of Microbiology

Reg. Number: DMC-


Demonstrator in department of Microbiology at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi: from 18th January,2011 to present.

Involved in Theory and Practical teaching and evaluation of MBBS and Allied Health Sciences courses(i.eBPT, BOT, Nursing, BMLT, BCLT, ETCT, BDT, DDT, BMR, DMR) and MSc in medical Microbiology courses.

Actively involved in research activities /projects in the department and also in collaboration with other departments.

Area of Interest

  • Antibacterial resistance
  • Molecular diagnostics.

Educational Qualifications

Degree Year Name of College & University Registration Number Date of Registration
PhD Microbiology 2017 Subharti University
MSc. Medical microbiology 2006 Sikkim Manipal University of Medical sciences DMC-

Deatils of Teaching Experience

Designation* Institution From To Duration
Demonstrator Microbiology 18-01-2011 Till date


Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised

  • Organizer In World AIDs day, Deptt of microbiology, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard.
  • Organizing member of Symposium on “Save Lives: Clean your Hand”, on 5th May 2015 at at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Jamia Hamdard
  • Organizing member of Symposium on Crimean Congo hemorrhegic fever, supported by ICMR, on 28th Feb 2011 at atHamdard Convention Centre, Jamia Hamdard

Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended

  • Attended MICROCON 2012(22nd to 25thNovember, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi) and presented poster.
  • Attended workshop on teaching Methodology, 30/7/12, Medical education Unit, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi: 62
  • Attended UP MICROCON, 9/2/2013, Subharti Medical College, Meerut, UP and presented poster.
  • Presented poster in HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, 2013.
  • Attended Workshop on International Author Workshop, 25th February, 2013, organized by Elsevier.
  • Co-organizing secretary in CME and Workshop: Diagnostic Microbiology: Newer trends and Advances: Deptt. Of microbiology, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard.
  • Attended UP MICROCON, 1st February, 2014, Sharda University, Noida, UP and presented poster.
  • Attended as delegate in CME, Deptt. Of Microbiology and Community Medicine, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, 17/12/16: Elimination of Hepatitis: A Global Perspective.
  • Attended as a delegate in AETCOM training of Medical Education unit, Jamia Hamdard, 4-5th December, 2019