Dr. Arpita Mahajan
MBBS, MD(Anatomy)
Associate professor, Department of Anatomy
Reg. Number: DMC/R/04476

I studied from Delhi so I wanted my work place here. HIMSR has helped me evolve as a person professionally and personally. I have learnt a lot in my journey here and wish to continue and add on to my knowledge which would help in my academic development and betterment of college. I have been actively involved in academic research since the beginning of my career and have knowledge of administrative work related to my field. I try my best to convey the knowledge to students in an innovative, interesting and evolving manner. I always strive for a proper balance in life and have indulged in extracurricular activities in school and college but prioritizing my studies always, which has helped me to excel in life and achieve what I aim for.
Area of Interest
- Developmental science
- reproductive science and microanatomy
- Medical education
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MBBS | 2007` | Lady Hardinge Medical College , Delhi University | DMC/R/04476 | 26-12-2011 |
MD | 2012 | Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi University | DMC/R/04476 | 26-12-2011 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Assistant Professor | HIMSR , New Delhi | 17/08/2015 | Present | 5 years & 7 months |
Senior resident | MAMC, New Delhi | 30/07/2012 | 30/07/2015 | 3 Years |
Post graduate | MAMC, New Delhi | 30/05/2009 | 31/0/2012 | 3 Years |
- A cadaveric study of Radial artery and cephalic vein in Forearm and Hand: A Guidelinefor Radio-Cephalic Arteriovenous Fistula Planning Arpita Mahajan, Sanskriti Shashank , P Muthukrshnan,Ranjana Verma,Shayama Kumari Razdan International Journal of Anatomy ,Radiology& Surgery2022JulyVol-11(3) A001-A004
- Morphological and Morphometric Relations of Infraorbital foramen In North Indian Population by Mahajan A, verma ranjana ,Shayama.K.Razdan,S.K et al published in Cureus15(2):e34525.DOI10.7759/cureus.34525 Feb1,2023
- Variation in pulmonary Fissure : A source of collateral ventilation & its clinical significance, Shayama Razdan, Arpita Mahajan, Asha Joshi, Ranjana Verma , pragatrisheel Mittal DOI: 10.7759/cureus.23121
- Mahajan A, Mishra S. Unusual presentation of spermatic cord cyst in an adult cadaver. Int J Anat Res 2013; 02:119-20.
- Mahajan A, Patil S, Kakar S. Replaced right hepatic artery from superior mesenteric artery: A case report. OA Anatomy 2014 Jul 18;2(2):19.
- S Patil, A Mahajan, S Kakar. Surgical implications of aortoiliac tortuosity. OA Case Reports 2014 Jun 18;3(6):53
- Saha S, Mahajan A. An unilateral rare variant of plantaris muscle belly and its entrapment: a clinico – anatomical study. Int J Health Sci Res. 2015; 5(10):343-346.
- Mahajan A et al. Histological findings of testicular biopsy in North Indian population Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Apr;4(2):432-438
- Evaluation of osteological parameters of jugular foramen and its significance with respiect to expanded endoscopic endonasal approach. Arpita Mahajan, Ranjana Verma, Shalini Kumar, Raj D. Mehra Eur J Anat, 21(3): 225-233 (2017)
- Myocardial Bridging: a study on the cadaveric hearts of the North Indian adult population. Arpita Mahajan, Sachin Patil, Neelam Vasudeva. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy 2017; 06(02): 131-136.
- The anatomical perspective of human occipital condyle in relation to the hypoglossal canal, condylar canal, and jugular foramen and its surgical significance. Ranjana Verma, Shalini Kumar, Arpita Mahajan Rai, R.D.Mehra, Journal of craniovertebral junction and spine, October2016,7(4):243-249
- Morphological and Morphometric Analysis of Hypoglossal Canal in North Indian Dry Skulls and It’s Significance in Cranial Base Surgeries. Shalini Kumar, Ranjana Verma, Arpita Mahajan Rai, Raj D Mehra; J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Mar; 11(3): AC08–AC12. ISSN-0973-709X Mar
Research Work & Projects
- Attended workshop on “Application of Research Techniques in Reproductive Biomedicine” at Department of Reproductive Biomedicine at National Institute of Health & Family Welfare Munirka, New Delhi-110067, India from Nov.1-12, 2010.
