Dr Abraq Asma Riyaz
Associate professor, Department of Anaesthesia
Reg. Number: DMC-108194

A dedicated and passionate anaesthesiologist with more than a decade of experience in the field of anaesthesiology. Having requisite technical skills and expertise in managing the wide spectrum of responsibilities in Anesthesiology and Critical Care. Having a decade of work experience in all the basic specialities and superspecialities including plastic,neurosurgery,paediatric surgery ,onco surgery,bariatric surgery etc. Active participant in research work, academic activities, and teaching and training of post graduate students and paramedicals. An undergraduate and post graduate teacher since last 10 years. After completing MD Anaesthesia and and Senior residency from prestigious Sher-I-kashmir institute of medical sciences in 2012,served as Consultant Anesthesia in state health services.Subsequently was selected as faculty in prestigious Government Medical college Srinagar in 2013 .Continued to serve in GMC faculty for ten years in different capacities as lecturer and Assistant Professor . Having excellent communication skills, analytical ability, patient centric approach and emphasis on core medical ethics.
Area of Interest
- High risk anaesthesia, Critical Care
- Bariartic anaesthesia
- paediatric anaesthesia
- Onco anaesthesia
- USG in Anaesthesia & Critical Care
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MBBS | 2003 | Government medical college jammu,university of jammu | JKMC-8221 | 24-08-2004 |
MD | 2009 | Sher-i-Kashmir institute of medical sciences,Srinagar | JKMC-1735 | 21-03-2013 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Associate Professor | HIMSR | 01-04-2023 | Till Date | |
Assistant Professor | Government Medical College, Srinagar | 24-10-2017 | 03-02-2023 | 5 Years 4 Months |
Lecturer | Government Medical College,Srinagar | 05-03-2013 | 23-10-2017 | 4 Years, 7 Months |
Senior Resident | Sher–I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar | 01-09-2009 | 02-11-2012 | 3 Years |
- Asma, Riyaz Abraq; Thukral, Vanshika; Lodh, Shubrata; Ali, Yawar Shoaib. Case report-re expansion pulmonary edema [REPE] with underlying alcoholic cardiomyopathy: A deadly duo. Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research (Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research), 2024, Vol 15, Issue 4, p612
- Coauthored two chapters in book”Perioperative Anaesthetic Emergiencies”(ISBN No.978-93-91216-46-7)
- Aidal,N Farooq,H Bashir,AAsma.To Evaluate Analgesic efficacy of Ultrasound Guided Pectoral Nerves I and II Blocks in Multimodal Analgesia for Breast Cancer Surgery.J Res Med Dent Sci 2022;10(1):174-179
- I Rana,N Farooq,A Asma et.al.Transversus Abdominis Plane Block Versus Ilioinguinal/Iliohypogastric Nerve bock with Wound Infiltration for Postoperative Analgesia in Inguinal Hernia Surgery:A Prospective Observational Study .International Journal of Health and Clinical Research 2021;4(13):210-214
- AA Riyaz,UG Salmani,JADar.An Observational Prospective study on the effect of bolus epidural single dose of Magnesium as an adjuvant to epidural fentanyl for post operative analgesia in patients undergoing combined spinal epidural anaesthesia.International Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Research 2020;2(5):134-140
- Shoaib Y, Dagar A,Asma A .Home care of Patients with Head Injury:Are we Neglecting the Care givers?Indian J Neurotrauma 2017;00:1-3
- Shoaib Y, Nayil K, Makhdoomi R,Asma A et.al.Role of diffusion and perfusion magnetic resonance imaging in predicting histopathological grade of gliomas:A Prospective study.Asian Journal of Neurosurgery2017
- Ahmed A, Ommid M, Manzoor S,Asma A,,et.al.A Study on Intraoperative Awareness and recall during General Anaesthesia- A Prospective Observational Study.J Evolution Med.Dent.Sci 2017;6(68);4871-4877
- MOmmid,AKhatoon,SIshaq,R Lone,SAhad,AAsma,et.al.Lactate Levels as a Prognostic Indicator in ICU Population.Annals of Advanced Medical Sciences2017;1(1)
- Ali YS,Dagar A,Reyaz AA,Gupta LN. Remote Acute Extradural Hematoma formation after Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt-A Rare Occurrence.Int Arch BioMed Clin Res 2016 ;2(1):29-31
