Dr. Aruna Nigam
Professor & HOD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Reg. Number: DMC-35382

Dr Aruna Nigam is Professor and unit head at HIMSR. She is great academician, researcher and clinician. She has established Endoscopy unit in her institute. With more than 200 publications in various national and international journals, she has dedicated her life for the advancement in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. An ardent teacher, she is also an author of mobile app ‘Mechanism of labour for postgraduates and undergraduates’. She is also editor of book ‘Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage:A practical perspective, ‘Preterm Labour’ and “Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology”. She is Chief-Editor of Pan Asian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, ISCCP newsletter and Executive Editor of Indian Journal of Medical Specialties. She is a National Corresponding Editor of Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India. She is recipient of various awards, few of them are Ethicon fellowship for endoscopy , MNAMS in 2015 , FICOG in 2016 , Amar Shyam Oration in 2017 and Dr U P Jha and Raj Soni Gold medal for best paper presentation in endoscopy in AOGD in 2019, Women Scientist award in 2020. She has also contributed enormously to e learning by making various video lectures of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and making available for the students and practioners at youtube and at www.drarunanigamlectures.com. Various educational lectures for general populations are also available on youtube which she takes time to time as a corporate responsibility.
Area of Interest
- Endoscopy
- Infertility
- High risk pregnancy and oncology
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MS | 2003 | G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur | 35382 - DMC | |
MBBS | 1998 | G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur | 35382 - DMC |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 30-09-2016 | Till Date | 5 years |
Associate Profesor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 29-12-2012 | 29-09-2016 | 3 years 9 months |
Assistant Professor | LHMC, Delhi | 04-04-2009 | 28-12-2012 | 3 year 9months |
Senior Research Associate | LHMC, Delhi | 27-11-2007 | 01-01-2009 | 1 year 1month |
Assistant Professor | ELMCH, Lucknow | 07-06-2005 | 08-10-2007 | 2 year 5 months |
Senior Resident | ELMCH, Lucknow | 18-07-2003 | 28-03-2004 | 8 months |
Postgraduate Resident | GSVM, Kanpur | 12-05-2000 | 11-05-2003 | 3 years |
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Chief Editor Pikee Saxena, Hema Diwakar. Editor Alka Pandey, Aruna Nigam, Surveen Ghumman. Evangel publishers First edition 2023
- Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Editors Dr Aruna Nigam, Dr Alka Kriplani. Evangel publishers. second edition 2023
- Management of Post partum Haemorrhage: A Practical Perspective: Editors Dr Aruna Nigam, Pikee Saxena. Evangel publishers. Second edition 2023
- A De, A Nigam, S Sharma, A Anwar, N Gupta, N Gupta - Sequential use of drugs (prostaglandin e1 after failed trial of PGE2 gel) for induction of labour: Retrospective observational study. Trop Doct. 2023 Apr;53(2):241- 245.
- Nigam A, Khan DA. Uterine compression sutures. Management of Postpartum haemorrhage: a Practical Perspective. 2 nd edition Ed by Nigam A, Saxena P. Published by Evangel Publisher. 2023.Chapter 11: Page104-122.
- Nigam A. Stepwise devascularization. Management of Postpartum haemorrhage: a Practical Perspective. 2 nd edition, Ed by Nigam A, Saxena P. Published by Evangel Publisher. 2023.Chapter 12. Page 123-36
- Nigam A, Gupta P. Landmark trials in Obstetrics. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2 nd volume, 2023. Ed Aruna Nigam, Alka Kriplani, Pikee Saxena. Page No 89-110
- Nigam A, Gupta P. Landmark trials in Gynaecology. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2 nd volume, 2023. Ed Aruna Nigam, Alka Kriplani, Pikee Saxena. Page No 231-241
- Varun N, Nigam A. Fast Track Targets 2030. Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2 nd volume, 2022. Ed Aruna Nigam, Alka Kriplani, Pikee Saxena. Page No 242-`252
- De A, Tripathi A, Gupta N, Nigam A. Leadership driven persistent reductionin cesarean trends: An interventional study for quality improvement. J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2023 Feb;73(1):36-43.
- Varun N, Nigam A, Gupta N, Mazhari F, Kashyap V. Vaginal birth after cesarean score for the prediction of successful vaginal birth after cesarean section – A prospective observational study. Ind J Med Spec 2023;14: 1-4
- Nigam A. Umbilical cord blood banking: Myths and Realities. Ind J Med Spec 2023;14: 1-4
- Gupta N. Sharma S, Nigam A, .COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant women attending tertiary care centre: A cross- sectional study . Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2023;6:70- 77 doi: 10.1002/ijgo.14794. PMID: 37078596.
- Sharma S, Gupta N, Nigam A. Our experience on Non- descent Vaginal Hysterectomy: A forgotten skill. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2023;12:1332-5.
- De A, Nigam A, Sharma S, Anwar A. Comparison of Feto- maternal Outcomes Among Various BMI Groups As Per Asia Pacific Standards: An Observational Retrospective Comparative Study in a Private Tertiary Care Center in Delhi. J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2023 Jun;73(3):223- 228. PMID: 37324361; PMCID: PMC10267023.
- Nigam A, Roy P. Carbetocin in Birthing Current concepts ed Dr Pai HD publisher Evangel first edition 2023 ; ISBN 978-93-90616-20-6 page 183-86
- Released mobile app on” Mechanism of Labour: Normal to Abnormal” on 7th May 2018
- Editor in chief of an International journal “Pan Asian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology” with AIM publications
- I am Also Editor in chief of ISCCP Newsletter from 2018- 2021
- Editor of 3 books: Postpartum Haemorrhage: A practical perspective, Preterm Labour, recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Misoprostol vs. oxytocin for induction of labour at term. Nigam A, Singh VK, Dubay P, Pandey K, Bhagoliwal A, Prakash A. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2004;86:398-400.
- Vaginal vs. oral misoprostol for midtrimester abortion. Nigam A, Singh VK, Prakash A. Int J Gynaecol Obstet.2006;92:270-1.
- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Nigam A, Dwivedi P. Journal of the DDF Oct-Nov 2008, p17-28.
- Insulin Resistance Syndrome: A Myth or a Reality? The Prevailing Scenario in Lucknow. Prakash A, Nigam A, Baghel K, Dogra E, Singh AK, Agarwal A, Azim T, Deepshikha. Proceedings of 15th International CME on Atherosclerosis, hypertension and Coronary Artery Disease and 15th Annual conference of Indian Society of Hypertension p. 23-38,2008
- Pictorial Quiz- Papillon LeFevre syndrome. Prakash A, Prakash N, Nigam A. The Indian Practitioner 2003; 56: 842.
- Pictorial Quiz – Multiple splenic and hepatic absceses. Prakash A, Prakash N, Nigam A. The Indian Practitioner 2004; 57(6): 399.
- Diabetes and Contraception. Nigam A. Journal of the DDF Apr-June 2009, p11-28.