- Thesis work on Correlation of histological changes in testis with immunofluorescent study of sperm acrosome in male infertility.
- Morphology and morphometric measurement of liver in human cadavers(ongoing)
- Morphology and morphometric measurements of adult femur(ongoing)
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- Organized workshop on “Basic Techniques of Immunostaining” at Maulana Azad Medical College, Deptt. of Anatomy on 13th & 14th March’2015.
- Attended workshop on “Laboratory techniques of Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics”as an Organiser at Maulana Azad Medical College, Dptt. of Anatomy on 17th - 18th October 2014
- Attended workshop on “Neural Staining Techniques”as an Organiser at Maulana Azad Medical College, Dptt. of Anatomy on 7th & 8th March’2014.
- Attended workshop on “Preservation Technique of human body- Embalming & Museumology” as an Organiser at Maulana Azad Medical College, Dptt. of Anatomy on 7th & 8th February ’2014
- Attended workshop on “Preservation Technique of human body- Embalming & Museum Techniques” as an Organiser at Maulana Azad Medical College, Dptt. of Anatomy on 23rd & 24th March’2012.
- Attended workshop on “Staining Techniques of The Gastrointestinal Tract” as an Organiser at Maulana Azad Medical College, Dptt. of Anatomy on 25th & 26th March’2011.
- Attended workshop on “Embalming, Plastination and organ Donation in present day scenario” as an Organiser and a participant at Maulana Azad Medical college, Dptt. of Anatomy on 26th & 27th March’2010.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- CME on Micrometry in Miccroscopic image analysis using image J software. Jipmer Pondicherry. 12th February 2022
- CME on Expanding Horizons of Anatomy- Knowing the Unknown held at 68th NATCON KGMU Lucknow on Feb 2022.
- Workshop on The Overview of In Vitro Fertilization Focus on Male Infertility held at 68th NATCON KGMU Lucknow on Feb 2022.
- Overview of in-vitro fertilization - Focus on male infertility Pre- conference workshop KGMU, Lucknow 2022 Participant
- Virtual Vs Explicit: Oppurtunities & Challenges AVEOCON 2021 TMU, Moradabad 67 NATCON 2019
- Attended IVACON virtual conference and workshop on Karyotyping organised by Department of Anatomy KGMU Lucknow in February 2021
- Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies Workshop Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, New Delhi 2021 Participant
- Body donation during COVID times Seminar Department of Anatomy, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi March 2021 Participant
- Attended 'National Anatomy Webinar Series’ organised by department of Anatomy KGMU in October-November 2020.
- Attended National Webinar on "Adobe Illustrator- A Drawing Software for Medical Teachers to Create Learning Resources" organised by Department of Anatomy JIPMER in October 2020
- Attended and did an oral Paper presentation at Annual conference of Anatomical Society of India organized by VMMC New Delhi in November 2019
- Attended the CME on organ donation on 18th September2019 at GNIMS Gautam budh Nagar Greater Noida UP
- Attended workshop on CISP at HIMSR conducted by Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
- Attended CME on Uniting to create Leaders to end Tuberculosis on 27th March 2019at HIMSR New Delhi
- Attended and did an oral Paper presentation at Annual conference of Anatomical Society of India held in AIIMS Rishikesh in November 2018
- Attended Revised Basic Workshop in Medical Education Techniques and AETCOM July 2018
- Attended CME on Immunization updates at HIMSR New Delhi in May 2018
- Attended CME on Diagnosis and Management of Depression and Anxiety Disorders in HIMSR New Delhi in April 2017
- Attended workshop on fetal autopsy on 20th -21st February 2017 at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
- Attended Annual conference of Anatomical Society of India held in AIIMS Jodhpur in November 2016