Dr Shahid Rasool
Associate professor, Department of ENT & Head And Neck Surgery
Reg. Number: DMC-72739

Dr. Shahid Rasool is Assistant Professor ENT- HNS in Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, New Delhi, India. He did his Bachelors in Medicine and Surgery from the prestigious SKIMS Medical College, Srinagar and pursued post-graduation in ENT from Govt. Medical College, Srinagar. He is well trained in all sub specialties of ENT- HNS including Otology, neurotology, Rhinology, Laryngology, Head & Neck surgical oncology . Dr. Shahid Rasool has vast experience of catering the emergency Cases of ENT which includes Tracheostomy, Rigid bronchoscopies, Hypopharyngoscopy & Removal of foreign bodies from airway & ear.
Dr. Shahid Rasool is an active medical teacher and Teaches both UG & PG Scholars. He is actively involved in Various departmental activities Like Organizing seminars, Journal clubs and Clinical case presentations. he has numerous publications to his name in both national and international journals. He has been awarded with Young researcher award in 2021 by INSC .
Area of Interest
- Head and neck surgical oncology.
- Microscopic ear surgeries and middle ear implants
- Endoscopic nose and paranasal sinus surgeries
- laryngology
- Paediatric otolaryngology
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MBBS | 2011 | SKIMS –MC/ SKIMS Deemed University | JKMC-11735 | |
MS ENT | 2015 | GMC Srinagar /Kashmir University | DMC-72739 | |
MRCS(ENT) EDINBURGH | 2023 | 252022 | 30-04-2023 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Assistant Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 20-10-2018 | Till Date | |
Senior Resident | HIMSR, New Delhi | 20-10-2015 | 19-10-2018 | 3 Years |
- “Sphenoid Sinus; Variability of its Surrounding Neurovascular Structures". Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 5.5 (2023): 48-52.
- Temporal Bone Carcinoma Mimicking As Malignant Otitis Externa. Seema M, Arun P S, Junaid N M, Shahid R, Ratna p, Khaja N Glob J Otolaryngol. 2017; 9(5): 555773. DOI: 10.19080/GJO.2017.09.555773.
- Bell’s palsy: Our experience and review of 30 cases. Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg .Priya R, Monga S, Malik J, Sharma AP, Shamim H, Rasool S. et al. (2019) 4: DOI: 10.15761/OHNS.1000202.
- Oral Carcinoma in Young-Clinico-Pathological Profile and Survival Outcomes in a North Indian Population. Monga, S & Sharma, A & Malik, Junaid & Priya, Ratna & Rasool, S. (2019). 2. 103
- Correlation between BMI and Oral Cancer: A Hospital Based Case- Control Study. Arun Prakash Sharma, Seema Monga*, Junaid Malik, Khaja Nasereruddin, Shahid Rasool, Ratna Priya. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.2020;12
- A retrospective analysis of thyroid dysfunction following multi-modality treatment of head & neck malignancies. Malik JN, Sharma AP, Monga S, Alam S, Joshi A, Rasool S, Bahadur S. Polish Otorhinolaryngology Review. 2020; 9 (3): 17-22.
- Analysis of the efficacy of the pectoralis major myocutaneous flap in reconstructive head and neck surgery. Arun Parkash Sharma, Junaid Malik, Seema Monga*, Shamsheer Alam, Shahid Rasool, Deepti Agarwal, Sudhir Bahadur. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española,Available online 21 January 2021.
- Inoperable Advanced Head and Neck Cancers: Is COVID-19 Pandemic the Culprit? Our Analysis at a Tertiary Care Hospital; Shahid Rasool* ,Shifa Qureshi, Subashree Velmurgun, Mahwish Fatima, Ayushi Manghani and Khaja Naseeruddin.Int J Med Res Health Sci 2022 11(5): 8-14.
- Palisade Cartilage Tympanoplasty, an Alternative Surgical Approach for CSOM. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology;Shahid Rasool; Shifa Qureshi; Ashima Varshney; Simmi Hasan; Faiza Kokab; Khaja Naseeruddin. ", 34, 4, 2022, 179-183.
