Dr Seema Monga
Professor & HOD, Department of ENT & Head And Neck Surgery
Reg. Number: DMC/R/1923

Dr Seema Monga did her MBBS from prestigious Maulana Azad medical college in 2002. She 0did her MS in ENT from University College of medical sciences in 2007 and continued her senior residency for next 3 years in the same esteemed college. After finishing her senior residency in 2011 she joined Hamdard institute of medical sciences as assistant professor ENT in February 2012.She is currently working as Professor ENT in HIMSR. Her areas of interest include FESS, Ossiculoplasty, Thyroid surgeries, Endoscopic DCR and other Head and neck surgeries. She has a keen interest in teaching and research activities and is actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. She has more than 26 publications in peer reviewed national and international journals and reviewer of two journals. She has also been appointed as examiner for various universities for undergraduate courses and in training of DNB courses. She has also done the Basic course in Biomedical Research and Revised Basic course workshop and CISPII (curriculum implementation support programme) workshops. She is also a MEU member in HIMSR and organised many ENT conferences and CME in HIMSR.
Area of Interest
- Otology
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MS | 2007 | University college of medical sciences | DMC/R/1923 | |
MBBS | 2002 | Maulana Azad Medical college | DMC/R/1923 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 01-01-2022 | Till Date | |
Associate professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 14-08-18 | 31-12-2021 | 3 Years 4months |
Assistant professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 10-02-12 | 14-08-18 | 6years 6months |
Senior resident | University college of medical sciences | 10-07-08 | 09-07-2011 | 3 years |
- Dr Iqbal J, Dr. Monga S, Dr. Agarwal D, et al . Assessment of change in cytokine & chemokine profile with antioxidant therapy in Allergic rhinitis” Res. Jr. of Medical Sciences ISSNOnline:1993-6095|ISSNPrint:1815-9346
- Dr. Monga S and Dr. Agarwal D. Evaluation of DOPS (Direct Observation of Procedural Skills) as an Assessment Method for MBBS Students. Res. J.Med. Sci., 18: 436‐440, doi:10.36478/makrjms.2024.12.436.440
- Dr. Ansari Md Ekbal *, Dr. Khan Z.M, Dr. Monga S. foreign bodies in oesophagus and their management in tertiary. Journal of cardiovascular disease research. ISSN: 0975-3583, 0976-2833 VOL 15, ISSUE 09, 2024.
- Dr. Hasan S1 , Dr Monga S2 , Dr Agarwal D3 , Dr Rasool S4 , Dr Iqbal J5.. Enhancing Tympanoplasty Outcomes: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Type 1 Tympanoplasty with Temporalis Fascia Grafts. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2024; 16(10); 268-275
- Deepti Agarwal 1 , Seema Monga 2 , Arun Parkash Sharma 3. An Educational Intervention Study: Assessing Usefulness of Patient Education and if AR Control Was Affected by Different Methods of Teaching of Nasal Spray Usage, International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 2024; 14(5); 140-145.
- P prabhpreet,Jain A,Monga S.Elastography adjunctive tool to TIRADS in characterisation of Thyroid nodules with cytological correlation.European journal of cardiovascular Medicine .13(2) 2023: 1662-69
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma A, Agarwal D, Priya R,Nasseruddin K.(April 04,2022) Management of Fungal Rhinosinusitis: Experience From a Tertiary Care Centre in North India.Cureus 14(4):e23826.DOI 10.7759/cureus.23826
- Khowal S, Monga S, Naqvi Husain S, Wajid S, Systemic aftermaths of Tobacco addiction on the Physiological composite of human Secretome and the Prognostic potential of U2AF26 in oral Cancers, Advances in cancer Biology Metastasis, Available online 10th Nov 2022, 100075.
- Bahadur S, Sharma A, Malik J, Monga S. Preservation of eye in carcinoma of the nose and paranasal sinuses- A critical review. J Head Neck Physicians Surg.2022; 10: 26-9.