- Polycystic ovarian disease and insulin resistance. Nigam A, Chattopadhyay B. Souvenir, 17th Annual conference on Diabetes 2009. P 22-30,
- Obesity and Pregnacy. Nigam A, Agarwal S. Journal of the DDF July-Aug 2009, p 9-14.
- Labour induction with 25 micrograms vs 50 micrograms of intravaginal misoprostol in term pregnancies. Nigam A, Madan M, Puri M, Trivedi SS, Agarwal S. Tropical Doctor.2010;40:53-55
- Highly sensitive C- reactive protein( hsCRP): A brief review. Dogra E, Prakash A, Nigam A, Prakash N. Journal of the DDF Jan-Feb 2010, p 11-16.
- An Approach to Sexually Transmitted Infections. Prakash A, Nigam A. Health Positive 2010;1:28-33
- Occupational blood borne infections. Prakash N, Prakash A, Saxena S, Nigam A. Apollo Medicine 2010;7:85-91.
- Rh negative pregnancy. Nigam A. Management of High Risk pregnancy A practical approach. First edition 2010. Page 255-272 Publisher Jaypee brothers medical publisher.
- Screening of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: an update. Nigam A, Dwivedi P, Saxena P. Indian Journal of Medical Specialties 2010;1:6-11
- Vacuum delivery. Nigam A. Soveneir of CME on High risk Obstetrics “Challenging situations- Practical Solutions” on 2nd April 2010;p 32-33
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome: a management dilemma. Saxena P, Nigam A. Indian Journal of Medical Specialties 2010;1:44-46
- Approach for screening of gestational diabetes mellitus in India. Saxena P, Nigam A, Mishra A, Prakash A. Journal of DDF 2010;Apr-Jun:5-11
- Effect of Metformin therapy on 2-hour post-glucose insulin levels in patients of Polycystic ovarian Syndrome. Saxena P, Prakash A, Nigam A. J Hum Reprod Sci 2010;3:139-142
- Pictorial Quiz: inversion uterus. Nigam A, Raghunandan C, Chowdhry S. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2010;2:146
- Condyloma Acuminatum: Atypical presentation during pregnancy: a case report. Nigam A, Mishra A. International Journal of STD and AIDS 2011;22:534-35
- Antimicrobials in pregnancy. Nigam A, Prakash A. The Indian Practionner 2010;63(12):783-90
- Knowledge of emergency contraception and contraceptive practices: representative study from rural Uttar Pradesh. Nigam A, Maheshwari N, Prakash A. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 2010;35(3): 449-50
- Insulin sensitizing agents and infertility. Nigam A, Dwivedi P, Saxena P. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities2010;2:106-110
- Skin rash in pregnancy. Nigam A, Prakash A, Saxena P, Mishra A. Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine 2010;11(3):220-24
- Hirsutism and abnormal genitalia. Nigam A, Prakash A, Saxena P, Yadav R, Raghunandan C. JIACM 2011;12(1):46-8
- Septate uterus with hypoplastic left adnexa with cervical duplication and longitudinal vaginal septum: rare mullerian anomaly. Nigam A, Puri M, Trivedi SS, Chattopadhyaya B. J Hum Reprod Sci / 2010; 2(3): 105-7
- OHVIRA syndrome: rare cause of chronic vaginal discharge in an unmarried female. Nigam A, Raghunandan c, Yadav R, Tomer S, Anand R. Congenital Anomalies (Kyoto) 2011;51:153-5
- Abnormalities of Amniotic fluid. Yadav R, Nigam A. Accepted for publication in Text book of obstetrics for undergraduates
- Postpartum management of patients with diabetes. Saxena P, Mishra A, Nigam A. Journal of the DDF Oct – Dec 2010, p 3-8.
- Thyroid Dysfunction During Pregnancy: An Underdiagnosed Entity. Nigam A, Prakash A, Dhingra S, Saxena P. Health Positive 2010;2:28-33
- Trial of Labour after Previous Caesarean Section – a relook at the predictive factors affecting outcome. Madan M, Agrawal S, Nigam A, Aggarwal R, Trivedi SS. J Obstet Gynaecol 2011;31:2224-8
- Isolated Fallopian tube torsion in early pregnancy presenting as resolving appendicular lump. Choudhary D, Biswas R, Nigam A. Eur Rev Med Phgarmacol Sci 2011;15:446-47
- Misplaced intrauterine contraceptive device: an enigma. Nigam A, Biswas R, Mishra A. Open Access Journal of Contraception 2011;2:1-3
- Rudimentary horn pregnancy mimicking as a case of placenta accreta. Nigam A, Puri M, Trivedi SS, Saxena P. JCR 2011;1(1):6-8
- Approach to an infertile couple: Nigam A, Prakash A, Saxena P, Dwivedi P. Health positive 2011;2:21-28.
- Diet in obesity and diabetes mellitus: Arora V, Nigam A. Souvenir, 19th Annual conference on Diabetes. DIABECON 2011; P 35-39
- Clinic-sonographic quiz. Nigam A, Saxena P, Chaudhary S. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2010;2(1):73
- Clinical outcome of Levonorgestrel Intra-Uterine system in idiopathic menorrhagia. Chattopdhyay B, Nigam A, Goswami S, Chakravarty PS. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2011;15:764-8
- Efficacy of 2-hour post glucose insulin levels in predicting insulin resistance in polycystic ovarian syndrome with infertility. Saxena P, Prakash A, Nigam A. J Hum Reprod Sci 2011;1(4):20-22
- Pregnancy outcomes of women with gestational diabetes in a tertiary level hospital of north India. Saxema P, Tyagi S, Prakash A, Nigam A, Trivedi SS. Indian J Community Med 2011;36:120-3
- Clinical quiz. Nigam A, Saxena P, Yadav S. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2011;2:163
- Adolescent health: New hopes, new understanding. Acharya AS, Saxena P, Nigam A. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2011;2:85-88
- The Problem Of Son Preference: Causes And Consequences Revisited Nigam A, Prakash A, Mishra A, Chatopadhyaya B. The Indian Practionner 2011;64(10):608-11
- Author’s reply. Saxena P, Prakash A, Nigam A. J Hum Reprod Sci 2012;4(3):158-59
- Abnormal pap smear- a way forward. Nigam A, Barla J. NARCHI Focus. March 2012; 20-23
- 3-D surgical anatomy as applied to diagnosis and management of U-V prolapsed. Raghunandan C, Nigam A. NARCHI Focus. March 2012; 26-27
- Polycystic ovary syndrome: Is obesity a sine qua non? A clinical, hormonal and metabolic assessment in relation to BMI. Saxena P, Prakash A, Nigam A. Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism 2012;16(6):996-99
- Unintended pregnancy among low income urban married women in India. Kumar M, Meena J, Nigam A, Poddar A, Dhariwal V, Kishore S. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India 2012;62(1):72-6
- Detection of fetal nucleic acid in maternal plasma: a novel noninvasive prenatal diagnostic technique. Nigam A, Prakash A, Saxena P, Acharya AS. JIMSA 2012;25:199-200
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome: what a physician should know. Saxena P, Nigam A, Prakash A. Souvenir, 20th Annual conference on Diabetes. DIABECON 2012; P 34-42
- Oral hypoglycaemic agents in gestational diabetes mellitus. Pathak P, Nigam A, Saxena P. Souvenir, 20th Annual conference on Diabetes. DIABECON 2012; P 46-51
- Role of oral hypoglycaemic agents in the management of gestational diabetes mellitus. Saxena P. Bijarnia R, Nigam A, Prakash A. Journal of DDF 2012; April-June:8-17
- Large nabothian cyst: a rare cause of nulliparous prolapse. Nigam A, Choudhary D, Raghunandan C. Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 2012, Article ID 192526, 2 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/192526.
