Dr. Nidhi Gupta
Associate professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Reg. Number: DMC-50193

I am Dr. Nidhi Gupta working as Assistant Professor in Obst & Gynae
Area of Interest
- Adolescent health, Preventive Oncology
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MBBS | 2008 | Shri M P shah Medical College, Jamnagar. Saurashtra University | DMC- 50193 | |
M.S (Obstetrics& Gynaecology) | 2013 | Vardhamanmahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University | DMC- 50193 | |
DNB | 2014 | DMC- 50193 | ||
MRCOG | 2023 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Associate Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 01-01-2022 | Till Date | |
Assistant Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 27-08-2016 | 31-12-2021 | 5 Years 4 Months |
Senior Resident | HAHC & VMMC | 10-07-2013 | 17-07-2016 | 3 Years |
- Gupta N, Sharma S, Nigam A, Panasar S, Kumar S. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women attending tertiary care centre: A cross -sectional study. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2023; 00:1- 8. doi:10.1002/ijgo.14794
- Gupta N, Nigam A, Bedi N, Bhardwaj N, Panesar S. Effect of coronavirus-19 infection on maternal and perinatal outcome: A case control study. Obstetric Medicine. 2022;15 (2):125-129. doi:10.1177/1753495X211041482
- Tripathi, R., Gupta, N., Mazhari, F. et al. A Prospective Study to determine if Management of Cases of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) can be modified. J Obstet Gynecol India (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13224-021-01507-9.
- Gupta N, Varun N et al. Determinants of STI’s and contraceptive awareness among Indian adolescents: A hospital-based study. The New Indian journal of OBGYN. 7th sept, 2020. Epub ahead of print
- Adolescent Sexual Behaviour and Its Determinants: A Hospital Based Study. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 2020.
- Gupta N, Srivastava A, Varun N, Anwar A, Nigam A. A prospective study on profile of gynaecological problems in adolescent girls at a tertiary care centre. Int.J. school. Health. 2020; 7 (4): 23-28.
- Study on prevalence and severity of urogenital complaints in postmenopausal women at a tertiary care hospital. hospital. Nidhi Gupta, Manju Aggarwal, Renuka Sinha, Neha Varun. J Mid-life Health 2018; 9:130-4.
- Prevalence of gestational thrombocytopenia and its effect on maternal and fetal outcome. Vijay Zutshi, Nidhi Gupta N, Renu Arora, SupriyaDhanker. Iraqi J Hematol 2019; 8:21-4.
- A retrospective study of endometrial histopathology in abnormal uterine bleeding patients. Neha Varun*, Nidhi Gupta, Sana Khan. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Oct;7(10):4116-4119.
- Study on bone health in postmenopausal women at a tertiary care hospital. Nidhi Gupta, Pallavi, Renuka Sinha, Farhat Mazhari.IJOGR June2018; 5(2): 172-175.
- Efficacy of Amnitear vs conventional method forARM.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Nidhi Gupta et al. 2018 Jun, Vol-12(6):18-20.
- Review of Critically Ill Obstetric Patients Requiring Intensive Care: ARetrospective Study. Sumitra Bachani, Vijay Zutshi, Nidhi Gupta, SwatiShivhare. Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Volume 5Number 4, October - December 2017, 529-534.
- Intra-operative uterine scar condition and feto-maternal outcome inpatients of previous lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) with scartenderness. Nidhi Gupta, Renuka Sinha. Int J Res Med Sci. 2017Nov;5(11):4911-4914.
- Knowledge, attitude and practice study on immediate postpartumintrauterine contraceptive device method of family planning. NidhiGupta, Renuka Sinha, Abha Mangal. Int J Community Med PublicHealth. 2017 Aug;4(8):2981-2984.
- Clinical profile of dengue infection in pregnancy – A hospital-basedstudy. Aruna Nigam, Nidhi Gupta, Pikee Saxena. Indian Journal ofMedical Specialities. 2016: 7 (4) ;160-162.
- A randomized study for two techniques of immediate post-partumintrauterine contraceptive device insertion in India. Nidhi Gupta, RenukaSinha, Shashi Prateek. Int J Reprod contracept obstetgynaecol. 2014; 3(2): 398-402.