- Monga S, Malik J, Sharma A, et al. (April 04, 2022) Management of Fungal Rhinosinusitis: Experience from a Tertiary care Centre in North India. Cureus 14(4): e23826. doi; 10.7759/cureus,23826.
- Some Interesting and Rare presentation of Common Foreign Bodies in Otorhinolaryngology: A case Series. Dr. Seema Monga1, Dr. Arun P. Sharma2, Dr. Deepti Agarwal3. International Journal of Science and Research. Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022.
- Molecular winnowing, expressional analysis and interactome serutiny of cellular proteomes of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Sapna khowal, Seema Monga. Advances in Cancer Biology - Metastasis. Online 9th June 2021.
- Unusual Presentation of primary Head and Neck tuberculosis and review of literature. Seema Monga, Junaid Malik, Neetu Shree, Simmi Hasan, Abhinav Jain. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis June 2021 (accepted).
- Lakhsmi Vaid, Seema Khanna, P. P Singh .Impact of nasal polyps on quality of life of chronic sinusitis patients. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery; 2007; 59(2): 136–141.
- Seema Monga, Junaid Nasim Malik, Arun Prakash Sharma, Sujata Jetley. Spoaradic Burkitt’s lymphoma of the parapharyngeal space in a immunocompetent adult Indian male. Ijms. 2013; 5(1).
- Seema Monga, Junaid Nasim Malik, Arun Parkash Sharma .Schwannoma Tongue. Journal of case reports 2013; 3(2); 220-222.
- Seema Monga, Junaid Nasim, Arun Parkash Sharma,Sujata Jetley. Diagnostic dilemma of polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma: review and case report of hard palate. Journal of case reports 2014; 4(1); 91-94.
- Safia Rana, Seema Monga, Sujata Jetley Sabina Khan, Shaan Khetrapal Tubercular abscess of the lower lip: a rare case of mistaken identity. Our Dermatology Online. 2014; 5(2): 169-171.
- Malik JN, Jan S, Monga S, Bahadur S. Sinonasal tuberculosis: Report of three atypical cases. Indian journal tuberculosis 2015 ( accepted) ISSN: 0019-5707
- Shahid R, Monga S, Malik J, Bahadur S. Schwannoma of Tongue an Unusual and Rare Entity. Otolaryngol Open Access J 2016, 1(7): 000140
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma AP, Jan S. Acute Tuberculous Abscess of the Larynx --- An Unusual Presentation. Acta Otorrinolaringol Espanola 2016;67(1):54-56.
- Mohammad Jaseem Hassan, Safia Rana, Sabina Khan, Zeeba Shamim Jairajpuri, Seema Monga, Abhinav Jain, Sujata Jetley. An Incidental Primary Papillary Carcinoma arising in a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst :Reoprt of rare finding. 2016 Journal of Laboratory physiciansMohammad Jaseem Hassan, Safia Rana, Sabina Khan, Zeeba Shamim Jairajpuri, Seema Monga, Abhinav Jain, Sujata Jetley. An Incidental Primary Papillary Carcinoma arising in a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst :Reoprt of rare finding. 2016 Journal of Laboratory physicians
- S .Monga, Junaid Nasim Malik, S. Jan, S. Bahadur, S. Jetley, H. Kaur. Clinical Study of extrapulmonary head and neck tuberculosis in an urban setting. Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 2017;37 ; 1-8
- Kochhar A, Banday J,Ahmad Z, Monga S, Vajifdar H. Pregabalin in Monitored Anesthesia Care for Ear – Nose- Throat Surgery. Anaesthesia essays and Researches 2017;11:350-3
- Pyriform Fossa Schwanomma : A rare case report K. Naseeruddin Seema Monga Junaid Malik ,Ratna Priya International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017;8(6)17595-17597
- Temporal bone carcinoma mimicking as malignant otitis externa . Seema Monga, A P Sharma Junaid Malik S Rasool Ratna Priya Global journal of otolaryngology 2017;9(5):555773
- Khowal S, Naqvi S, Monga S, Jain SK. Assessment of cellular and serum proteome from tongue squamous cell carcinoma patient lacking addictive proclivities for tobacco, betel nut, and alcohol : case study. Journal cell Biochemistry 2018; 1-36
- Stylalgia Revisited: Clinical Profile and management. Malik JN, Monga S, Sharma AP, Nabi N, Naseeruddin K. . Iran J Otorhinolaryngol. 2018;30(101):335-340.
