Dr. Musharraf Husain
Professor, Department of Surgery
Reg. Number: DMC-51335

Dr. Musharraf Husain is presently working as Professor and Head, Department of surgery, HIMSR. He graduated in medicine (MBBS) from prestigious JNMC (AMU) in 1997 and was awarded gold medal for outstanding performance during the course. He obtained his Master’s in Surgery (MS) from the same institution in 2002, after which he was conferred a Diplomate from national board of examination (DNB) in 2003. Dr. Musharraf has a vast teaching experience of more than 18 years at both graduate and postgraduate level and is also the examiner for the same. He has more than 50 research publications in various national and international journals and also authored two monographs on the topic of Intra-abdominal infections. He has delivered many talks and guest lectures at multiple national and international platforms
Area of Interest
- Laparoscopic
- Colorectal Surgery
- Medical Education
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MRCS | 2005 | Royal College of Surgeons | ||
DNB | 2003 | National Board of Examination | DMC-51335 | 01-11-2011 |
MS | MS | JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh | DMC-51335 | 01-11-2011 |
MBBS | 1999 | JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh | DMC-51335 | 01-11-2011 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Professor and Head | HIMSR, New Delhi | 29-11-2015 | Till Date | |
Associate Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 29-11-2012 | 28-11-2015 | 3 Years |
Assistant Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 29-06-2012 | 28-11-2012 | 5 Months |
Assistant Professor | JNMCH, Aligarh | 30-09-2010 | 28-09-2010 | 5 Months |
Assistant Professor | KKU, Abha | 01-10-2008 | 29-09-2010 | 2 Years |
Assistant Professor | HIHT, Dehradun | 29-07-2005 | 30-09-2008 | 3 Years 2 Months |
Senior Resident | JNMCH, Aligarh | 13-06-2002 | 12-06-2005 | 3 Years |
- Khan S, Trisal M, Husain M, Khetrapal S, Hassan J, Jetley S. Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm of the Pancreas - A rare entity with emphasis on the differential diagnosis.. Trop J Pathol Microbiol. 2021;7(1):60-64
- Tariq Hameed, Musharraf Husain, Sudhir Kumar K Jain, Chandra B singh, Sabina Khan. Online Medica Teaching in COVID 19 Era: Experience and Perception of Undergraduate Students. MEDICA-a Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020;15(4):489-93
- Jaseem Hassan, Tajamul Rashid, Musharraf Husain. Aorectal malignant amelanotic melanoma: Report of a rare aggressive primary tumor. Accepted in Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics.
- Sabina Khan, Inara Abeer, Musharraf Husain, Mohd Jaseem Hassan, Sujata Jetley. Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis mimicking advanced gallbladder carcinoma- Analysis of 8 cases. Ahead of print in Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics.
- Trisal M, Khan S, Husain M, Hassan MJ, Ahmad N, Jetley S. Glomus tumor of uncertain malignant potential in the arm of an elderly female – Report of an unusual case. Indian J Dermatopathol Diagn Dermatol 2020;7:88-91
- Musharraf Husain, Sabina Khan, Dinesh Badyal. Integration in Medical Education. Indian Paediatrics 2020;57:842-47
- Sabina Khan, Musharraf Husain, Jaseem Hassan, Sujat Jetley. Ultrasound guided Cytodiagnosis of Primary Squamous cell Carcinoma of gall bladder- A reprt of two cases. IP archives of Cytology and Histopathology Research 2020;5(3):251-53
- Altaf J, Rashid T, Husain M, Arif M, Ahmed M. Tumoral calcinosis, a diagnostic dilemma: a case report. Int J Adv Med. 2020 Aug;7(8):1286-1289
- Altaf J, Rashid T, Husain M, Alam M, Ahmad M. Double Inferior Vena Cava: A Case Report. Am J Surg Tech Case Rep. 2020;1(1):1005.
- Nehal Ahmad, Sabina Khan, Jaseem Hassan, Musharraf Husain , Sujata Jetley. Breast Filariasis presenting with Multiple lumps - A Rare Cytological Diagnosis' Accepted in Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology
- Sabina Khan, Mohd Jaseem Hassan, Musharraf Husain, Sujata Jetley. Interesting and Unusual lesions diagnosed on Breast Cytology – Be Aware of the Rare. Acta Cytologica 2019;63(suppl 1):4
- Sabina Khan, Mohd Jaseem Hassan, Musharraf Husain, Sujata Jetley.Video Projected Practical Examination as an introducing formative assessment tool in Pathology. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology 62(1):79-83;2019
- Jyotsana H Gaur, Sabina Khan, Jaseem Hasan, S Jetley, Musharraf Husain. Adenomatous polyp of Gallbladder: A rare presentation in HCV positive patient. IJPRP 2017;6:998-1001
- Monal T, Sabina K, Jaseem H, Sujata J, Musharraf H. Clear cell sarcoma in an elderly female-A rare case report with letrature review. Journalof Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology 2017;2:37-39
- S Khan, M J Hassan, Z H Jairajpuri, S Jetley, M Husain. Clinicopathological Study of Eosinophilic Cholecystitis: Five year single institution experience. JCDR 2017;11:20-23
- Musharraf Husain , Huda Islam, Sabina Khan, Raja Nadeem. Modified Alvarado’s Score incorporating C-reactive protein for Acute Appendicitis. International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research 2017;3:
- Ahmad MM, Nadeem R, Husain M, Ahmad INM. Stapled haemmorhoidopexy versus open haemorrhoidectomy: our initial experience. Int Surg J 2017;4:1672-7.
- Raja Nadeem , Musharraf Husain, Aijaz A wani , Firdous ahmad . Mini Hydrocelectomy – Outcome of A Short Term Study and Comparison with Conventional Jaboulays Technique. International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research 2017;3: Issue 2
- Husain M, Khan Sabina. Students’ feedback: An effective tool in teachers’ evaluation system. Int J App Basic Med Res 2016;6:178-81
- Husain M, Khan S. Early Clinical Exposure-When and How-A student’s Perspective. Journal of Research in Medical Education and Ethics 2015;5:179-83
- Husain M, Khan S, Hassan MJ, Hepatic tuberculosis mimicking metastasis in a case of carcinoma sigmoid colon. J Lab Physicians 2015;7:64-6
- S Bahadur, M Pujani, S Jetley, MJ Hassan, S Khetrapal, M Husain. Coexistent axillary hydatid diseaseand tuberculosis: Case report of an extremely rare occurrence. J Cytol 2014;31:32-35
- 24. S Khan, S Jetley, Z Jairajpuri, M Husain. Fibromatosis Colli - A Rare Cytological Diagnosis In Infantile Neck Swellings JCDR 2014;8:FD08-FD09
- Musharraf Husain, Sabina Khan, Ashraf Bhat, Firdoos Hajini. Accessory breast tissue mimicking pedunculated lipoma BMJ Case Reports 2014; doi:10.1136/bcr-2014-204990
- Firdoos F Hajini, Husain M, Bhatt A, Bukhari I A. Gastric diverticulum a rare endoscopic finding. BMJ Case Reports Published 1 April 2014; doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-202887
- Das SS, Husain M, Bhat A, Hajini F (2014) Phytobezoar Causing Terminal Ileal Obstruction– Can Enterotomy be Avoided?. JSM Clin Case Rep 2(2): 1024.
- Khan S, Husain M, Ansari MM (2014) Sebaceous Gland carcinoma - Case Report and Literature Review. JSM Clin Case Rep 2(2): 1025
- MJ Hassan, Z Jairajpuri, S Jetley, S Khan, M Husain. Microfilariae of Wucheria bancrofti in a patient of chylous hematuria: An uncommon finding in urine cytology. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Jan, Vol-8(1): 153-154
- MJ Hassan, Khan S. S Jetley, M Husain. Ectopic Liver tissue attached to gall bladder- a rare incidental finding. International journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences 2013; 3(3):60-64
- Khan S, Husain M, Hassan MJ, Bashir. Small bowel carcinoid_ A rare cause of recurrent intestinal obstruction. International journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences. 2013;3(3):65-69
- M. Husain, Sachan PK, S Khan, L lama, Rehan NK. Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in chronic and recurrent abdominal pain. Trop Gastroenterol. 2013;34(3):170-173.
