Dr. Durre Aden
MBBS, MD Pathology
Assistant professor, Department of Pathology
Reg. Number: DMC/R/10276

Dr Durre aden has completed her MBBS and MD pathology from JNMCH. Afterwards, she worked as a senior resident at ABVIMS and DR RML Hospital, New Delhi and VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. She has 15 papers to her credit and has participated in many oral/poster presentations at various conferences .Her areas of research interests include Breast pathology, neuropathology, cytopathology along with community-based cancer prevention and screening.
Skills and Expertise
Histopathology including Frozen section, immunohistochemistry, FISH etc
Cytopathology including Cell Block Technique, LBC etc
Routine and special haematology including Flow cytometry and HPLC.
Area of Interest
- Breast pathology
- Neuropathology
- Cytopathology
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MD pathology | 2017 | Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, AMU | DMC/R/10276 | 13-04-2019 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Senior resident Pathology | VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital,New delhi | 12th May 2021 | 30th May 2022 | 1Year |
Senior resident Pathology Transfusion medicine | ABVIMS and DR RML Hospital, New Delhi | 9th March 2018 | 11th May 2021 | 3Year 2Month |
Senior resident Transfusion medicine | Institute of Liver and biliary sciences, New Delhi | 24 Oct 2017 | 3rd March 2018 | 4.5Months |
- Kataria A,Aden D ,Khan S Mehraj, Meesa A, Yasir J, Sujata J. The potential link between transfusion-transmitted infections and ABO and Rh blood group systems in healthy blood donors. MGM Journal of Medical Sciences 11(4):p 684-689, October-December 2024. | DOI: 10.4103/mgmj.mgmj_252_24(DOAJ)
- Aden D, Z Sufian, K Sabina, J S Zeeba S , S Sujata.Navigating the Landscape of HPV-Associated Cancers: From Epidemiology to Prevention, Pathology - Research and Practice.155574},2024,0344-0338.(Germany, Impact Factor-2.9, PUBMED)
- Aden D, Sureka N, Zaheer S, Chaurasia JK, Zaheer S. Metabolic Reprogramming in Cancer: Implications for Immunosuppressive Microenvironment. Immunology. 2024 Oct 27. doi: 10.1111/imm.13871.(Impact Factor-5, PUBMED)
- Aden D, Ahmad N , Khan S, Mohroo R. Challenges in the cytological diagnosis of nodular fasciitis, Journal of Medicine, Surgery, and Public Health Volume 4, December 2024, 100153
- Aden D,P Khambra,S Ranga, Y Alvi. Comparison of Two Automated Urine Analyzers (URiSCAN Super + YD Diagnostics and Sysmex UC-3500–UF-5000 Urine Chemistry Analyzer) with Routine Microscopy. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences 12(2):p 201-207, May–Aug 2024. (DOAJ)
- Malik S, Sureka N, Ahuja S, Aden D, Zaheer S, Zaheer S. Tumor-associated macrophages: A sentinel of innate immune system in tumor microenvironment gone haywire. Cell Biol Int. 2024 Jul 25. doi: 10.1002/cbin.12226. (USA,Impact Factor-4.4, SCOPUS -Quartile 1)
- Aden D, Z Sufian, K Sabina.Possible benefits, challenges, pitfalls, and future perspective of using ChatGPT in pathology, Revista Española de Patología,2024,ISSN, .(Spain,Impact factor-0.9, PUBMED)
- Aden D, S Noora, H Mahboob, H Sadaf. Dysgerminoma with Syncytiotrophoblastic Giant Cells Associated with a Concurrent Ectopic Pregnancy. Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-024-01945-7 India, Impact Factor-0.5, PUBMED)
- Aden D, Gupta P, Chauhan D. S Incidental diagnosis of microfilariae in urine in a case of prostatic carcinoma: A case report with a cytohistological correlation. Saudi Journal for Health Sciences 13(1):p 107-109, Jan–Apr 2024. | DOI: 10.4103/sjhs.sjhs_162_23(DOAJ)
- Kataria A,Khan S,Aden D , Unravelling the significance of Fibrotic cancer stroma: A Key Player in the Tumour Microenvironment of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma", accepted for publication with manuscript ID jcrt_1497_24 in Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics on 19.12.2024( (INDIA, Impact Factor-1.4,PUBMED)
- 3. Aden D, Zaheer S.Investigating the FLiRT Variants of COVID-19: Is it An Emerging Concern?Pathology - Research andPractice,2024.155542.doi.org/10.1016/j.prp.2024.155542 (Germany, Impact Factor-2.9, PUBMED)
- Aden D, A Nishat ,S Zaheer , IKAsim , K Taiba ,A Meher Int. J. Clin. Diagn. Pathol., 2022; 5(1): 72-76
- Aden D, Phulware RH, Mittal S, Ahuja A. Myocardial bridging - Sudden unexpected death of a young girl: A case report. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2022;65(1):157-159. doi:10.4103/IJPM.IJPM_1177_20
- Grewal US, Shankar A, Saini D, Seth T, Roy S, Aden D, Bhandari D, Singh P. Telehealth and cancer care in the era of COVID-19: New opportunities in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Cancer Treat Res Commun. 2021 Jan 15;2:100313. DOI: 10.1016/j.ctarc.2021.100313. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33465561; PMCID: PMC7833952.