- Management of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Our Experience. Ratna Priya, Junaid Malik*, Seema Monga, Shahid Rasool, Humra Shamim and Khaja Naseeruddin. Glob J Otolaryngol Jan2019(2):1-3
- Priya R, Monga S, Malik J, Sharma AP, Shamim H, et al. (2019) Bell’s palsy: Our experience and review of 30 cases. Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 4: DOI: 10.15761/OHNS.1000202
- Shahid Rasool, Seema Monga , Junaid Malik, Sudhir Bahadur A rare case of left vocal cord palsy due to aortic arch aneurysm:Ortners syndrome. Clinical Rhinology An International Journal. 2019
- Monga S, Sharma AP, Malik JN, Priya R, et al . Oral carcinoma in Young – clinicopathological profile and survival outcomes in a north Indian Population. Journal of Otolaryngology Studies. 2(1):103
- Monga, S., Malik, J., Sharma, A. P., Jan, S., Nabi, N., & Bahadur, S. (2019). Deranged Pulmonary Function Tests in Allergic Rhinitis in North Indian Patients. Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma A, Priya R P et al. Mucocele of the frontal sinus revisited. Pol Otorhino Rev 2020; 9 (2) : 1-5; 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1998
- Arun Prakash Sharma, Seema Monga*, Junaid Malik, Khaja Nasereruddin, Shahid Rasool, Ratna Priya. Correlation between BMI and Oral Cancer: A Hospital Based Case- Control Study. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.2020;12 (online first).
- Malik JN, Sharma AP, Monga S, Alam S, Joshi A, Rasool S, Bahadur S. A retrospective analysis of thyroid dysfunction following multi-modality treatment of head & neck malignancies. Polish Otorhinolaryngology Review. 2020; 9 (3): 17-22.
- Arun Parkash Sharma, Junaid Malik, Seema Monga*, Shamsheer Alam, Shahid Rasool, Deepti Agarwal, Sudhir Bahadur. Analysis of the efficacy of the pectoralis major myocutaneous flap in reconstructive head and neck surgery, Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española,Available online 21 January 2021
Research Work & Projects
- A cross sectional study on risk factor and quality of life analysis of oral cavity cancer reported in patients attending ENT Department of a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Delhi
- A Cross Sectional Study On Correlation Between Comorbidities And Microbiological Profile Of Surgical Site Infections In Postoperative Oral Cancer Patient
- Role of OtoAcoustic emission OAE as a newborn hearing screening test in high risk newborn babies in our centre
- Role of gene expert in head and neck tuberculosis
- Role of ultrasound in head and neck swellings
- Investigations of fungal sinusitis
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Delhi Medical Council registration number : DMC/R/1923
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Dr Seema chaired a session on 8th March 2025 at Masterclass on laryngopharyngeal cancer at MAMC New Delhi.
- Dr Seema chaired a session on biological in Allergic rhinitis at WAIO conference on 16th Feb 2025 at Apollo hospital New Delhi
- Dr Seema monga gave a talk on 5 th December 2024 at MAMC at ENT update on Pure tone audiometry and impedance.
- Dr Seema monga was a panelist in a Panel discussion on Conductive Hearing loss surgical solutions at HAICON at World medical college on 30 November 2024
- Dr Seema monga was a judge at poster presentation at HAICON at World medical college Jajhar on 30 November 2024
- Dr Seema Monga gave a lecture on “Clinical and practical teaching skill” in a workshop of MEU on 20th September 2024 at HIMSR
- Dr Seema monga participated as a “Panellist on Panel discussion on Modified Radical Mastoidectomy” at AOICON 2024 organised by MAMC, New Delhi on 27th September 2024
- Dr Seema Monga delivered a lecture on audiology at Audiology meet at MAMC on 7 th August 2024
- Dr. Seema Monga Chaired a session on 10th March 2024 at Apollo hospital in women Association of Otolaryngologist in India.
