Dr Shafia Nisar Kakroo
MBBS, MD Dermatology, Venerology and Leprosy, MSC Dermatology
Associate professor, Department of Dermatology
Reg. Number: DMC-78887

The love of studying the skin, together with all of its disorders and the new cosmetic procedures that give people new hope, confidence and happiness, encouraged me of becoming a dermatologist and a cosmetic surgeon. I have, had an opportunity to study and work in India and United kingdom. With a working experience of more than 8 years, I find dermatology very interesting.
Area of Interest
- Psoriasis
- Atopic dermatitis
- Acne
- Pediatric dermatology
- Cosmetology
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MD | 2016 | Manipal University | JKMC-1178 | |
MSC | 2013 | Hertfordshire University, United Kingdom | ||
MBBS | 2011 | Jammu University | JKMC-1178 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Associate Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | Present | ||
Assistant Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 21-07-2019. | ||
Senior Resident | HIMSR, New Delhi | 27-04-2017 | 20-07-2019 | 2 Years 3 Months |
Senior Resident | KMC, Manipal | 06-09-2016 | 26-04-2017 | 8 Months |
Registrars | KIMS,Hyderabad | 10-01-2016 | 05-09-2016 | 9 Months |
Junior resident | KMC, Manipal | 01-04-2013 | 01-04-2016 | 3 Years |
Resident | Queen Elizabeth, United kingdom | 25-02-2011 | 06-02-2012 | 1 Year |
- Hand eczema, gender difference. An cross sectional study. International Archives of Biomedical and clinical Research. S N kakru.2020; 10(1):64827-64831.
- Case report on Glomus tumor. International Archives of Biomedical and clinical Research. S N kakru.2020;
- Hanumanthayya K, Kakru N S. Arsenic keratosis – precancerous condition. J.Evid. Based Med. Healthc.2019; 6(36), 2485-2486
- Kakru N S, Hussain S, Beg M A, Raihan MD. Acne Vulgaris and its effect on Quality of Life: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Archives of Biomedical and clinical Research. 2018; 10(1):64827-64831.
- Naik UK S, Kakroo S, Shenoi D S.Wooden Spatula for Pain Reduction in Upper Lip Laser Hair Removal. Journal of cutaneous and Aesthetic surgery.2018; 11(1):38-39
- Kakru N S, Beg M A, Ahraf Jamal.A Study on Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Low Back Pain among Dentists.International Archives of Biomedical and clinical Research.2018;4(2):138-40.
- Kakru N S, Beg M A. Abuse of topical steroids and its consequences: A prospective study. International Archives of Biomedical and clinical Research.2018;4(1):182-5.
- Kakru N S, Beg M A, Gilkar A J. Management of avulsed permanent tooth,knowledge and attitude of parents in Kashmir. International journal of current research. 2018;10(1) 64827-64831
- Beg M A,Raihan MD, Bansode S A, Kakroo S N. Antimicrobial Effect of Non-Thermal Atmospheric Plasma on Streptococcus Mutans -The Key Cariogenic Microorganism in Plaque Biofilm , International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research 2018; 4(2):99-03.
- Kakru N S, Raihan MD, Beg M A, Kakroo B. Efficacy of Oral Tranexamic Acid in the Treatment of Melasma: A Pilot Study. International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research 2017; 3(4):93-6.
- Kakroo SN, Beg MA, Kakroo B, Jamal MA. Evaluation of association between isotretinoin and depression. An open labeeled prospective study, 2020;6 (3): Kakru N S, Beg M A, Kakroo B. Assesment of psychological impact on patients with pityarisis versicolor.International journal of current research.
- Azithromycin versus metronidazole- amoxicillin combination as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal therapy of generalized aggressive periodontitis. Bhat A M, Kakru N S, Beg M A. International Journal of current research.2017,09,11:61400-61403.
- Kakru N S, Beg M A, Kakroo B Study on aplthous ulcer and its association with stress in medical students.2018, 10(01)64835-64899.
- Bhat A M, Beg M A, Kakru N S. Clinical and radiographic evaluation for local drug delivery of chlorhexidine chip in chronic periodonitis.2018 : International Journal of current research.2018;11(03) 69309-69312.
- Bhat A M, Beg M A, Kakru N S.Comparative evaluation of subepiteial connective tissue graft and lateral pedicle flap procedures for root coverage: A clinical study. International Journal of current research.2018;10(04) 69313-69317
- Bhat A M, Beg M A, Kakru N S. Clinical evaluation of surgical versus non surgical therapy in reduction of periodontal pockets: A comparative study. International Journal of current research.2018;10(04) 68761-68763.
- Bhat A M, Beg M A, Kakru N S. Radiovisuographic analysis of interradicular bone loss in furcation involvement of mandibular first molars: International Journal of current research. 2016, 8;05:31883-31886.
- Comparative clinical evaluation of 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwas with an antidiscoloration system versus 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash. Bhat A M, Beg M A, Kakru N S. International Journal of current research. 2017 09;01”45276-45279.
- Comparative evaluation of subepiteial connective tissue graft and lateral pedicle flap procedures for root coverage. International Journal of current research.2018, 10;04:69313-69317.
- Efficacy of the chlorhexidine containing dentifrice on reduction of plaque and gingival inflammation. Bhat A M, Beg M A, Kakru N S International Journal of current research.2017, 09;12:4526-45279.
- Psoraisis and comorbidities. Kakru N.S, Beg M A. . International Archives of Biomedical and clinical Research.2019:10;05:4567-4667.
Research Work & Projects
- Clinical profile of patients with IgA vasculitis in tertiary care hospital.
- Study on psychological impact of pityriasis versicolor.
- Audit on the implementation of NICE guidance CG43 on the management of obesity across the trust, at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham.
- Fellowship in skin biology, Cambridge University, UK.
- Fellowship in photodynamic therapy, Hertfordshire University.
- Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine, ILAMED, Recognised& affiliated to the University of Greifswald Germany
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists- Life Member
- Indian Association of Psychdermatology- Life Member
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Psoriasis and psychological impact, Birmingham University, UK
- Acne and its treatment, Hertfordshire, University, UK
- Lasers and chemical peel, Manipal university.
- Lecture ob biology of skin, Cambridge university, UK.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- Recuurence of fungal infections.
- CME on pediatricdermatology
- Techniques of biopsy
- Techniques of subcutaneous injections.
- workshop on Botox and fillers
- Workshop on invisible face lifting.
- Workshop on acne scar revision
- CME on biologics in psoriasis.
- CME on immunobullous diseases.
- Workshop on lasers.
- Workshop on chemical peels
- International Workshop on Immunobullous diseases
- Medical Education in Paediatric Dermatology
- IADVL, Dermacon 2015, Mangalore
- C.M.E and Workshop on phototherapy
- C.M.E on Dermatopathology.
- Basic life support course
- Advanced life support course