Dr. Pratibha Panjiar
Professor, Department of Anaesthesia
Reg. Number: DMC 40774

Dr Pratibha Panjiar did her MBBS and DA (anaesthesia) from Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior. She has completed her secondary DNB and senior residency from VMMC and Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi. She also pursued Diploma in Medicolegal System from Symbiosis, Pune. She is currently working as Professor in the department of Anaesthesia, HIMSR, New Delhi. She is AHA certified BLS and ACLS instructor and IRCF certified BCLS and CCLS instructor.
She has vast clinical experience of more than 15 years and have administered anaesthesia for various specialities like general surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, orthopaedics, ENT, ophthalmology as well as superspecialities including neurosurgery, cardiac and thoracic surgery, paediatrics, oncology, urology, plastic surgery, transplant surgery, GI surgery, bariatric surgery, joint replacements, interventional neurology and cardiac cath lab. She also has experience in the management of acute and chronic pain and critical cases in ICU.
She is a postgraduate teacher and guide. She has multiple publications in indexed journals and chapters in books.
She has established CRT centre at HIMSR and running
COLS, BCLS and CCLS training programs. She has successfully organized the many CMEs and workshop at HIMSR.
Area of Interest
- Airway Management
- Labour Analgesia
- Geriatric Anaesthesia
- Cardiac Resuscitation
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
DNB | 2012 | VMMC and Safdarjang Hospital Jiwaji University | DMC-40774 | |
DA | 2008 | Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, MP Jiwaji University | DMC-40774 | |
MBBS | 2006 | Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, MP Jiwaji University | 8004 | |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 13-09-2024 | Present | |
Associate Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 16-02-2021 | 12-09-2024 | 3 Years, 6 Months, 27 Days |
Assistant Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 24-02-2016 | 15-02-21 | 5 Years |
Senior Resident | VMMC and Safdarjang Hospital | 01-06- 2012 | 011-03- 2014 | 1 Years 9 Months |
- Agarwal J, Khanuja S, Gupta M, Panjiar P, Wadhwani M, Jain M. Impressions of acute pain services in a tertiary care center in India – Enhancing perioperative outcomes beyond pain. The Indian Anaesthetists’ Forum 2024;25:111-16.
- Panjiar P, Agarwal J, Sinha N, Butt KM. Acute unilateral swelling of parotid gland after lateral decubitus position under general anaesthesia: Anaesthesia Mumps. Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology 2024;40:710-11
- Agarwal J, Khanuja S, Panjiar P, Gupta M, Thukral V, Prasad D. Midpoint Transverse Process to Pleura Block for Postoperative Analgesia in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Pilot Study and Review of Literature. Journal of Indian College of Anaesthesiologists 2024;3:16-22.
- Panjiar P, Chawla P, Habib S, Tyagi R. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Patients with Lumbar Peritoneal and Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt. International Journal of Science and Research 2024;13(11):17.
- Panjiar P, Khanuja S, Prasad ASD. Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) by antibiotic loaded bone cement (ALBC) implant used in orthopaedic surgery: An unexpected presentation. International journal of scientific research 2024;13:18.
- Hussain SY, Khanuja S, Panjiar P, Jain D, K Batt. Effect of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator on Venous Blood carbon dioxide levels and hemodynamic changes in health care workers. Indian journal of occupational and environmental Medicine 2023;1:38.
- Kochhar A, Panjiar P, Goel S, Pandurangi S, Maheswari M, K Batt. Are residents in India trained in ultrasound guided central venous cannulation? A prospective survey on the training and practices of anaesthesiology residents in central venous cannulation. International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Research 2023;4:88-95.
- Khanuja S, Panjiar P, Sachhan V, Hussain SY, Sinha N, Khan T, KM Butt. Intraocular Pressure Changes following laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation with Macintosh laryngoscope and videolaryngoscope (King vision) in non-ophthalmic surgeries: A Randomized study. International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Research 2023;4:489-95.
- Agarwal J, Panjiar P, Khanuja S, Annapureddy S K, Saloda A, Butt KM. Correlation of preoperative IVC collapsibility with preoperative fasting status, patient demography and general anaesthesia induced hypotension: a prospective, observational study. Indian J Anaesth 2022;66: 320-327.