- Gupta N, De A, Gupta N.Analysis of success of vaginal birth after cesarean inrelation to indication of primary caesarean section: atertiary care experience. Int J Reprod ContraceptObstetGynecol2019; 8:4440-3.
- De A, Gupta N, Jain A, Tripathi R. Elusive Presentations of Female Genital Tuberculosis: A Case Series.2020 December [Cited December22, 2020]; 14(12):QR01-QR04. Available from:http://www.jcdr.net//back_issues.asp?issn=0973-709x&year=2020&month=December&volume=14&issue=12&page=QR01&id=14381 doi:10.7860/JCDR/2020/45821/14381.
- Elahi AA, Nigam A, Sharma S, Gupta N, Varun N, Gupta N, De A, Tripathi R. Outcome of Conservative Laparoscopic Approach in Pediatric and Adolescent Ovarian Torsion: Retrospective Cohort Study. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2020;3(2):77-81. Case reports &review article
- Nigam A, Gupta N, Jain A, Nigam A. Absent inferior venacava and anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome: Compounding risk factor for deep vein thrombosis and recurrent pregnancy loss. Indian J Med Spec 2019; 10:219-21.
- Managing Septicaemic Shock and Assessment of Postpartum Sepsis.Nidhi Gupta, Aruna Nigam. AOGD Bulletin. June 2017: 17(2); 19-22.
- Unilateraltubo-ovarian agenesis with contralateral adnexal torsion in apremenarchal girl. Nidhi Gupta, Aruna Nigam, Reva Tripathi, Arpita De. BMJ Case Rep Published Online First: 22 april 2018,doi:10.1136/bcr-2017-224157.
- Primary amenorrhoea and clitoromegaly in a nulliparous woman: successful medical and surgical management. Aruna Nigam, Arifa Anwar Elahi, Neha Varun, Nidhi Gupta. BMJ CaseRep. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-226122.
- Ruptured choledochal cyst during early pregnancy with successfulfetomaternal outcome. Neha Varun, Arifa Anwar Elahi, Nidhi Gupta,Aruna Nigam. BMJ Case Rep 1 april 2018. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-224357.
- Nidhi Gupta, Farhat Mazhari*, Neha Varun, Reva Tripathi. Variedclinical presentations of scar endometriosis: case reports. Int J ReprodContracept ObstetGynecol 2018;7:2968-70.
- Parasitic fibroid during Pregnancy: A Diagnostic Dilemma (RareCase Report)Neha Varun, Arifa A. Elahi, Aruna Nigam, Nidhi Gupta. Indian Journalof Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2017;4(4):458-459.
- A rare case of Meckel-Gruber syndrome: Antenatal diagnosis.Nidhi Gupta, Seema Singhal. J Cases ObstetGynecol, 2017;4(3):72-75.
- Misplaced IUCD: a case report. Neha Varun*, Aruna Nigam, NidhiGupta. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Nov;6(11):5155-5157.
- A Rare Variant of Carcinoma Cervix “Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma”– Case and Brief Review of Literature. Nidhi Gupta, Neha Varun, Sabinakhan, Chandna Bhatt, Farhat Mazhari. EC Gynaecology 6.2 (2017): 62-66.
- Congenital pulmonary stenosis in pregnancy with favourable fetomaternal outcome: A Case report. Nidhi Gupta et al. Schlr J Med Caserep 2014; 2(4): 267-269.
- Negative urine pregnancy test in a molar pregnancy: it is possible?Aruna Nigam, Archana Kumari, Nidhi Gupta. BMJ Case Rep 2014. Doi:10.1136/bcr-2014-206483.
- A rare cause of secondary post-partum haemorrhage-hyperactive Placental site. Nidhi Gupta et al, Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., 2014;2(6A):1951-1953.
- Calcium preparations available in the market: which one tochoose? Kadambini orthopaedic & spine trust, newsletter 1(3), 2013.
- Baishali Jain, Nidhi Gupta. HPV - Structure Decoded. e-Newsletter- ISCCP, Newsletter of Indian Society of Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology (Reg.). Volume 9 | Issue 4 | October - December 2019.
- “Common gynecological problems” as course contents for Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH) programme, IGNOU
- “Pain during pregnancy” as course contents for Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH) programme, IGNOU
- Nigam A, Gupta N. Effect of tobacco on female reproductive organs. In Tobacoo and related health hazards Ed by Prakash A, Talukdar T published by Evangel publications First edition 2019; 91-99.