- Dr Seema monga took a lecture on Audiology on 11 th December 2023 at Maulana Azad medical college in ENT update
- Dr Seema monga took a lecture on 8 th December 2023 at UCMS, New Delhi at CME on Allergic rhinitis
- Dr. Seema Monga took a lecture on 4 th November 2023 on Pure tone Audiometry in Audiology Update conference in MAMC, New Delhi.
- Dr Seema Monga judged video award session on 22 nd September 23 at AOICON at lady Hardinge Medical college.
- Dr Seema monga chaired a session on 23 rd September at AOICON at lady Hardinge Medical college.
- Dr. Seema Monga judged a poster session on 17 th September 2023 at Mentors summit at India Habitat centre, New delhi.
- lecture on Introduction to Otolaryngology in Transitional curriculum programme held at SUMER Jamia Hamdard on 23rd March 2023.
- lecture on audiology at MAMC at ENT Update, 11th December 2021
- Took a lecture on Diagnostic endoscopy training at Unani on 22 nd Dec. at School of Unani education and research, Jamia Hamdard.
- Took a lecture on Audiology at 11 th ENT update on 27 th Nov at MAMC.
- Dr. Seema Monga chaired a session on Rhinoplasty in RHINOCON 9 th Oct. 2022 at MAMC.
- Dr. Seema took a lecture on Varied presentation of tuberculosis in ENT in AOICON conference on 28 th August 2022 in MAMC.
- Chaired a session at AOICOM, New Delhi on 10th September 2021.
- Gave two lecture on Revised Basic Course Workshop, HIMSR in August 2021.
- Gave a lecture on “Granulomatous Diseases of Nose & Paranasal Sinus” in a webinar of NBE on 9th October 2020
- 2020 : E-poster on Bell ’s palsy in Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Conference
- 2019: Provided a lecture on Ana tomy of Paranasal sinus in CME on FESS at HIMSR in November 2019
- 2015: Provided a session on Diagnosis and assessment of Carcinoma Oral cavity and oropharynx.
- 2014 and 2015: Reviewed few articles for Indian journal of medical specialities.
- 2014 AOICON: Sinonasal tuberculosis
- 2014 AOICON: Spindle cell carcinoma
- 2014: Burkitt’s lymphoma of parapharyngeal space
- 2014: Acted as a Judge in a Postgraduate paper presentation in state conference in Agra.
- 2014: Provided a session on diagnosis and examination of carcinoma larynx in CME on carcinoma on larynx and hypopharynx in Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research.
- 2008: Presented a paper on impact of nasal polyp on quality of life of chronic rhinosinusitis patients.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- Event organized Association of Otolaryngologists monthly clinical meet on 16 th Dec. At LT-1 HIMSR.
- Organized RBCW workshop at HIMSR on 24th August 2021.
- Organized online AET Com workshop for MBBS students in July 2021.
- November 2019: Organised a CME ( Organising secretory ) on FESS at HIMSR (Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research), New Delhi.
- March 2015: Organised a CME (Organising Secretary) on Carcinoma of Oral cavity, Orophyrynx at HIMSR (Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research), New Delhi.
- February 2015: Chaired a session on mukut saharia award paper in AOICON, New Delhi.
- 2014, 2015: Acted as reviewer in Short Term Student Projects In Indian Council of Medical Research.
- 2014: Acted as Organising Secretary of CME on Carcinoma on larynx and Hypopharynx at HIMSR, New Delhi, 2014.
- 2004-2007: As a senior Resident attended various conferences and helped in organizing many conferences in my hospital ( postgraduation )on ossiculoplasty and sialendoscopy.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- Revised Basic Course Workshop In Medical Education Technologies HIMSR 6th -8th April 2021
- Curriculum Implementation Support Program HIMSR , New Delhi 01st -3 rd May 2019
- Workshop on “CLINICAL RESEARCH” HIMSR, New Delhi 16th May 2017