- Agarwal J, Panjiar P, Khanuja S, Hussain SY. Early extubation to preventive noninvasive ventilation in coronavirus disease 2019 patient: A promising approach. J Indian Col Anaesth 2022;1:46-49.
- Khanuja S, Panjiar P, Hussain SY, KM Butt. Intraperitoneal Bupivacaine versus Nalbuphine in Postoperative Pain Relief after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomised Clinical Study. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research 2022 Feb, Vol-16(2): UC21-UC24
- Hussain SY, Panjiar P, Jain D, Khanuja S, K Batt. Current practice of rapid sequence induction in Pediatric Anaesthesia “A survey from India”. Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology. 2022
- Panjiar P, K Bhatt, I Yousuf, A Kochhar, T Ralli. Study comparing different airway assessment tests in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: A prospective study in geriatric patients. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2021;65(4),309
- A Kochhar, Panjiar P, K Bhatt. Intranasal dexmedetomidine for attenuation of hemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation in adults. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica 2021;72:1-6.
- A Kochar, J Banday, Z Ahmed, Panjiar P. Cervical epidural analgesia with general anaesthesia versus general anaesthesia alone for oral hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancer surgeries; a randomized studies. Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology 2020; 36(2):182-186
- Panjiar P, K Bhatt, I Yousuf, A Kochhar. Difficult airway in geriatric patients: Prospective study comparing various airway predictors in predicting difficult laryngoscopy. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical care 2020; 30: e84-e85.
- Panjiar P, A Kochhar, KM Bhat, MA Bhat. A comparison of the thyromental height test with ratio of height to thyromental distance, thyromental distance and modified mallampatti test in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: a prospective study. Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology 2019; 35(3): 390.
- Panjiar P, A Kochhar, H Vajifdar, K Bhat. A prospective survey on knowledge, attitude and current practices of preoperative fasting amongst anaesthesiologists: A nationwide survey. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia 2019; 63(5): 350
- Panjiar P, Gupta P, Gogia AR. A comparison of low concentration ropivacaine (0.075%) with fentanyl versus bupivacaine (0.05%) with fentanyl for labour epidural analgesia. International journal of contemporary medical research 2019 6(5); E5-E9.
- Panjiar P, A Kochhar, KM Bhat, MA Bhat. A comparison of the thyromental height test with ratio of height to thyromental distance, thyromental distance and modified mallampatti test in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: a prospective study. Anaesthesia 2018; 73: 96.
- A Kochar, J Banday, Z Ahmed, Panjiar P. Cervical epidural analgesia with general anaesthesia versus general anaesthesia alone for oral hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancer surgeries; a randomized studies. Anaesthesia 2018; 73: 94.
- A Kochhar, K Chauhan, Panjiar P, H Vajifdar. Gabapentinoids as a part of multimodal drug regime for pain relief following laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A randomized study. Aaesthesia, essays and researches 2017; 11(3): 676.
- M Jagia, MC Kapoor, Panjiar P. Pneumocephalus after epidural analgesia. Should loss of resistance with air be blown out? Journal of Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pharmacology 2016; 32(2): 272.
Research Work & Projects
- Comparison of blockbuster LMA with Supreme LMA in paedriatric patients: A Prospective Randomised Clinical Study
- Preoperative Ultrasound guided suprainguinal Fascia Iliaca block verses pericapsular nerve block as analgesic technique for positioning elderly patients with hip fractures – A Randomised controlled trial
- Comparison of awake oral tracheal intubation with flexible bronchoscope versus Video-laryngoscope in patients at risk of obstructive sleep apnoea- A Randomised control trial,
- Impact of Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) guided oral carbohydrate preloading in diabetes on gastric volume and associated risk of pulmonary aspiration – A Randomised Control Study
- Mid transverse process to pleura block – in a series of Patients: Continuing ahead with a finer proxy to paravertebral block
- Comparison of analgesic efficacy of oral Vs intravenous paracetamol in multimodal analgesic after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
- Evaluation of effect of N95 filtering face piece respirator on hypercapnic response & hemodynamic changes in health care worker – a prospective study
- Comparison of blockbuster intubating laryngeal mask airway, channelled king vision video laryngoscope and flexible fibreoptic scope in patients wiht simulated immobilized cervical spine: A Randomized Controlled trial.