- M Husain, F Hajini, A Bhatt. Duplicated pyelocaliceal system with partial duplication of ureter. BMJ Case Reports 2013 doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-009115
- M Husain, FF Hajini, P Ganguly, S Bukhari. Laparoscopic repair of adult Bochdalek's hernia. BMJ Case Reports 2013; doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-009131
- S Khan, MJ Hassan, M Husain, S Jetley. Chronic constipation: An unusual presentation of a Giant Serous Cystadenoma of ovary. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 2013;12:108-109
- S Khan, S Jetley, M Husain. Spectrum of histopathological lesions in Cholecystectomy specimens: A study of 360 case at a teaching hospital in South Delhi. Archives of International Surgery 2013;3(2):102-105
- Husain M, Khan RN, Rehmani B, Haris H. Omental patch technique for the ileal perforation secondary to typhoid fever. Saudi J Gastroenterol 2011;17:208-11
- Husain M, Sahu S, Sachan P. Two-Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy. The Internet Journal of Surgery 2011;27:2
- Sahu S, Husain M, Sachan PK. Clinical Spectrum and Diagnostic yield of lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopy at a Tertiary Centre. The internet journal of Surgery 2009; vol 18: N
- Hydatid Disease in Childhood: revisited report of an interesting case. Journal of Parasitic Disease 2012;36:265-68
- Lingual Schwannoma. The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2008. Volume 17 Number 2
- Bilateral Accessory Breast: The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2008; Volume 17 Number 2
- Spontaneous Pneumoperitoneum: A Surgeon's Dilemma. The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2008. Volume 15 Number 2
- Mediastinal Pseudocyst : A Rare Site Of Presentation. The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2008. Volume 14 Number 2.
- Right Supraclavicular Ectopic Thyroid: An Unusual Site of Presentation: The Internet Journal of Surgery. 2007; Volume 13, Number 1
- Spontaneous rupture of Incisional Hernia (A Case report). The internet Journal of Surgery 2007, Vol.11, No.2
- Omental Dermoid – A rare cause of Intestinal Obstruction (A Case report). The Internet journal of Surgery2007, Vol 10 No. 2
- Ileum – An unusual site of perforation by a swallowed artificial denture (A case report). The Internet journal of Surgery 2007, Vol 11, No. 2.Patent Vitelline Duct sinus: An unusual presentation. The Internet Journal of Surgery 2007;Vol 13:No.2
- Husain M, Sahu S, Sachan P, Khan S. Co-existing abdominal tuberculosis and colon carcinoma: Case report with review of literature. The Internet Journal of Surgery.2007; Vol 13:No.2
- Rizvi A, Husain M, Khan S. A Comparative Study of Fine needle aspiration cytology versus Non aspiration technique in thyroid lesions. The Surgeon, Journal of Royal College of surgeons Edinburgh. Aug 2005; Vol 03:No.4, 273-76
- Mansoor T, Hasan H, Husain M. Results of Modified Ileotransverse Anastomosis in Selected Cases of Typhoid perforation of Bowel. Indian Journal of gastroenterology 2003; Vol 22: May-June
- Alam S, Beg MH, Anees S, Husain M. Corrosive Acid Ingestion: An Uncommon Cause of Gastric Outlet Obstruction: A Case report and review of literature. Gastroenterology Today 2003; Vol. VII: 132-134
- Thakral AK, Husain M, Prasad D. Introduction of Structured Interactivity in General surgery Lectures for Final Year MBBS Students. Int Arch BioMed Clin Res. 2021;7(1):GS6–GS8.