- Fetomaternal outcome in pregnancy with severe thrombocytopenia. Dwivedi P, Puri M, Agarwal K, Nigam A. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci.2012;16:1563-6
- Testing ovarian reserve: an important measure of fertility. Saxena P, Nigam A, Prakash A. IJMS 2012;3:165-9
- Clinical quiz. Nigam A, Saxena P. Pictorial CME IJMS 2012;3:226,230
- Scientific study designs for research: an overview. Acharya AS, Prakash A, Nigam A, Saxena P. IJMS 2012;3:191-4
- How to design and conduct a Randomised Controlled Trial. Saxena P, Prakash A, Acharya AS, Nigam A. IJMS 2012;3:198-202
- Statistical tests of significance: an overview of the basic concepts. Prakash J, Nigam A, Saxena P, Acharya AS. IJMS 2012;3:203-6
- Calcium Preperations. Nigam A, Barla J. AOGD Bulletin 2012;4:53-5
- Placenta accreta: an obstetrician’s nightmare. Nigam A, Raghunandan C, Yadav R, Chaudhary S, Chaudhary D. NJOG 2012;7(3):59-61
- Diabetes and women. Saxena P, Prakash A, Nigam A. Journal of DDF 2012; July -Sept:7-8
- Clitoromegaly and its clinical approach. Nigam A. Souveneir 34th Annual conference AOGD 2012:54-55
- Vesical Calculi: A Rare Cause Of Dystocia. Shilpa Dhingra, Jaya Barla, Nigam A, Leena. JCR 2012;2(2):107-9
- Twisted Ovarian Fibroma Mimicking as an Ectopic Pregnancy. Nigam A, Jain S, Lal P. JCR 2013;3(1):64-7
- Disease remains unconquered, its name reminisces a ‘feel bad’ atmosphere- ‘mal’ ‘aria’. Prakash A, Saxena P, Nigam A. IJMS 2013;4(1):1-4
- Postmenopausal osteoporosis. Arora G, Nigam A. Kadambini orthopaedic and spine trust-News Letter 2013;1(2):6
- Diabetes and its effects on different stages of woman’s life. Saxena P, Prasad I, Nigam A. Journal of delhi diabetic forum Journal-cum DIABCON 2013 Souvenir 2013;Jan- Mar: 15-18
- Selecting a study design for research. Saxena P, Prakash A, Acharaya AS, Nigam A. IJMS 2013; 4(2):330-33 http://dx.doi.org/10.7713/ijms.2013.0033
- Sampling: Why and How of it? Acharaya AS, Prakash A, Saxena P, Nigam A. IJMS 2013; 4(2):334-39
- Calcium preparations available in the market: Which one to choose? Gupta N, Nigam A. Kadambini orthopaedic and spine trust-News Letter 2013;1(3):6
- Nigam A, Ahmad A. Surrogacy: An Indian Perspective. TCOG 2014;1(1):e1
- Bilateral Psoas abscess mimicking as an acute abdomen. Nigam A, Prakash A, Pathak P, Abbey P. BMJ Case Reports Published 22 October 2013; doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-200860
- Nigam A, Prakash A, Saxena P. Blood transfusion in obstetrics. Kathmandu Univ Med J.2013 Oct-Dec;11(4):355-9
- Rupture of Tubercular Uterine Abscess Leading to Acute Abdomen Following Medical Abortion: A Rare Presentation. Nigam,A, Narang H. Case report from tropics. (Online October 08, 2013)
- HPV vaccination in India: Critical appraisal. Nigam A, Saxena P, Acharya AS, Batra S. ISRN Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Mar 11;2014:394595. doi: 10.1155/2014/394595. eCollection 2014. Review.
- Subcutaneous endometriosis: a rare cause of deep dyspareunia. Nigam A. BMJ Case Rep 2014 Jan 6;2014(jan06_1). pii:bcr 2013202230. doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-202230
- Fetal ascites and hydrometrocolpos due to persistent urogenital sinus and cloaca: a case report and review of literature. Nigam A, Kumar m, Gulati S. BMJ Case Reports Published 19 February 2014; doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-202231
- Nigam A, Ahmad A, Batra S. Absent endometrium due to balanced translocation [t(4;20)] presenting as primary amenorrhea. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2014 Jan;7(1):63-5. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.130867.
- Acardiac anceps: Nigam A, Awasthi R, Barla J, Saxena P. BMJ Case Rep Published online: 9th april 2014 doi:10.1136/ bcr-2013-202583
- Misplaced IUCD: management. Nigam A. souvenir on postpartum contraception
- Jain R, Nigam A, Hussain M, Batra S. Disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis after abdominal myomectomy: an iatrogenic complication. Case Report CRT(online June 26, 2014)
- Nigam A, Sharma R. Large placental Chorioangioma: A rare cause of poor foetal outcome. TCOG (online July 6, 2014)
- Nigam A, Raghunandan C, Yadav R. Twisted subserosal leiomyoma in a non-gravid uterus: a rare cause of acute abdomen. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2014 May 27:1-2
- Batra S, Ahmad A, Nigam A, Agarwal P. Prevention of cervical cancer. Fogsi focus 2014;14-24
- Nigam A, Saxena P, Barla J, Pathak P. Scar endometriosis: the menace of surgery. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Oct 15;2014. pii: bcr2014206693. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-206693.
- Nigam A, Kumari A. Gossypiboma: a rare cause of chronic vaginal discharge after laparoscopic hysterectomy. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Sep 30;2014. pii: bcr2014206635. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-206635.
- Nigam A, Kumari A, Gupta N. Negative pregnancy test in a molar pregnancy: is it possible? BMJ case reports 2014 Nov 5;2014 doi 10.1136/bcr 2014-206483
- Madaan M, Agrawal S, Puri M, Nigam A, Kaur H, Trivedi SS. Is low dose vaginal misoprostol better than dinoprostone gel for induction of labor: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Sep;8(9):OC31-4. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/8101.4906. Epub 2014 Sep 20.PMID:2538649
- Ahmad A, Batra S, Jain R, Nigam A. Restricted versus prolonged antibiotic usage in gynaecological practice. International research journal of medical science 2014;2(8):1-4
- Saxena P, Nigam A. Facts about women and diabetes. Journal of DDF 2014; Oct-Dec: 10-11
- Saxena P, Nigam A. Gestational Diabetes: an overview. Journal of DDF 2014; Oct-Dec: 16-20
- Saxena P, Nigam A. Disorders of female gonads. API text book of Medicine, 10th edition, 645-55
- Prakash A, Saxena P, Nigam A. Hypertension and the Pregnant mother. Medicine update 2015;25: 854-59
- Nigam A, Saxena P, Acharya AS. HPV Vaccination and HPV DNA testing: Need of the hour. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2015;6:1-3
- Nigam A, Archana Kumari. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery. AOGD Bulletin 2015; March
- Nigam A, Ahmad A. Autoantibody associated congenial heart block: rare cause of persistent fetal bradycardia. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 May 22;2015. pii: bcr2015209655. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-209655.PMID:26002776
- Nigam A, Ahmad A, Sharma A, Saith P, Batra S . Postpartum Intrauterine Device Refusal In Delhi: Reasons Analysed. JOGI published online 14th July 2015. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13224-015-0714-9 . JOGI 2018;68:208-213
- Elahi AA, Nigam A, Pujani M, Batra S. Xanthogranuloma oophoritis mimicking malignancy: a diagnostic dilemmaBMJ Case Rep. 2015 Jun 25;2015. pii: bcr2015210642. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-210642. PMID:26113594
- Nigam A. Approach to a woman presenting with urinary complaints in puerperium. Clinical methods in obstetrics and gyneccology by Dr Manju Puri. 2015 1sr Edition: 204-8
- Kaur S, Khan S, Nigam A. Hematological profile and pregnancy: a review. Int J Adv Med. 2014; 1(2): 68-70. doi:10.5455/2349-3933.ijam20140804
- Nigam A, Kumari A, Jain R, Batra S. Colistin neurotoxicity: revisited. BMJ case reports 2015. doi:10.1136/bcr-2015-210787
- Kumari A, Nigam A. Bariatric surgery: a boon needs special care during pregnancy. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2015 Nov, Vol-9(11): QE01-QE05DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/14258.6802
- Rh negative pregnancy. Nigam A. Management of High Risk pregnancy A practical approach. Second edition 2015. Page 255-272 Publisher Jaypee brothers medical publisher.
- Prakash A, Saxena P, Nigam A. Clinical trials in india: the current scenario and a practical perspective. IJMS 2015;6:131-4
- Ahmad A, Nigam A, Elahi AA, Jain R, Batra S. Emergency Contraception: Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Among Women in South Delhi, India. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2016Feb;5(2):411-14. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2320-1770.ijrcog201603880
- Saxena P, Mishra A, Nigam A. Evaluation of pharmacists services for dispensing emergency contraceptive pills in Delhi, India: a mystery shopper study. IJCM 2016;41(3):198-202
- Khatoon F, Nigam A, saxena P. Yoga and exercise during pregnancy. DDf journal 2016: pp 7-10
- Soni R, Saxena P, Nigam A. Complications of diabetes in pregnancy. DDF Journal 2016;pp 11-16
- Saxena P, Prasad A, Singh A, Nigam A. Insulin resistance in PCOS a management paradigm. Souveneir of DIABECON 2016;pg 60-65
- Nigam A, Ahmad A, Gaur D, Elahi AA, Batra S. Prevalence & risk factors for urinary incontinence in pregnant women during late third trimester. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016, 5(7): 2187-2191
- Nigam A, Sharma S, Saxena P. Pre-invasive lesions in pregnancy& menopause . Colposcopy of Female genital Tract edited by Dr Sumita Mehta, Dr Poonam Sachdeva page 143-52
- Ahmad A, Elahi AA, Nigam A, Kapoor R. Mentoring in Medicine: Introducing a structured programme in a Medical College in Delhi. Accepted in Bangladesh Journal of Medical Sciences
- Nigam A, Prakash A, Maheshwari N. Postpartum depression in an Indian community: more prevalent less addressed issue International journal of reproduction, ontraception and obstetrics and Gynaecology;2016:5:2691-5
- Nigam A, Gupta N, Elahi AA, Jairajpuri ZS, Batra S. Delayed uterine necrosis: a rare cause of nonhealing wound. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Dec, Vol-10(12): QD01-QD02
- Sharma A ,Gupta KB , Nigam A, Pathania K. Comparison of low dose Dhaka regimen of magnesium sulphate with standard pritchard regimen in eclampsia. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016; 5(11): 3954-3958
- Nigam A, Sharma S, Jain A, Gupta A, Prakash A. Vertical Transmission of Chikungunya Manifesting as Foetal Pericardial Effusion. JAPI 2016;64:76-9
- Nigam A, Varun A, Saxena P. Dengue in pregnancy. Indian Journal of Medica specialities 2016;7 (4):145-48
- Nigam A, Gupta N, Saxena P. Clinical profile of dengue infection in pregnancy- A Hospital based study. Indian Journal of Medical specialities 2016;7 (4):160-62
- Khatoon F, Nigam A, Sharma NR, Srivastava R, Sangal R, Malik N. Prevalence and risk factors for group B streptococcal colonization in pregnant women in northern India. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Dec;5(12):4361-4364
- Nigam A, Saxena P. writing an introduction of research article. Pearls on scientific Paper writing. Page 14-17, Editors YP Munjal, Prakash A, Pangtey GP. Published by Physician Research foundation (Research Wing API)
- Saxena P, Nigam A. Authorships and Acknowledgement. Pearls on scientific Paper writing. Page 58-62, Editors YP Munjal, Prakash A, Pangtey GP. Published by Physician Research foundation (Research Wing API)
- Rashid N, Nigam A, Saxena p, Jain SK, Wazid S. Association of IL-1β, IL-1Ra and FABP1 gene polymorphisms with the metabolic features of polycystic ovary syndrome. Inflammation Research. 2017. Online 12th April 2017
- Nigam A, Prakash A, Sharma S, Kumar N. Premature Ovarian Failure – An Unusual Manifestation of Systemic Sclerosis. J Hum Reprod Sci 2017;10:58-60.
- Gupta N, Jain R, Nigam A, Rana S. Possible Underestimation Of The Risk In Case Of Cervical Ectopic. JPGO 2016. Volume 3 No. 12.
- Zaidi F, Nigam A, Anjum R, Agarwalla R. Postpartum depression: A risk factor analysis. JCDR 2017;11(8): 13-16
- Nigam A, Varun N, Saxena P. Maternal immunization: an opportunity to protect the vulnerable from infectious disease. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities. 2017;8:109-113
- Nigam A, Elahi AA, Batra S. Recurrent postcoital vesicovaginal fistula: outcome of consensual sex in an adult female. Published online 1 aug 2017. Journal of Obsterics and Gynaecology.
- Nigam A, Jairajpuri ZS, Jain A, Rai C, Tubercular cervicitis: a rare presentation of disseminated tuberculosis. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2017;8:161-63 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.injms.2017.06.006
- Saxena p, Miglani S, Nigam A. Screening of gestational diabetes mellitus: from controversy to consensus. Current Research in Diabetes & Obesity Journal 2017;2(5):1-4
- Gupta N, Nigam A. Managing septicaemic shock and assessment of postpartum sepsis. AOGD bulletin 2017;17 (2):19-22
- Varun N, Nigam A. Update on Cervical Carcinoma Treatment. Newsletter of ISCCP, Volume 6-7, Issue 3-2, May 2017-Dec 2017.
- Varun N, Nigam A, Elahi AA, Jain A. Cornual ectopic pregnancy: laparoscopic management step by step. BMJ Case Rep. 2018 Mar 28;2018. pii: bcr-2017-223998. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2017-223998.
- Nigam A, Saxena P. Study designs for Research. Page 62-71. Hand book on Research Methodology edited by Prakash A, Pangtey G, Munjal YP Published by Physician research foundation 2018
- Rashid N, Nigam A, Jain SK, Wazid S. Altered endometrial receptivity in infertile females with polycystic ovarian syndrome as compared to fertile counterparts: analogy of protein expression profiles. Human Reproduction 2018;33:458
- Gupta N, Nigam A, Varun N, Snehlata M, Aggarwalla R . Efficacy of Amnitear vs conventional method for artificial rupture of membranes: A randomized study. JCDR 2018;12 (6)
- Varun N, elahi A, Gupta N, Nigam A. Ruptured choledochal cyst during early pregnancy with successful fetomaternal outcome. BMJ Case Rep 2018. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-224357
- Pujani M, Hassan MJ, Jetley S, Jairajpuri SZ, Khan S, Rana S, Nigam A. A critical appraisal of the spectrum of polypoidal lesions of uterus: A pathologist perspective. Al Ameen J Med Sci 2018;11(1):35-41
- Saxena P, Nigam A. Screening and diagnosis of hyperglycaemia in pregnancy: Challenges and controversies. Clinical Guidelines for management of diabetes in Pregnancy. Edited by Dr Pikee Saxena. Published by Jaypee brothers Medical publishers, first edition 2018; Page 32-41
- Nigam A, Saxena P. Bariatric surgeries and gestational diabetes: implications. Clinical Guidelines for management of diabetes in Pregnancy. Edited by Dr Pikee Saxena. Published by Jaypee brothers Medical publishers, first edition 2018; Pg 192—200
- Gupta N, Nigam A, Tripathi R, De A. Unilateral tubo-ovarian agenesis with contralateral adnexal torsion in a premenarchal girl. BMJ Case Rep. 2018 May 7;2018. pii: bcr-2017-224157. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2017-22415
- Ahmad A, Nigam A, Saloni A, Prasad S. Screening chromosomal anomalies in early pregnancy: When and why. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2018;9(2);86-94
- Umbilical coiling index: An important predictor of fetal outcome. PAJOG 2018:1:44-47
- Nigam A, Elahi AA, Varun N, Gupta N. Primary amenorrhoea and clitoromegaly in a nulliparous woman: successful medical and surgical management. BMJ Case reports 2018. Online on 30th sept. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-226122
- De A, Nigam A, Jain A, Gupta N, Tripathi R. Laparoscopic management of Non-Puerperal Uterine Inversion. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2019;26:981-985 doi: 10.1016/j.jmig.2018.12.014. PMID:30590129
- Sharma S, Nigam A. Public forum by undergraduate Medical students during clinical postings: A way to improve the communication skill. Indian J Med Spec 2019;10:22-5
- Anjum S, Sahar T, Nigam A, Wajid S. Transcriptome Analysis of mRNA in Uterine Leiomyoma Using Next-Generation RNA Sequencing. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2019;19(14):1703-18 PMID: 30963983
- Sahar T, Nigam A, Anjum S, Waziri F, Biswas S, Jain SK, Wajid S. Interactome Analysis Of The Differentially Expressed Proteins In Uterine Leiomyoma. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2019;19(10):1293-1312. PMID:30727917
- Nigam A, Somyaa. Informed consent document and process. In: Ethics In Clinical Research Ed by Munjal Yp, Prakash A, Pangtey GS. First edition 2019:23-30. ISBN 978-81-939995-2-3
- Nigam A, Gupta N. Effect of tobacco on female reproductive organs. In Tobacco and Related Health hazards Ed by Prakash A, Talukdar T published by Evangel publications. first edition 2019:91-99
- Nigam A, Sharma S, Elahi AA, Batra S. Umbilical coiling index: an important predictor of fetal outcome. Pan Asian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2018:1:44-47
- Nigam A. Luteal phase support: why, when and how. Pan Asian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2018;1: 79-83
- Nigam A, Saxena P. Cesarean section on demand: Dilemma between ethics and Autonomy. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2018;1(2):51-53
- Varun N, Nigam A, Khan S, Jain A, Tripathi R. Clinicopthologic review of primary synchronous tumours of endometrium and ovary: What is different. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2018;1:97-100
- Varun N, Jain A, Nigam A, Noor S, Gupta N, Sharma S. Approach Towards Misplaced or Malposition IUCD: Lessons Learned. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 May, Vol-13(5): QC01-QC04
- Nigam A, Sharma S, Varun N, Munjal YP, Prakash A. Comparative analysis of two week glycaemic profile of healthy versus mild gestational diabetic pregnant women using flash glucose monitoring system: an observational study. BJOG 2019 Aug;126suppl 4:27-33. doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.15849. PMID: 31255712
- Nigam A, Ahmad A. Managing hypertension in pregnancy. Chapter 19, Evangel publisher
- Nigam A, Khan DA. Uterine compression sutures. Management of Postpartum haemorrhage: a Practical Perspective. Ed by Nigam A, Saxena P. Published by Evangel Publisher. 2019.Chapter 9: Page69-85.
- Nigam A, Fatima F. Stepwise devascularization. Management of Postpartum haemorrhage: a Practical Perspective. Ed by Nigam A, Saxena P. Published by Evangel Publisher. 2019.Chapter 10. Page 86-97
- Fazilat A, Rashid N, Nigam A, Anjum S, Gupta N, Jain SK, Wajid S. Differential expression of MARK4 protein and related perturbations in females with ovulatory PCOS. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets. 2019;19(7):1064-74 PMID: 31322078
- Nigam A, Gupta N, Jain A, Nigam A. Absent inferior venacava and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome: compounding risk factor for deep vein thrombosis and recurrent pregnancy loss. Indian Journaal of Medical Specialities 2019;10(4):219-22
- Sharma R, Nigam A. Skill lab in Obstetrics and gynaecology curriculum- An advancement in medical education technology. Pan Asian J Obstet Gynecol 2019;2 (2):53-56
- Nigam A, Nabi N, Gupta N, Mujtaba M. Gossypiboma mimicking as an adnexal mass after 4 years: a diagnostic dilemma. Pan Asian J Obstet Gynecol 2019;2 (2):83-86
- Nigam A, Nabi N, Khursheed N. Extraovarian Endometriosis: beyond Medical management. Recent advances in obstetrics and gynaecology, Recent advances in obstetrics and gynaecology, evangel publishers
- Nigam a, Varun N. conservative management of fibroids. Recent advances in obstetrics and gynaecology, evangel publishers
- Nigam A, saxena P. Dyslipidemia in pregnancy. Handbook on dyslipidemia. Evangel publishers
- Nigam A. Cancer stem cells. ISCCP Newsletter 2019;9(4):2
- Rashid N, Nigam A, Jain SK, Naqvi SH, Wazid S. Proteomic sift through serum and endometrium profiles unravelled signature proteins associated with subdued fertility and dampened endometrial receptivity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Cell Tissue Res 2020.;380:593-614 PMID 32052139
- Nigam A, Varun N, Sharma S, Munjal YP, Prakash A. Glycaemic profile in the second and third trimesters of normal pregnancy compared to nonpregnant adult females. Obstet Med 2020;13:30-36. PMID 32284730 DOI:10.1177/1753495X18807549
- Nigam A, De A, Jain A, Gupta N, Tripathi R. Ovarian torsion in a 4 year old girl: Rare occurrence. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2020;27:244-45doi: 10.1016/j.jmig.2019.07.010. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:31374342
- Rashid N, Nigam A, Wazid S. Assessment of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome in young reproductive aged women with polycystic ovarian syndrome: analogy of surrogacy indices. Arch Physiol Biochem 2020Feb 8:1-8 . doi: 10.1080/13813455.2020.1724157. Online ahead of print.PMID: 32037881
- Gupta N, Anwar A, Varun N, Paneesar S, Nigam A. Adolescent sexual behaviour and its determinants: a hospital based study. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9:5511-5.Gupta N, Varun N, Anwar A, Nigam A.