- Comparison of phenylephrine versus norepinephrine infusion for prevention and treatment of maternal hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean section: A Randomized, Double Blind Study.
- Do residents in India are trained in ultrasound guided central venous cannulation? : A prospective survey on the training and practices of anaesthesiology residents in central venous cannulation
- Evaluation of three teaching modalities for the training of advanced airway techniques to paramedics student: A randomized controlled trial
- Randomized control clinical study between use of walant technique (wide awake local anaesthesia no tourniquet) and regional anaesthesia for fixation of distal end radius
- Diploma in Medicolegal System
- Successfully completed ‘Basic Course in Bio Medical Research’ by ICMR / NIE, December 2020
- Appreciation award in recognition of exemplary efforts in teaching and training in the field of Anaesthesiology by ISA Delhi.
- Faculty presentation competition at 1st Annual National Conference of YUVA ISA, 2020
- Scientific paper “Difficult airway in geriatric patients: Prospective study comparing various airway predictors in predicting difficult laryngoscopy” presented in World Airway Management Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019.
- Overall top 6 oral paper presentation “A comparison of the thyromental height test with ratio of height to thyromental distance, thyromental distance and modified mallampatti test in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: a prospective study” at Society of Airway Management annual meeting 2018, Chicago, USA
- Top 10 poster presentation “Cervical epidural analgesia with general anaesthesia versus general anaesthesia alone for oral hypopharyngeal and laryngeal cancer surgeries; a randomized studies” at the association of anaesthetists of Great Britian and Ireland (AAGBI) annual congress 2018, Dublin, Ireland.
- Scientific paper “A comparison of the thyromental height test with ratio of height to thyromental distance, thyromental distance and modified mallampatti test in predicting difficult laryngoscopy: a prospective study” presented at the association of anaesthetists of Great Britian and Ireland (AAGBI) annual congress 2018, Dublin, Ireland
- 3rd Position in Quotation Competition held @ S.J.H on 13th Oct 2018. Theme – Palliative Care Because I Matter
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Association of Obstetric Anaesthesia (AOA)
- Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM)
- Academic Bodies Societies
- Airway management foundation (AMF) AMF-429-2021
- Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists: M1595
- Indian College of Anaesthesia: 932
- RSACP P-343-L
- Difficult Airway Society: F1745
- Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britian and Ireland (AAGBI): 156225
- Airway management foundation (AMF) AMF-429-2021
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Panelist at Hamdardbiocon, HIMSR, 2024 on “Current updates on Sepsis”, HIMSR, 2024.
- Faculty (instructor) at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, for BCLS and CCLS provider course, November 2024.
- Faculty (instructor) at Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior, MP, for BCLS and CCLS provider course, October 2024.
- Faculty (speaker) at CME “Core concepts at critical care medicine”, HIMSR, on “Current status of DNAR in India”, New Delhi, October 2024.
- Faculty (instructor) at ESIC Dental College, New Delhi, for BCLS provider course, September 2024.
- Faculty at “7th International Airway Congress of AMF”, September 2024, New Delhi.
- Faculty (instructor) at GIMS Medical College, Noida for BCLS and CCLS course, September 2024.
- Faculty at “Advanced Airway Workshop by AMF” at 32nd Annual National and 3rd International Conference of Research society of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology, 2024, Jodhpur.
- Judge at 32nd Annual National and 3rd International Conference of Research society of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology, 2024, Jodhpur.
- Panelist at YUVACON Delhi 2024 “Medico-legal issues faced by anaesthesiologists: what should we know as residents and consultants and Free Lancers”, April 2024, New Delhi
- Faculty at ‘AIIMS Cadaveric Airway workshop’, March 2024, New Delhi
- Faculty (BCLS instructor) at LHMC, New Delhi, March 2024
- Faculty/ resource person at Delhi Pharmaceutical sciences and research university for workshop on Basic Life support and oxygen therapy, 2023, New Delhi
- Faculty at Advanced Airway workshop by AMF at National annual conference of ISACON, Gurgaon, 2023.
- Faculty (Simulation workshop) at 62nd Annual conference of ISACON Delhi, 2023.