- Nigam A, Gupta N. Fetal Monitoring in Preterm Labor. Ed by Prakash A, Talukdar T published by Evangel publications First edition 2020; 102-106.
Research Work & Projects
- Thesis guide – To study the Foetal Pulmonary artery Doppler changes in pregnancies complicated with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy: A case control study
- Comparative Study on effectiveness of combination of mifepristone & misoprostol with only misoprostol in missed abortion
- FICOG- Fellowship in Indian College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- FICMCH - Fellowship in Indian College of Maternal & Child health
- Fellowship in minimal invasive surgery
- Women Researcher Award Nov 2022
- Research Excellence Award Dec 2022
- IESRF young researcher award March 2023, 5 th national editors summit “ Unleashing the change in publication scenario”
- Best Editor award March 2023, 5 th national editors summit “ Unleashing the change in publication scenario”
- Have won GOLD MEDAL at 39th annual conference of association of obstetricians and gynaecologists of Delhi 2017 for poster presentation.
- Have won “Dr Batra’s 3rd prize “in quiz on “Medical disorders of pregnancy” in 34th annual conference of association of obstetricians and gynaecologists of Delhi, 2012.
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- National Association for reproduction and child health of India, NARCHI- 1302
- Member of Association of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists of Delhi (AOGD)
- Member of Federation of Gynaecological Society of India. (FOGSI), lifetime FOGSI number is 20132170.
- Delhi Association of gynaecology endoscopy society. (DGES)
- Indian Association of Gynaecology endoscopy. (IAGE)
- Indian society of colposcopy and cervical pathology (ISCCP)
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Guest speaker on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in Deshbandhu College on 23 july 2021 under aegis of DBT star college scheme & IQAC.
- As External examiner for undergraduates at Vardhmann Mahavir medical college (VMMC) & Safdarjung hospital in March 2022.
- ACSCON 2022- India Chapter held on 6-7 th august, 2022. As a panellist “Recent advances in cervical cancer screening”
- As a panelist on “Revisiting the basics” organised by ISCCP as academic webinar series on 13 th Aug 2022.
- Moderator on cancer cervix organised by Delhi PG Forum in association with AOGD on 19 th dec, 2022.
- As External examiner for undergraduates at PT.B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, in Feb 2023.
- To judge oral presentations in 26th Annual Conference of the National Association for reproduction and child health of India, NARCHI, held on 23rd November, 2019 at New Delhi.
- To judge oral presentations in 41st Annual Conference AOGD, 28th-29th September 2019, New Delhi.
- To judge poster presentation in 42nd Annual Conference AOGD, November2020, New Delhi.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- Organised CME cum WORKSHOP on “Managing postpartum haemorrhage: Concept, practice & advances” and delivered a lecture on balloon tamponade along with free flow system on 10 th sept, 2022.
- Organised as organising secretory CME cum hands on workshop during pancea- pre anastomosis conference on ‘Screening and management of Pre-Cancerous Lesions’ in collaboration with HIMSR anastomosis on 15 th nov 2022 and delivered a lecture on ‘Basics in Colposcopy’.
- Organised a conference ‘Gynae- surgicon’ and delivered a lecture on “cystectomy & salpingectomy” on 3 rd -4 th dec, 2022.
- Organised as organising secretory a full day CME on “Comprehensive practical course in Obstetrics & Gynaecology” on 1st April, 2023 at demo room of department of obstetrics & gynaecology.
- Organised as organising secretory online course on “Comprehensive practical course in Obstetrics & Gynaecology” on 30 th march -2 nd april, 2023.
- Resource person in Training of trainers’ program on “Visual Inspection with acetic acid for screening of cervical cancer”, Rufaida College of Nursing, Jamia Hamdard, March 2018.
- Delivered lecture on “visual methods of screening of cervical lesions” on 10/4/18 in CME cum Workshop on “overview of cervical lesions and management guidelines” at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard University.
- WHI Laparoscopy training course, AIIMS, June 2018
- Delivered lecture on “Minor procedures & gynaecological examination” in CME cum workshop on skills in Obstetrics &Gynecology at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard university on 8/05/2018.
- Delivered lecture on “Balloon tamponade for PPH” in CME CUM workshop on Science and Art of Obstetric skills at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard university on 21/7/18
- Capacity building workshop of project” Integration of maternal, infant and young child nutrition in MBBS curriculum”, HIMSR & HAHC, Aug 2018.
- Participated in health camp organised at PHC, Surajkund, 2018.
- 1st National Hamdardian Obstetrics and Gynecology Quiz “Obscura”, 25th April, 2019 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research.
- CME cum Workshop on “Science and art of Obstetric skills”, 21st July, 2019 at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi
- Pre-congress workshop “Obstetric skill workshop”, 41st Annual Conference AOGD, 27th September 2019.
- Pre-congress workshop “CTG: Basics to advanced”, 42nd Annual Conference AOGD, 29th November, 2020.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- COVID 19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant females at a tertiary care centre: A cross sectional study. NARCHICON 2022. 15 th World congress, 23 rd Indian conference, 28 th Annual conference. 23 rd to 25 th sept, 2022.
- Paper presentation on “Unusual adnexal mass: Young infertile female”. 44 th Annual AOGD conference on 12 th -13 th November, 2022 organised by MAMC.
- Paper presented on Effectiveness of Mifepristone and misoprostol in comparison of misoprostol alone in missed abortion. AICOG 2023. 65 th All India Congress Obstetrics & Gynaecology held on 4-8 January, 2023.
- Delivered lecture on “Balloon tamponade for PPH” in CME CUM workshop on Science and Art of Obstetric skills at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard University on 30th oct 2021.
- Public Forum on Cancer prevention. 8th March, 2022.
- Organised Basic Skills in Obstetrics & Gynaecology for undergraduates and delivered a lecture on Balloon tamponade. 7th May, 2022.
- Organised Menstrual Hygiene Day (skit presentation and installation of senitary napkin vending machine. 27th May, 2022.
- Awareness & Celebration of world population day. 15th july 2022.
- National Polio Surveillance project – INDIA at Rajkot, 2009.
- Hospital waste disposal and management course, 2010.
- 14th Practical course & CME in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Maulana Azad Medical College and Lok Nayak Hospital,Delhi
- 14th Practical course & CME in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Maulana Azad Medical College and Lok Nayak Hospital,Delhi
- North Zone YuvaFogsi& 7th AOGCG 2011.
- CME in Obstetrics &Gynaecology atVardhaman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital under aegis of FORCE 2011.
- Contraceptive update at PGIMER &Dr.RMLHospital, NewDelhi, 2011.
- National conference on Gynae Endocrinology organized by GESI at AIIMS 2011
- 34th Annual conference of Obstetrician & Gynaecologists of Delhi, 2012.
- Ethicon suture practicum at Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education.
- 55th All India Conference of Obstetricians &Gynaecology, 2012.
- 17th Functionary of Indian Menopause Society ,IMSCON,2012
- 13. National Association for Reproductive & Child Health of India 2012.
- 14. CME cum workshop on “Current concepts in cervical cancer prevention “at VMMC &SJH, 2012.
- National CME in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at AIIMS, 2012.
- 56th All India Conference of Obstetrician &Gynaecology, 2013.
- North Zone YuvaFogsi 2014.
- Fetal Echo Screening Course at Delhi Child Heart Centre
- 38th Annual conference of Obstetrician & Gynaecologists of Delhi, 2016
- National Association for Reproductive & Child Health of India 2017.
- DGES Conference, 2017
- 39th Annual conference of Obstetrician & Gynaecologists of Delhi, 2017
- “Legends Go Live” Pelvic surgery workshop & CME by Sunrise Hospital, July 2017.
- 25th annual conference of DDF, DIABCON 2017.
- “National workshop on QUALITY IMPROVEMENT strategies to improve quality of care of adolescents in health facilities” held on 3rd March, 2020 at New Delhi.
- 26th Annual Conference of the National Association for reproduction and child health of India, NARCHI, held on 23rd November, 2019 at New Delhi.
- 41st Annual Conference AOGD, 28th-29th September 2019, New Delhi.
- “4K Lap Gynecology Safety Workshop” held on 8th September,2019 at New Delhi.
- “Breaking Silos Across: Adolescence to Menopause” held on 10-11 august, 2019.