- Inara Abeer, Sabina Khan, Mohd. Jaseem Hassan, Musharraf Hussain. EGFR and HER2neu Expression in Gall Bladder Carcinoma and Its Association with Clinicopathological Parameters - An Institutional Experience from North India Asian Pac J Cancer Biol, 2021:6 (1); 57-65
- Husain M, Rashid T, Ahmad MM, Hassan MJ. Anorectal malignant amelanotic melanoma: Report of a rare aggressive primary tumor. J Can Res Ther 2022;18;249-52
- T. Rashid, M Mohsin, M Husain, M Ahmad. Laparoscopic Ventral hernia repair: Our experience and review of literature. World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery 2022
- Tajamul R, Javed A, Musharraf H, Shakil J, Salman MS. Glomus Tumor in two non-adjacent finger tips of the same hand; A case report with literature review. International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports 2021;5:30-32
- Sabina Khan, Sayika H, Mohd Jaseem H, Musharraf H, Arun S. Morphometry in Thyroid Lesions Diagnosis Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021;15(9): EC01-EC04
- Inara Abeer, Sabina Khan, Mohd. Jaseem Hassan, Musharraf Husain. EGFR and HER2neu Expression in Gall Bladder Carcinoma and Its Association with Clinicopathological Parameters - An Institutional Experience from North India Asian Pac J Cancer Biol, 2021:6 (1); 57-65
- Thakral AK, Husain M, Prasad D. Introduction of Structured Interactivity in General surgery Lectures for Final Year MBBS Students. Int Arch BioMed Clin Res. 2021;7(1):GS6–GS8.
- Tajamul Rashid, Javed Altaf & Musharraf Husain. (2021); A Case of a Large/Giant Gallbladder Stone Retrieved During Cholecystectomy at a Tertiary Care Centre in North India with Review of Literature. IAR J Med Case Rep. 2(3), 32-34
Research Work & Projects
- Association of Helicobacter pylori in Gallbladder Tissue with Cholelithiasis: A prospective study in a tertiary care center in Delhi
- Prophylactic antibiotic in elective laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. A prospective randomized study
- Study of ligation of intersphincteric fistula tract and its variations in outcome of complex anal fistula
- Assessment of perception of patient safety culture among health care workers in a tertiary care center
- Incidence and management of bile duct injuries during laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Prospective study of Incidence and implications of Fitz Hugh Cutis syndrome
- Fellowship in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery-Hernia by IAGES (2017)
- One-year Advance Course in Medical education (ACME) 2015
- F.MAS (Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery), recognized by WALS (World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons) and SAGES (Society of American College of Gastroenterology and Endoscopic Surgeons
- Gyan Burman Hepatobiliary Fellowship from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
- Travelling Fellowship in Coloproctology from Tata Memorial hospital Mumbai, certified by Association of Colorectal surgeons of India. (2008)
- SAS Eminent Fellow Membership (SEFM) by scholars academic and Scientific society (2021)
- Leading Educationist of India by Friendship Forum of India (2019)
- Outstanding Faculty in the field of Medical Sciences by Venus International foundation 2017
- Awarded Gold Medal for standing first at the Coloproctology Fellowship exam (FACRSI).
- Awarded University Gold Medal for standing first at MBBS 1st Prof. Exam in Anatomy.
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Member, Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo-Surgeons (IAGES)
- Member National Academy of Medical Sciences. (MNAMS)
- Life Member, Association of Surgeons of India. (ASI)
- Life Member, International Society of University Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ISUCRS)
- Life Member, World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons (WALS).
- Life Member, Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India. (AMASI)
- Life Member, Association of Colorectal Surgeons of India. (ACRSI)
- Life Member, Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of India. (SELSI)
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Surgical Training and Assessment during COVID Times: presented at Annual Congress of American College of surgeons- Indian Chapter on 25th March 2021.
- OSCE in Resource poor setting: presented at Pre-conference CME on Medical Education of VII Biennial SAAP conference 17 th March 2021.
- Surgical education in India: Pitfalls: presented at ACSCON 2020, American College of Surgeons India Chapter. 2-5 Jan 2020.
- Iatrogenic Bladder Injury: General surgeon perspective, presented at 41st Annual conference of Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Delhi 2019
- LIFT- A novel technique for complex Fistula in Ano at 3 rd Annual World Congress of Digestive Diseases (WCDD 2018). Nov 30-Dec 02, 2018, Rome Italy.
- Participated as Faculty at ASI Regional Refresher Course, 21 st – 23 rd September 2018, Jolly Grant Medical College, Dehradun.
- Assessment in medical education at a training program on Assessment Drives Learning, New Delhi on 15 th Nov. 2016
- Clinical Skills and Management of Trauma at Reignite 2016, Gyan Sagar Medical College and Hospital, Patiala 0n 26th March 2016.