- A retrospective analysis of thyroid dysfunction following multi-modality treatment of head & neck malignancies. Malik JN, Sharma AP, Monga S, Alam S, Joshi A, Rasool S, Bahadur S. Polish Otorhinolaryngology Review. 2020; 9 (3): 17-22
- Role of intralesional triamcinolone in preventing recurrence of pseudocyst of auricle. Dr Shahid Rasool, Dr Shahnaz Sheikh, Dr Imran Sheikh,prof. Rafiq Pampori .International Journal of Contemporary Surgery; January-June, Vol.2, No. 1.2014
- Comorbid asthma in allergic rhinitis patients in Kashmir. Dr Biloo SR, Dar FA, Ahmad R, clin Rhinol An Int J;8(3):107-109. 2015
- Traumatic tympanic membrane perforations: an overview in a tertiary care hospital. RA Shahid Rasool , Farooq Ahmad, The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology 32 (No. 3), 187–190;2016
- Schwannoma of Tongue an Unusual and Rare Entity, Shahid R, Seema M, Otolaryngology Open Access Journal 1 (7), 140;2016
- Head and neck cancers: Regional trends in Kashmir. Rasool S, Hussain T, Pampori RA, Patigaroo SA. J Head Neck Physicians Surg 2017;5:13-6.
- Pyriform fossa schwannoma :a rare case report: Khaja Naseeruddin., Seema Monga., Junaid Malik., Ratna Priya., Shahid Rasool and Zeeba Jairajpur, International journal of recent scientific research. A Rare Case Report. Int J Recent Sci Res. 8(6), pp. 17595-1759.
- Primary tubercular otomastoiditis : a diagnostic dilemma: Dr Ratna Priya*, dr Shahid Rasool; INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH.VOLUME 8,ISSUE 7-JULY 2019.
- Management of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Our Experience. Ratna P, Junaid M, Seema M, Shahid R, Humra S, et al. Glob J Oto, 2019; 19(2): 556010
- Cholesteatoma and Facial Canal Dehiscence: A Comparative Prospective Study :Rasool S, Garg R, Tandon A, Khatri S, Priya R, Malik J, et al. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 3(2): 1086; 2020
- Csom with sclerotic mastoids:Does cortical mastoidectomy offer any benefit vis a vis graft uptake and/or hearing outcome. Shahid et al, ACTA SCIENTIFIC OTOLARYNGOLOGY :VOLUME 3,ISSUE 4, APRIL 2021.
- Comparison Between Elisa And Pcr For Detection Of Epstein-Barr Virus In Head And Neck Malignancies. International Journal of Head and Neck Surgery. Shahid et al Int J Head Neck Surg;11(1):6–11. 2020.
- Primary Tuberculosis Of Thyroid Gland: A Rare Case.Shahid et al.International Journal of Current Research 12(05):11621-11622 .June 2020 DOI:10.24941/ijcr.38808.05.2020.
- Head and neck surgical oncology from Tata memorial hospital.
- Head & Neck Surgical Oncology Fellowship (Observership) At Tata Memorial Hospital , Parel Mumbai For A Period Of 4 Weeks. June 2022.
- Young researcher award by institute of scholars 2021 for my work “Comparision between ELISA & PCR for detection of Epstein Barr virus in head and neck malignancies”.
- InSc young researcher award 2021.
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Lifetime Member Of Association Of Otolaryngologists Of India (Aoi)-Delhi Branch.
- MRCS ENT(A) Royal College Of Surgeons England,London.
- Lifetime member of Indian Rhinology Society.
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Presented a rare and advanced sinonasal cavernous haemangioma management in AOI CON delhi chapter,16 -12-2022 at hamdard institute of medicalsciences.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- ENT surgical conclave -2023 in association with ALL INDIA RHINOLOGY SOCIETY. Held at Chandigarh 29-30 April 2023.