- A Asma,MOmmid,SA Gurcoo et al.A Prospective ,Randomised Study on Impact of Early Tracheostomy on Withdrawl of Mechanical Ventilation in Severe Head Injury Patients-A Comparison with Late Tracheostomy.Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2016;15(4):47-59
- R Najeeb,AAsma,MZahid,et.al.Comparative Evaluvation of Prophylactic Intramuscular Phenylephrine and Ephedrine on Spinal Anaesthesia Induced Hypotension during Caesarean Section and Their Effects on Apgar Score and Neonatal Outcomes.Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015;4(74):12852-60
- RNajeeb,NYadav,AAsma,et.al.Comparitive Evaluation of Central Venous Versus Arterial Blood Sample for Repetitive Measurements in Critically Ill Patients Admitted in Intensive Care Unit.Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences2015;4(65):11375-86
- AAsma,SParveen,MRameez et.al .Perioperative Management of a Patient with Dilated Cardiomyopathy Undergoing Hemicolectomy .Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences2015;4(68):11912-917
- RNajeeb,HSaini,M Ommid,AAsma.Comparison of Igel ,Proseal LMA and Endotracheal tube in laproscopic surgeries.Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2015;14(6):36-40
- MOmmid,AKGupta,AAsma,SGurcoo et.al.Anaesthetic Management of a Haemophilic Patient with Thrombophilia. Rev. Col. Anest.Febrero 2011;39(1):86-93
Research Work & Projects
- 1. A Prospective Randomised Study on Impact of early tracheostomy on Withdrawal of mechanical Ventilation in Severe Head Injury Patients-A Comparison With Late Tracheostomy
- 2. An Observational Prospective Study on the effect of bolus epidural single dose of magnesium as an adjuvant to epidural fentanyl for post-operative analgesia in patients undergoing combined spinal epidural anesthesia
- 3. Anaesthesia and ICU outcome of Obstetric patients with abnormal placentation(Placenta Previa, Placenta Accreta, Placenta Increta, Placenta Percreta presenting for Lower segment Caesarean Section (LSCS):Observational Prospective Study(going on)
- Completed two months of Short Term Training in Critical Care at AIIMS,New Delhi 2016
- Fellowship in Bariatric Anaesthesia at Max Superspeciality Hospital, Saket 2020
- Qualified basic course in Biomedical Research in 2022
- Completed Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technology in 2022
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Life Member of Research Society of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology
- Life Member of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists
- AHA Certified BLS &ACLS Health care provider 2016
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Presented a paper on a Prospective Randomised Study on “Impact of Early Tracheostomy on Withdrawl of Mechanical Ventilation in Severe Head Injury Patients:A Comparison with Late Tracheostomy at 13th Postgraduate Research Presentation Programme at Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences,Srinagar,2009
- Participated as faculty in 66nd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists at Agra,2019
- Participated as faculty in the workshop themed “Role of Ultrasound in Anaesthesia,Critical Care and Pain Medicine at GMC Srinagar,2019
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- Attended CME/Workshop on Recent Advances in Mechanical Ventilation at GMC Srinagar,2018
- Attended Update on Surgical Disorders of Liver at GMC Srinagar,2018
- Participated as Faculty in 66nd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists at Agra,2018
- Attended 8th Post graduate Research Presentation at Government Medical College,Srinagar 2019
- Paricipated as Faculty in the Workshop themed “Role of Ultrasound in Anaesthesia,Critical Care and Pain Medicine at Government Medical College, Srinagar 2019
- Attended CME on Palliative Medicine at Government Medical College Srinagar,2019
- Attended 26th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine at Hyderabad 2020
- Attended CME/Workshop organised by Department of Anaesthesiology,Critical Care,Pain and Palliative Medicine at GMC Srinagar,2022
- Attended National Haematology Update at Government Medical College,Srinagar2022
- Attended CME/Workshop on Pulmonary Function and Sleep Disorders at Government Medical College Srinagar 2022
- Attended 9th Annual Conference cum Workshop ,JAKASICON 2022 at Government Medical College Srinagar