- Shankar. A Saini D, Aden. D,k.Rahul.Passive Smoking and Lung Cancer Risk: Ind J Soc Prev Rehab Onc, 2018: 2(2)
- Aden D, Noora .s, Hassan.M, Hayat.S, Ehsan.A. Dysgerminoma with Syncytiotrophoblasts Giant Cells - A Rare Histopathological Finding: Ind J Soc Prev Rehab Onc 2018: 3(2
- Aden. D, M. shadan, I. d. khan, F. Alam, m. Naim, R. mohiyadheen, E. Naim mixed germ cell teratomatous tumour of testis in adults: diagnostic challenges for a histopathologist (case report); vol 4 no 1 (2018): International journal of medicine and medical
- Aden D,k.inam,H.sadaf,H.asif,R.ks,M.Anuradha: A Rare Case of Tuberculosis of Talus Bone Journal of Basic &Clinical Medicine 2018; 7(1):8-9
- N. Mohammed,Aden D,A.kafil,H.sadafRecurrent unilateral gonadoblastoma: A rare histopathological presentation J Surg Med. 2018;2(2):177-18
- k.inam.,M.anuradha,M.ajay,K.Shazia, Aden D: Curvularia Keratomycosis after Cataract Surgery; Arch Mil Med. 2017 June; 5(2):e57331.
- A.Hena A., H.Sadaf,k. Eram, S. Rana K, R. Suhailur, Aden D: Original Research Article A Survey of Intestinal Lesions with Special Reference to Intestinal Tuberculosis in and Around Uttar Pradesh, India. Int.J.Curr. Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) Special Issue-1: 118-12
- Durre Aden, Saifullah Khalid, Amit Kumar Dinkar, Sufian Zaheer*, Geetika Khanna, Sunil Ranga.FNAC study of giant cell tumour of tendon sheath (localized tenosynovial giant cell tumour): Clinico-radiological correlation and cytopathological features -Original Paper in Diagnostic Cytopathology. Accepted for publication. 30.07.022. Article ID: DC25033 ,DOI: 10.1002/dc.25033 Internal Article ID: 17479895
- Aden D, P.ravi, K.Manju, A.Arvind A rare case of myxoid liposarcoma diagnosed on a cytology-case report in Diagnostic Cytopathology. Accepted for publication.29.07.2022. Article ID: DC25031, DOI: 10.1002/dc.25031.Internal Article ID: 17479844.
- Nidhi kamal, Durre Aden, Zaheer Sufian, Mikul singh .Cytology as a rapid tool in diagnosing Tuberculosis of the Parotid gland -A case series in Diagnostic Cytopathology. Accepted for publication. 21.07.22
- Aden D ,G.prajwala, B.Meenakshi.Fine needle aspiration cytology of periarticular nodule - atypical presentation of gouty tophi: report of 2 cases -Accepted in Cytojournal for publication. 04.04 022
- K.Sachin, Zaheer .S, Aden D. R.Sunil. Application of the international system for reporting serous fluid cytopathology on reporting various body fluids; experience of tertiary care hospital.-Accepted in Cytojournal Accepted in Cytojournal for publication. 28.02. 2022
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- "International Conference on Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation" organized by the Indian Society of Clinical Oncology (ISCO) and Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Hospitals, Delhi held virtually on 20th and 21st August 2021.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- Workshop on Molecular Diagnostics in Haematology, Pathcon & Lab Expo 2017 to be held at The Lalit, New Delhi, December 16th& 17th, 2017
- Workshop on Flow Cytometry, “Pathcon & LAB EXPO 2016” held on December 17 & 18, 2016 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
- 62nd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Haematology & Blood Transfusion “Haematocon 2021” held from 10th – 13th November 2021
- APCON 2021 held in online/virtual mode from Dec 1st to 5th, 2021
- CME 2016. “Pathcon & LAB EXPO 2016” was held on December 17 & 18, 2016 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
- CME 2016.Path & Lab Expo 2017 to be held at The Lalit, New Delhi, December 16th& 17th, 2017
- CME-2016. Apheresis- Procedures and Indications on 27th October 2016 at Blood and Components Bank, Department of Pathology, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh.
- UP PATHCON 2015- XXII Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists - UP-PATHCON on 10th-11th October 2015 at GSVM Medical College, Kanpur
- UP CYTOCON 2015- 3rd Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Cytopathologists, UP Chapter on 13th September 2015, TMMC&RC Moradabad.
- Health camp cum CME on thalassemia on 26th April 2015, organized by dept of paediatrics, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh
- XXI Annual Conference of Neuroscience Society (U.P. & U.K.)-2015-NEUROCON-2015 on 14th February 2015 organized by the Department of Neurosurgery, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh.
- International symposium and slide session on women’s (breast and GYN) Pathology. 6th & 7th February 2015. JNMC, AMU Aligarh
- National Symposium on “Hospital Acquired Infections & Antimicrobial Resistance” on 9th of December 2014. JNMCH, AMU Aligarh.
- XI Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India, U.P. & Uttarakhand Chapter-UPASICON-2014 on 14th – 16th November 2014 organized by the Department of Surgery, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh.
- UP CYTOCON-2014, on 14th September 2014, organised by the Department of Pathology, RMCH, Bareilly.
- CME 2014, PATHCON-2014, on October 10, 2014, held at the Department of Pathology, G.B.Pant Hospital, New Delhi.
- IIIrd Annual Conference, Delhi Chapter of Indian Academy of Cytologists on 13th September 2014, AIIMS, New Delhi.
- Symposium on gastrointestinal pathology on 7th September 2014 held by SRL Ltd & Fortis hospital Faridabad.
- National Symposium on Hospital-acquired infections, on 9th December 2014 held by Department of Microbiology, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh.
- Symposium on Dengue and Malaria: How to Tackle the Menace on 27th August 2014, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh.