Dr. Arun Parkash Sharma
Associate professor, Department of ENT & Head And Neck Surgery
Reg. Number: DMC-36399

Dr, Arun Parkash Sharma is working as an Associate Professor in Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. His medical qualifications include MBBS from Grant Medical College, Mumbai and MS (ENT) from Govt. Medical College, Nagpur. Additionally, he also possesses FHNO (Foundation of Head & Neck Oncologic Society) fellowship from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and IFHNOS (International Foundation of Head & Neck Oncology Societies) Fellowship -“GOLF” Fellowship is Head & Neck Surgery & Oncology. His areas of specialization includes Head & Neck Oncosurgery and ENT trauma. He is trained in performing various surgeries of thyroid, salivary glands, oral cavity, Nose and Paranasal Sinuses, larynx (voice box) and all other Head and Neck tumors. He has also worked in Shushruta Trauma Centre, New Delhi.
He is a member of Foundation of Head and Neck Oncology (FHNO). He has numerous articles and papers to his credit
Area of Interest
- Head and Neck Oncology and ENT Trauma
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Associate Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 01-01-2022 | Till Date | |
Assistant Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 26-05-2017 | 31-12-2021 | 4 Years 6 Months |
Lecturer | HIMSR, New Delhi | 05-11- 2015 | 25-05-2017 | 1 Years 6 Months |
Senior Resident | HIMSR, New Delhi | 20-12-2011 | 19-10-2015 | 3 Years 10 Months |
- Deepti Agarwal 1 , Seema Monga 2 , Arun Parkash Sharma 3. An Educational Intervention Study: Assessing Usefulness of Patient Education and if AR Control Was Affected by Different Methods of Teaching of Nasal Spray Usage, International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 2024; 14(5); 140-145.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma A, Agarwal D, Priya R,Nasseruddin K.(April 04,2022) Management of Fungal Rhinosinusitis: Experience From a Tertiary Care Centre in North India.Cureus 14(4):e23826.DOI 10.7759/cureus.23826
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma AP, Jetley S. Sporadic Burkitt’s lymphoma of the parapharyngeal space in an immunocompetent adult Indian male. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities. Jan-Jun 2014; Vol. 5: 1-4.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma AP. Schwannoma Tongue. Journal of Case Reports 2013;3(2):220-222.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma AP, Jetley S. Diagnostic Dilemma of Polymorphous Low Grade Adenocarcinoma of Hard Palate.Journal of Case Reports 2014;4(1):91-94.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma AP, Jan S. Acute Tuberculous Abscess of the Larynx.An Unusual Presentation. Acta Otorrinolaringol Espanola 2016;67(1):54-56.
- Malik JN, Monga S, Sharma AP, Nabi N, Naseeruddin K. STYLALGIA- Clinical profile & Management. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology. 2018: Vol.31(6):335-340.
- Monga S, Priya R, Malik J, Sharma AP. Primary tubercular otomastoiditis : a diagnostic dilemma; International Journal Of Scientific Research. 2019; 8(7):67-68.
- Priya R, Monga S, Malik J, Sharma AP, Shamim H, et al. Bell’s palsy: Our experience and review of 30 cases. Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2019; 4:1-3.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma AP, Nabi N, Bahadur S. Deranged Pulmonary Function Tests in Allergic Rhinitis in North India. Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat. 2019
- Monga S, Sharma AP, Malik JN, Priya R, et al. Oral carcinoma in Young – clinicopathological profile and survival outcomes in a north Indian Population. Journal of Otolaryngology Studies.2019; 2(1):103.
- Malik JN, Sharma AP, Monga S, Alam S, Joshi A, Rasool S, Bahadur S. A retrospective analysis of thyroid dysfunction following multi-modality treatment of head & neck malignancies. Polish Otorhinolaryngology Review. 2020; 9 (3): 17-22
- Monga S, Sharma AP, Malik JN, Rasool S, Ratna P, Khaja N. Temporal Bone Carcinoma Mimicking As Malignant Otitis Externa. Glob J Otolaryngol. 2017; 9(5): 555773.
- Arun Prakash Sharma, Seema Monga, Junaid Malik, Khaja Nasereruddin, Shahid Rasool, Ratna Priya. Correlation between BMI and Oral Cancer: A Hospital Based Case- Control Study. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.2020;12 (online first).
- Arun Parkash Sharma, Junaid Malik, Seema Monga, Shamsheer Alam, Shahid Rasool, Deepti Agarwal, Sudhir Bahadur.Analysis of the Efficacy of the Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap in Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery. Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola. 2020;(accepted)
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma A, Priya R P et al. Mucocele of the frontal sinus revisited.Pol Otorhino Rev 2020; 9 (2) : 1-5; 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1998.
- Jairajpuri ZS, Khetrapal S, Mohroo R, Jetley S, Sharma AP, Raj S, Sultan B. Comparative study of Verrucous Hyperplasia and Verrucous Carcinoma of Oral Cavity: Clinicopathological Dilemma Revisited.Oral Maxillofac Pathol J 2020;11(2):45-49.
- Sharma AP, Naqvi A, Sharma N, Haider K. Assessment Of The Association Between Oral Health And Hygiene Practices And Oral Cancer- A Hospital –Based Case- Control Study. European Journal Of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2020;7(8):1206-1211.
- Khan S, Hameed S, Hasan MJ, Husain M, Sharma AP. Nuclear Morphometery as an Adjunct to Cytomorphology in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Lesion. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 Sept, Vol-15(9): EC01-EC04.