- Determinants of STIs and contraceptive awareness among Indian Adolescents: A hospital based study. The new Indian Journal Of OBGYN
- Nigam A, De A. Endoscopic Equipment and Instruments. Clinical Methods in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Jaypee publishers 2nd ed Manju Puri. Chapter 53 page no 548-563
- Sahar T, Nigam A, Anjum S, Waziri F, Jain SK, Wazid S. Differential Expression of Lumican, Mimecan, Annexin A5 and serotransferrin in ectopic and matched eutopic endometrium and ovarian endometriosis. Gynecol Endocrinol 2020sep23:1-5. https://doi.org/10.1080/09513590.2020.1824218
- Bedi N, Aggarwal P, Dang A, Nigam A. Transplacental COVID antibodies and cytokine storm in newborn: antibodies do not confer protection. J Assoc Phys India 2021 Jan;69:76-77
- Elahi AA, Nigam A, Sharma S, Varun N. Outcome of conservative laparoscopic approach in adolescent ovarian torsion: retrospective cohort study. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2020;3(2):77-81.
- De A, Jain A, Tripathi R, Nigam A. Complete uterine septum with cervical duplication and longitudinal vaginal septum: an Anomaly supporting alternative embryological development. J Hum Reprod Sci 2020:13:352-5
- ISCCP, FOGSI Gynae Oncology, AOGIN India, Consensus Guidelines for Cervical Cancer Screening, HPV vaccination and Management in the COVID-19 Pandemic and beyond co-author in the above guideline released in 2020
- Gupta N, Srivastava A, Varun N, Anwar A, Nigam A. A Prospective Study on Profile of Gynaecological Problems in Adolescent Girls at a Tertiary Care Centre. Int. J. School. Health. 2020;7(4):25-30.
- Nigam A, Agarwal P. When does labor becomes abnormal – in first stage. Souvenir National E conference on Labour and birth 2020; 41-45Combination of Proteomics with Computational Biology to get an insight into the genesis of Ovarian Endometriosis
- Azithromycin in pregnancy
- Management of Post partum Haemorrhage: A Practical Perspective: Editors Dr Aruna Nigam, Pikee Saxena. Evangel publishers. First edition 2019
- Preterm Labour: Pikee Saxena, Aruna Nigam. First Edition 2020
- ISCCP Newsletter: Editor in Chief Dr Aruna Nigam Since 2018
- Pan Asian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Editor in Chief: Dr Aruna Nigam Since 2018. Indexed with Index Copernicus
Research Work & Projects
- Award of Research Associate by ICMR on the research project “To evaluate the efficacy of Misoprostol for induction of labour at term.”
- Guided ICMR STS project 2005 of Miss Kalpana Baghel titled “Insulin Resistance Syndrome in Adolescents and Young Adults.”
- Award of Senior Research Associate by CSIR on the research project “Efficacy of Laparohysteroscopy in the management of infertility”.
- “Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices” study on Family Planning, 2006.
- To study the Fertility profile of females in and around Lucknow, 2006.
- “Bone mineral density in healthy Indian females”, 2006-07.
- Intramural research project on “Insulin Resistance Syndrome”, 2005-07.
- Post partum depression and its correlates, 2007.
- Acceptability of postpartum intrauterine device insertion at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research- 2013
- Change in hematological profile of postpartum women- 2013
- Prevalence of urinary dysfunction among postpartum women-2014
- Co-guide in the postgraduate thesis of ‘Postpartum depression and its correlates’ 2013-14.
- Awarded Fellowship of ICMCH by NARCHI 0n 25 th sept 2022 at hotel Lalit
- Received Fellowship of ISARCON in Annual Conference of ISARCON 2022 at AIIMS Guwahati on 11 th Nov’22
- Received LHMC oration Award “ Maternal hyperglycaemia as a cardiovascular risk in Offspring” in Annual Conference of ISARCON 2022 at AIIMS Guwahati on 11 th Nov’22
- Awarded Membership of National Academy of Medical Sciences (MNAMS) in 2015
- Awarded Fellowship of Indian College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists (FICOG) in 2016 at AGRA
- Received Amar Shyam Oration award 2017 by Indian Society of atherosclerosis research
- Awarded Fellowship of Minimal access of surgeons (FMAS) in 2017
- Awarded Dr UP Jha and Raj Soni Gold Medal for best paper presentation in endoscopy in 41st Annual conference of AOGd organized by AIIMS at Ero’s Hotel, on 28th-29th sept 2019
- Awarded certificate of completion of Advance course in Medical Education on 21st Jan’2020 at CMC Ludhiana, recognized by Medical council of india nodal centre for faculty development.
- Awarded certificate of appreciation by Jamia Hamdard University for special contribution towards science on National Science day on 28th Feb’2020
- Awards and Fellowships Has been awarded “GSK ONCOLOGY FELLOWSHIP” for 2011 by FOGSI
- Has been awarded “ETHICON FELLOWSHIP of LAPAROSCOPY” for 2010 by FOGSI
- Special Award in “Obstetrics & Gynaecology” in Final year M.B.B.S.
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Life Member of Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Delhi (AOGD), Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of India (DIPSI), Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research (ISAR), Delhi Diabetic Forum, Gynaecology endocrinology society of India (GESI), NARCHI, ISCCP, SOVSI,
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Delivered lecture on “Applied anatomy of Pelvic floor” on 21 st Jan at SOVS-D annual conference cum workshop at Sant Parmanand Hospital delhi
- Delivered Lecture on “Informed consent” in workshop on Medical Ethics on 22 nd March 2023 organized by Medical Education Unit HIMSR
- Delivered Lecture on “ Literature Search” on 13 th April 2023 at HIMSR Delhi in Protocol writing workshop.