- Curriculum development: At workshop on Teaching and Learning methodology at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard on 31 st Dec.2014
- Neoplastic polyps: Natural History and Management. At 17th Fellowship Training Course in Coloproctology 3rd to 7th April 2013, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
- Surgical Management of Carcinoma Colon. At 17th Fellowship Training Course in Coloproctology 3rd to 7th April 2013, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
- Assessment and Evaluation in Medical Education. Extension lecture at J N Medical College, Aligarh. March 2013
- Recent advances in the treatment of Anal fistula at UPASICON XXXIII 2012, Dehradun.
- Assessment in Medical Education: presented at Research club meet at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.
- Ulcerative Colitis: invited lecture at ASICON 2010.
- Colonoscopy: Evaluating the Diagnostic yields and Pattern of Colonic Pathology, at AFCP 12th congress of the Asian Federation of Coloproctology 2009
- Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Chronic and Recurrent Abdominal Pain, presented at ASICON 2009
- Two port Laparoscopic Appendectomy, at ASICON 2009.
- Pathology and Evaluation of Colorectal Cancers presented at, 12th Advance Instructional course ACRSICON 2008. Sep. Mumbai.
- Management of Abdominal Trauma- Recent Trends at CME, HIMS, Dehradun,2008
- Symposium on Polytrauma at CME, HIMS, Dehradun. April 2008
- Ulcerative Colitis- Evaluation and Management at CME, HIMS, Dehradun. Nov. 2007
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technology on 14-17th Oct. 2020
- Online Curriculum Support Implementation Program (CISP) II on 23-24th Sep.2020
- Workshop in Medical education Technology on 27-28th Nov. 2019
- CME on “Laparoscopic Management of Inguinal Hernia Surgery” on November 22, 2018 (Organizing Chairman)
- CME on Geriatric Anesthesia – A contemporary approach” on October 22, 2018 (Organizing Chairman)
- Workshop and Hands-on Training on Clinical Learning on 4th April 2018
- International CME on Surgical Updates on 18th Dec. 2017(Organizing Chairman
- Workshop on Basic Surgical Skills on 3rd April 2017
- Workshop on Trauma Management on 3rd April 2017
- Workshop on Continuous Internal assessment on 22nd sep. 2016
- Workshop on Science of Tissue Management on 12th July 2016
- Workshop on Practical and Clinical skills on 11th March 2016
- Workshop cum CME on Basics of Bariatric Surgery on 29th March 2016
- Workshop on Basic surgical skills on 16th April 2016
- Workshop on Communication Skills on 30th May.2016
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- GURUKKUL ACSCON 2020, 2nd to 5th Jan 2020, New Delhi, participated as Faculty
- 41st Annual conference of Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Delhi 2019, New Delhi, participated as Faculty
- CME on Perioperative patient safety, 17th Sep. 2019 at HIMSR, New Delhi, as Faculty.
- 13th Annual Conference of Hernia Society of India (HSICON 2019), 29-31st Aug 2019, Kolkata. Participated as Faculty
- Proctology Update: CME on Benign Anorectal Disease, 4th Aug. 2019 at KGMU, Lucknow
- LHMC Surgery PG Update 2019, 31st jan – 3rd Feb 2019.New Delhi. Participated as Faculty
- 58th AMASI Skill course and FMAS Examination, 19-21 Oct. 2018 at LHMC, New Delhi
- New Horizons in Minimally Invasive Surgery “Better Outcome matters”, 1st March, 2018 at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
- FALS-Hernia under the aegis of IAGES, 13th -15th Jan.2017, Fortis Memorial hospital, Gurgaon, Haryana.
- Anoproctology Fest 2016 for Anorectal update, 6th to 7th Aug 2016, Vapi Gujrat
- ACSCON 2021 by American College of Surgeons, 22nd to 25th March 2021as Faculty.
- HEMORRHOIDCON Virtual International Summit, 24th Jan.2021
Clinical / Laboratory Assignment
Monday | OPD 1 |
Tuesday | Operation Theatre |
Wednesday | Indoor (Ward Rounds) |
Thursday | Indoor (Ward Rounds) |
Friday | OPD |
Saturday | Operation Theatre |