- Jetley S, Sultan B, Rana S, Khetrapal S, Sharma AP, Naseeruddin K, Jairajpuri Z. Histiological Characteristics of Invasive Oral carcinoma and the Role of Epithelial- mesenchymal Transition in Cancer Progression. Journal of Cancer Research and Practice.2021;8:139-47.
- Bahadur S, Sharma A, Malik J, Monga S. Preservation of eye in carcinoma of the nose and paranasal sinuses- A critical review. J Head Neck Physicians Surg 2022;10:26-9.
Research Work & Projects
- A cross sectional study on correlation between preoperative nutritional status and prognosis of advanced oral cancer patients operated in ENT Department in a tertiary care hospital in Delhi.
- A Cross Sectional Study On Correlation Between Comorbidities And Microbiological Profile Of Surgical Site Infections In Postoperative Oral Cancer Patient
- Management of Orbit in Carcinoma of the Nose and Paranasal sinuses- A critical review
- FHNO (Foundation For Head & Neck Oncology) TRAVEL FELLOWSHIP –TATA Memorial Hospital Mumbai.
- IFHNOS (International Foundation OF Head and Neck Oncologic Societies) Fellowship. ”GOLF” “FELLOWSHIP IN HEAD and NECK SURGERY and ONCOLOGY”
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Membership of FHNO (Foundation For Head & Neck Oncology)
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Gurukul PG Master Class in ACSCON 2022. Annual Congress of The American Collegen of Surgeons- India Chapter on 4th-6th August 2022 (As Chairprson)
- “Clinical workup of goiter” at “Teaching worhshop (CME) Head and Neck Oncology- 18, Nov.2017 (DIAGNOSIS and MANAGEMENT OF THYROID MALIGNANCY) at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Delhi”
- “Role of Nasal endoscope in Sinonasal malignant lesions” at Teaching workshop(CME) on FUNCTIONAL ENDOSCOPIC, SINUS SURGERY(FESS),2, Nov.2019 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Delhi”
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- Organizing Secretary, “Teaching workshop (CME) Head and Neck Oncology-15th, Nov.2014 (CARCINOMA OF LARYNX and HYPOPHARYNX)”
- Organising Secretary, “Teaching workshop (CME) Head and Neck Oncology-21st, March 2015 (CARCINOMA OF ORAL CAVITY and OROPHARYNX) at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Delhi”
- Course Coordinator, “Teaching workshop (CME) Head and Neck Oncology- 18, Nov. 2017 (DIAGNOSIS and MANAGEMENT OF THYROID LALIGNANCY) at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Delhi”
- Teaching workshop(CME) on FUNCTIONAL ENDOSCOPIC SINUS SURGERY(FESS)- 2, Nov.2019 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Delhi”
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- 22nd National Conference of Foundation for Head and Neck Oncology. Guwahati, Assam,4-6th Nov. 2022
- CME on SALIVARY GLAND DISORDER.7th Annual Congress Of Delhi NCR State Chapter of AOMSI, 10-11th September 2022
- Cadaveric skill workshop held at AIIMS Trauma Centre. New Delhi on 3rd, 2022( As Faculty)
- Gurukul PG Master Class in ACSCON 2022. Annual Congress of The American Collegen of Surgeons- India Chapter on 4th-6th August 2022(As Faculty)
- Annual Congress of The American College of Surgeons- India Chapter on 4th-6th August 2022 (As Faculty) onn 6th- 7th 2022.
- CME on Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery(FESS),2nd Nov.2019 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (Delhi).
- “Mastercourse on Oral Cancer Management” on 2nd -4th August 2019 at Tata Memorial Hospital (Mumbai).
- “ORAL CANCER FACTS And FICTION” 29TH June 2019 at Homi Bhabha Cancer Hospital Mahamann Pandit Mohan Malviya Cancer Centre, Varanasi
- IFHNO world tour Kolkata 2018 & 18th National Meet of The Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology(FHNO) 26TH October 2018.
- “Mastercourse On Oral Cancer Management” on 27th -29th JULY 2018 at Tata Memorial Hospital (Mumbai).
- Revised Basic Course In Medical Education Technologies on 9th-11th JULY, 2018 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (Delhi).
- Oncosurgery Mastercourse (Oral Cavity) And Cadaver Workshop On 7th- 8th July 2018 In Ahamdabad (Gujrat).
- Head & Neck Form On Larynx/Hypopharynx And Head & Neck Salvage On 16th-18th March 2018 In Jalandhar (Punjab).
- Updates In Oncology-2018 (Controversies In Head & Neck Malignancy) On 28th- 29th April,2018 At Sir Ganga Ram Hospital(Delhi).
- Diagnosis & Management Of Thyroid Malignancies on 18th NOV,2017 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (Delhi).
- “Updates In Management Of Head & Neck Cancer” on 4th-5th Nov, 2017 at AIIMS (Delhi).
- “Master Class In Oral Cancer (FHNO)” on 15th-17th 2017 in Mumbai (Maharastra).
- “International Conference On Surgical Updates” on December18,2017 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (Delhi).
- CME on “Clinical Research” on 16th May,2017 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (Delhi).
- “Current Concepts In Head & Neck Surgery and Oncology” IFHNOS Global Continuing Education Program held on 12th-15th October 2016 in Delhi.
- “National Symposium On Thyroid Cancer”24th Sept,2016 University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital, Delhi