- Cme on functional endoscopic sinus surgery ( FESS) AT HAMDARD
- PG CLINCAL MEET aoi con delhi CHAPTER 16 -12-2022 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- Cme On Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery : Department Of Ent & Head And Neck Surgery Hamdard Institute Of Medical Sciences New Delhi, 2nd Nov 2019.
- 11th Annual Ent Conclave 2021 On 5th Sep 2021.
- Revised Basic Course Workshop In Medical Education Technologies;Mci Regional Centre For Medical Education Technologies Maulana Azad Medical College,Delhi On 14th -16th Oct 2019.
- Aetcom Sensitization Programme: Mci Regional Centre For Medical Education Technologies Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi On 17th Oct 2019.
- Ent Conclave 2021, Platinum Jublee Held At Le ,Meridien Hotel New Delhi 21th Nov 2021.
- 21th Annual Conference Of Foundation For Head And Neck Oncology Thiruvananthapuram Kerela,10th To 12th December 2o21
- 33th Annual Meeting Of Indian Rhinlogy Society Rhinocon -2022 Held At Mamc ,New Delhi On 7th- 9th Oct 2022.
- Aiims-Ucms-Uchicago Joint Meeting On -Head And Neck Cancer,Held At Aiims ,New Delhi From 22th- 24th December 2022.
- Department of Ent-Head And Neck Surgery Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.6TH SEP 2015.
- National symposium on thyroid cancer, workshop on thyroid cancer surgery & CME on recent advances in thyroid cancer. Department of Ent-Head and Neck Surgery University College of medical sciences & GTB hospital, New Delhi .Sep 24th 2016
- International federation of head and neck oncologic societies (IFHNOS) GLOBAL CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMME on current concepts in head and neck oncology, held in New Delhi 12th -15th Oct 2016.
- Clinico-Radiological meet held at New Delhi organized by clearMedi healthcare on 19th feb 2017.
- Micro Surgery Of The Ear: Silver Jubilee Workshop , organized department of ENT Sir Ganga Ram hospital, New Delhi.18TH -19TH March 2017.
- SLEEP SURGERY LIVE 2017:Organised by ST. STEPHEN’S HOSPITAL, delhi from 20th to 21th may 2017.
- 7th SGRH FESS WORKSHOP:REVISION SINUS SURGERY. Organised department of ENT Sir Ganga Ram hospital, New Delhi.29TH -30TH july 2017.
- Sinuses and beyond: live surgical workshop sinuses and beyond conducted by MAX SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL SAKET on 5th & 6th August 2017.
- 2ND HANDS ON TEMPORAL BONE DISSECTION WORKSHOP: organised by SGRRIM&HS, Dehradun.As dissector on 25th november 2017.
- CME/symposium ON diagnosis and management of THYROID MALIGNANCIES: Organised by department of Ent & Head And Neck Surgery Hamdard Institue Of Medical Sciences & Research centre on 18th November 2017.
- International conference on surgical updates: department of surgery Hamdard Institue Of Medical Sciences & Research centre on december 18th 2017
- 2nd SGRH SIALENDOSCOPY WORKSHOP:organised by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital new delhi 4th feb 2018.
- Update on Sleep Apnoea and Rhinosinusitis-pulmonology meets otolaryngology:Department of Ent & Head And Neck Surgery and department of pulmonology MAX SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL , SAKET, NEW DELHI on 18th feb 2018.
- Frontal sinus surgery workshop:Held at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital ,New Delhi On 22nd Th April 2018.
- 3D LIVE SURGICAL WORKSHOP ON ENDOSCOPIC SINUS SURGERY: Held at Dr.Shroff’s Charity EYE Hospital ,Daryaganj,New Delhi on 20th may 2018.
- Revised basic course workshop in medical education technologies;MCI REGIONAL CENTRE FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES MAULANA AZAD MEDICAL COLLEGE,DELHI ON 14TH -16TH OCT 2019.
- Curriculum implementation support programme (CISP-II) at HAMDARD INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES NEW DELHI,UNDER MAMC REGIONAL CENTRE ON 23rd to 24th September 2020.