- Delivered Lecture on “Reference & Bibliography” on 13 th April 2023 at HIMSR Delhi in Protocol writing workshop.
- Delivered lecture on Peripartum hysterectomy in FOGSI National Conference WW NATCON 2023 organized by KOGS, India from 19 th -21 st May 2023
- Delivered lecture on Dummy pelvis in Gurukul Classes organized by Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sir Gangaram Hospital, Under the aegis of ISOPARB, Delhi Chapter on 21 st May 2023
- Delivered lecture ‘Operating through scarred uterus’ in the ‘Pre-congress workshop of Narchi 2012 on ‘Skill workshop in obstetrics’ on14th sept 2012 at India habitat centre, Delhi.
- Delivered lecture on ‘Clitoromegaly and its clinical approach’ in 34th Annual conference of AOGD 2012 on 17th & 18th Nov 202 at Hotel Ashoka, Delhi
- Delivered lecture at AMASI on ‘laparoscopic management of adnexal masses’ on 19th Jan 2013 at RML hospital, Delhi
- Delivered lecture on ‘Reseaech-an Overview’ at MEDICON 2013 at UCMS hospital, Delhi
- Delivered lecture on ‘How to write an introduction’ at MEDICON 2013 at UCMS hospital, Delhi
- Presented a paper on ‘PPIUCD refusal, reasons analyzed’ in 35th AOGD on 22nd Sept 2013 at Hotel Grand, New Delhi
- Delivered lecture on ‘Management of Post Partum Hemorrhage’ in a “Maternal Death Review Workshop” on 25th October,2013at District Training Centre, 3rd Floor, DPMU, PVR Complex, Saket organized by Integrated District Health Society ( South east district)
- Delivered lecture on ‘How to write an introduction’ at Mewat in Medical college
- Delivered lecture on ‘Misplaced IUCD: Management’ in CME cum Workshop on ‘Postpartum contraception: a way to meet the unmet need’ on 14th March 2014 at HIMSR and HAHC Hospital, Delhi
- Delivered lecture on vesiovaginal feature at HIMSR in 2014
- Delivered lecture on endometriosis feature at HIMSR in 2014
- Delivered lecture on HPV DNA testing in CME on ‘diagnosis and management of cervical intraepithelial lesions under the aegis of ISCCP on 7th March, 2015 at Hamdard convention centre, jamia Hamdard
- Given lecture on ‘infections in recurrent pregnancy loss’ on 12th sept’2015 at Hindu Rao hospital
- Conducted panel discussion on contraception in females with medical disorders on 17th October 2015
- Judge in Paper presentation in AOGD on 31st October , 2015
- Conducted a panel discussion on Cardiac disorders in pregnancy on 20th Dec’15 in CARDIOCON at Hotel Radisson Blue, New Delhi
- Chairperson in UPCOG 2015-12-01 delivered lecture on ‘ Clitoroplasty’ in UPCOG 2015.
- Presented a paper on “Proteomic approaches in endometriosis” on 16th Jan ‘2016 in AICOG 2015 at AGRA
- Judge in paper session on 13th Feb, 2016 at hotel grand in critical care conference
- Delivered lecture on ‘new additions in contraceptive basket’ at Contraceptive Update Workshop 2015-16 on 16.02.2016 organized by Southeast district MTP committee, at Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya Hospital Delhi
- Delivered lecture on ‘Management of high grade lesions’ on 3rd april, 2016 at AIIMS, Jodhpur in 11th National Conference of ISCCP
- Has been invited as a guest faculty on 9th & 10th April in DIABECON 2016 at Royal Plaza Hotel organized by Delhi Diabetic Forum
- Delivered lecture on ‘Tissue basis of colposcopy’ in Pre congress workshop Annual Zonal Conference (North Zone) organisied by the Indian Menopause Society on 28th May, 2016 at Hotel Raddison Blu, Paschim Vihar, Delhi
- Delivered lecture on Laparoscopic anatomy in AMASI Skill Course at Agra on 16th July, 2016
- Delivered lecture on Laparoscopic management of adnexal massess in AMASI Skill Course at Agra on 16th July, 2016
- Delivered lecture on laparoscopic management of complicated adnexal masses: tips and tricks for learners on 7th Aug 2016 at AIIMS, Delhi in ENDOFERT 2016
- Delivered lecture on ablative therapy in the conference Oncology and Beyond on 10th sept at sant permanand hospital, new delhi
- Participated as a faculty in ISARCON 2016 at Kochi on 21-22nd oct 2016
- Delivered lecture on Bariatric surgery and GDM implications on 5th Nov’2016 in Life conference 2016 at Banglore, Le meridian hotel
- Delivered lecture on contraceptive choices special situations in AOGD on 12th Nov’16 at Hotel Ashoka, New Delhi
- Participated as a faculty in CME cum Public forum on diabetes in pregnancy organized by Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi on 19th Nov,2016
- As a faculty in ISCCP on 4th March, 2017
- Presented a paper on ‘cornual ectopic pregnancy: Laparoscopic management step by step’ on 27th August 2017 at India Habitat centre in DGES conference.
- Invited as chairperson in the ‘Hamdard Physiocon 2017’organized by department of rehabilitation sciences, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi on 7th and 8th Sept 2017.
- Delivered lecture on laparoscopic management of adnexal masses in AMASI on 23rd Sept 2017
- Delivered lecture on Hysteroscopy in AMASI on 23rd Sept 2017
- Delivered lecture on IFCPC classification in NARCHI precongress workshop 2017 on 28th oct.
- Invited as chairperson in pre-congress workshop on urogynaecology in Annual conference of AOGD on 17th Nov 2017 at Surya Hospital, New Delhi
- Delivered lecture on “Menstrual Moksha” in Annual Conference of AOGD on 18th Nov 2017 at India Habitat Centre.
- Invited as a panellist in Colopscopy conference on 27th March, 2018 at Gangaram Hospital
- Delivered lecture on Tissue basis of colposcopy in CME cum Workshop on Overview of cervical lesions and management guidelines on 10th April 2018
- Chairperson in session on GDM in DIABCON 2018 on 28-29th May, 2018 at Le Meridien Hotel New Delhi
- Took lecture on ‘Overview of Research” the CME on ‘Writing a Research Paper’ on 7th May 2018 at HIMSR
- Took lecture on ‘Writing an introduction” in the CME on ‘Writing a Research Paper’ on 7th May 2018 at HIMSR
- Took a lecture on “conduct of delivery and episiotomy’ the CME cum workshop on ‘Skills in Gynaecology and Obstetrics’ on 7th May 2018 at HIMSR
- Took lecture on “colposcopy: step by step” on 10th May 2018 at NICPR, Delhi
- Took training session for nurses on 15th May, 2018 at Hotel Lalit organized by Johnson and Johnson.
- Took lecture on “ video session on various surgeries” at Gurukul classes at Gangaram hospital on 1 July 2018
- Took lecture on Assessment methods of various teaching and clinical skills on 9-12th July.
- Took lecture on Stepwise devascularisation, hemostatic sutures and complete perineal tear in CME Cum workshop on “Science and Art of Obstetric Skills” on 21st July 2018 at HIMSR
- Participated as chairperson in Best of American Society of clinical oncology (ASCO) conference held on 28th -29th July 2018 at The ashok, Delhi
- Delivered a lecture on “Surgical Management of PPH’ on 4th August in RCH CON 2018 at Hotel Clarks Amer, Jaipur.
- Took lecture on “newer teaching learning and assessment methods in module” on 6th august 2018 in capacity building workshop of project “integration of maternal , infant and young child nutrition in MBBS curriculum” at HIMSR
- Took lecture on “ Interpretation on HSG” in CME cum workshop on “Observe, Interpret and Learn” on 24th Sept, 2018 at HIMSR
- Took lecture on “Mechanism of Labour on Dummy Pelvis” in CME cum workshop on “Observe, Interpret and Learn” on 24th Sept, 2018 at HIMSR
- Took lecture on “Episiotomy: recent trends” at precongress workshop of AOGD at Sir Gangaram hospital on 23rd Nov’18.
- Took lecture on “Adherent bladder during caesarean section” on 25th Nov’2018 at annual conference of AOGD organized by Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi at India Habitat centre
- Participated as a chairperson in the Medicolegal CME on 21st Dec 2018 by Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi
- Took lecture on “Reference and Bibliography” in the National Research Conference cum workshop on 13.1.19 at Holiday Inn, Delhi organized by Physician Research foundation, API
- Took Lecture on “Ideal labor room settings” at Obstetric Skill precongress workshop organized by North Zone Yuva FOGSI conference 2019 on 1st Feb 2019 at Hotel Raddison Blue, Noida
- Tool lecture in 19/20th april , 2019 at VIJAG in ISCCP conference on treating LSIL
- Chairperson in DIABECON 2019 at Lemeridian hospital, delhi on 27th April 2019
- Took lecture on Plagiarism on 27th May 2019 at NEIGRIMS, Shillong
- Moderated case discussion on “Anemia” in Gurukul classes at ‘Sir Gangaram Hospital’ on 20th June, 2019
- Delivered lecture on “PPH: Surgical Management” on 10-11th August, 2019 in National Congress on “Breaking Silos across: Adolescent to Menopause” at Hotel Lalit, New Delhi
- Moderated session on Endoscopy on 31st August, 2019 in DGES Annual conference at Hotel Jaypee Siddharth, New Delhi
- Delivered lecture on Cryo therapy in Preventive oncology AOGD precongress AOGD workshop in Safdarjung on 26th Sept, 2019
- Delivered lecture on Hemostatic sututres and step wise devascularisation in Precongress Obstetrics Skill workshop 27th Sept, 2019 at HIMSR
- Participated as panellist in Panel discussion on AUB in 41st Annual conference of AOGD organized by AIIMS at Ero’s Hotel, on 28th-29th sept 2019
- Delivered lecture on surgical management of PPH in Muradabad at Hotel regency in Annual CME organized by Muradabad Obstetrics and Gynaecological society on 24th Nov.
- Participated as a panellist in Panel discussion on Postpartum medical disorders in Annual conference of NARCHI on 23rd Nov at Ram Manohar Lohia Hospiral, Delhi
- Delivered lecture on Multiple choice questions and participated as resource faculty on 27th and 28th Nov 2019 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research.
- Participated s a faculty on 4th Jan, 2020 in “Gurukul classes” and took classes on Gestational diabetes Mellitus in Gangaram Hospital
- Took lecture on cryotherapy on 29th jan 2020 at lucknow in AICOG 2020
- Participated as faculty and chairperson in round table meeting and session on 30th Jan 2020 in AICOG
- Presented paper on glycaemic profile during pregnancy in AICOG 2020 at lucknow
- Took lecture on cryosurgery on 30th April 2020 on cryosurgery in webinar on screening and management of cervical intraepithelial lesions.
- Delivered a talk on DD News in programme Doctor’s speak on Covid and pregnancy on 13th may 2020
- Took lecture in an online CME on 4th July on Cryosurgery organized by ISCCP and FOGSI oncology committte
- Took lecture on surgical management of endometriosis on 27th July, 2020 in online CME organized by Ghaziabaad obstetrics and gynaecology Society
- Took lecture on “Luteal Phase Defect on 2nd Sept 2020 in a webinar organized by Abott pharmaceuticals
- Took lecture on AETCOM on 23rd sept 2020 in CISP II organized by HIMSR
- Took lecture on student doctor method in CISP II on 24th sept 2020 organized at HIMSR
- Organized and resource faculty in CISP II at HIMSR on 23rd and 24th sept, 2020
- Lecture on “ When does labour becomes abnormal: In first stage” on 26th sept in a “ National E Conference on Labour and Birth,, organized by KVG Medical College and Hospital, Kurnibagh, Sullia D K, Karnataka
- Delivered a talk on DD News in programme Doctor’s speak on Covid and pregnancy on 28 sept 2020
- Conducted panel discussion in precongress AOGD workshop on 29th Oct’20 on CTG analysis
- Moderated session in concept and case discussion on 8th Nov 2020 organised by ISCCP, e Webinar
- Judge in the free paper session on 6th dec 2020 in annual e-conference of Indian Fertility Society.
- Chaired the session in the annual e conference of Delhi diabetic forum, DIABECON 2020 on 12 Dec 2020
- Delivered lecture on effective clinical teaching on 9th Jan 2021 in the e CME on Competency based medical education
- Delivered lecture on partogram in PG force program on 28th Feb 2021
- Delivered lecture on CTG in PG force program on 28th Feb 2021
- Delivered lecture on labor care guide on the occasion of international Women’s day on 7th March, 2021.
- Delivered lecture in public forum in HIMSR on prevention on cervical carcinoma on 8th march 2021
- Took lecture on Labor care guide at 23rd practical course & CME on 12th march 2021, at MAMC, Delhi
- Took lecture on support in early pregnancy in a webinar organized by Abott on 17th March, 2021
- Participated as panelist in a Webinar on CIN lesion organised by Delhi Gynae form on 23rd March, 2021
- Took lecture on effective clinical teaching in revised basic course workshop in medical technologies organized by MEU, HIMSR from 6th -8th April , 2021
- Took lecture on assessment of clinical teaching in revised basic course workshop in medical technologies organized by MEU, HIMSR from 6th -8th April , 2021
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- Organized Online “Comprehensive Clinical Case Discussion” for postgraduates from 30 th March to 3 rd April 2023 as Course Convener
- Organized Online “Comprehensive Practical preparation” for postgraduates on 1 st April 2023 at HIMSR Delhi as organizing Chairperson
- Organized Workshop on Protocol Writing for postgraduates as organizing secretary at HIMSR Delhi on 13 th April 2023
- Organized 9 workshops for ASHA workers on training for anaemia prevention and family planning methods and 2 workshops for ANM from Jan to March’23 and trained 450 ASHA and 100 ANM.