- Faculty at workshop “Basic life support” at HIMSR annual fest Anastomosis, 2023
- Faculty (lecture) at 14 th National Airway Conference, Srinagar, September 2023
- Faculty at “Post Graduate Interactive Forum 2023” Safdarjang Hospital, Delhi
- Faculty (lecture) on “Chest X Ray” at AIIMS Post Graduate Assembly 2023
- Faculty (judge) at 61st annual conference of ISACON Delhi, 2022
- Panelist at annual conference UPISACON 2022, “The bleeding parturient”
- Faculty at workshop “Basic life support” in HIMSR annual fest Anastomosis, 2022
- Faculty at workshop “Basic life support” in Annual Congress of the American college of Surgeons, India chapter, August 2022
- Faculty at workshop “Management of Airway and Pain – The MAP”, HIMSR, New Delhi, 2022
- Faculty (chairperson) at RSACP academic webinar series “Airway- clinical pearls from experts” 2022
- Faculty (guest speaker) “Forays of artificial intelligence in Regional Anaesthesia” at 38th Annual Academic congress of College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka, 2022, Sri Lanka
- Faculty (Judge) at 68th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists ISACON 2021, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
- Faculty (Judge) at 60th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists (Delhi Branch), 2021.
- Faculty Trainer for workshop “Airway management workshop”, GIMS, Greater Noida, 2021.
- Faculty (lecture) on Artificial Intelligence in Regional Anaesthesia, ICA Webinar, 2021.
- Panelists at CME: World Patient Safety Day, HIMSR, 2021.
- Speaker at workshop “Emergency 101” on CPR, organized by International Fraternity of Medical Students, 2021
- Faculty (chairperson) at 1st International and 30th National Conference of Research Society of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology (RSACPCON), 2021.
- Faculty (chairperson) at RSACP ACADEMIC WEBINAR SERIES 2021, “Airway and Pain Management” ISA, 2021.
- Faculty (Judge), CME: World patient Safety day, HIMSR, 2020
- Faculty (Judge), CME: World patient Safety day, HIMSR, 2020
- Organizing secretary, CME: Anaesthesia Update 2020: Upcoming and Promising areas in Anaesthesia, HIMSR, New Delhi, 2020.
- Faculty, Workshops and Hands-On training in BLS, HIMSR, New Delhi 2019
- Organizing secretary, CME: Perioperative Patient Safety, HIMSR, New Delhi 2019
- Guest speaker, CME: Block, No block, Unblock, Sharda Medical College, Noida, 2019.
- Faculty at 11th National and 1st International conference of the Indian College of Anaesthesiologists (ICACON), New Delhi, 2019.
- Faculty at ISACON, Agra, 2018.
- Organizing secretary, CME: Geriatric Anaesthesia, HIMSR, 2018.
- Faculty at Skill development workshop and refresher course of technology, HIMSR, New Delhi, 2017.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- Organizing Secretary, CME: “Core concepts at critical care medicine”, HIMSR, New Delhi, October 2024
- Organizing Secretary “BLS Workshop Anastomosis 2022”, HIMSR
- Organizing Secretary “HIMSR Anaesthesia and Pain update 2022”, HIMSR, New Delhi, September 2022
- Member of Organizing committee “Convergence 2022 – International conference on Allied Health Sciences” Chennai, India, 2022
- Organizing secretary, workshop “Management of Airway and Pain – The MAP”, HIMSR, New Delhi, 2022
- Organizing secretary, CME: Anaesthesia Update 2020: Upcoming and Promising areas in Anaesthesia, HIMSR, New Delhi, 2020.
- Organizing secretary, CME: Perioperative Patient Safety, HIMSR, New Delhi 2019.
- Organizing secretary, CME: Geriatric Anaesthesia, HIMSR, New Delhi, 2018.
- Course coordinator, Workshops and Hands-On training in BLS, HIMSR, New Delhi 2019
- Course coordinator, Workshops and Hands-On training in BLS, HIMSR, New Delhi 2021
- Organizing Secretary “BLS Workshop Anastomosis 2022”, HIMSR
- Organizing Secretary CME on ‘‘HIMSR ANAESTHESIA AND PAIN UPDATE’ 2022’on September 2022
- Member of Organizing committee “Convergence 2022 – International conference on Allied Health Sciences” Chennai, India, 2022
- CME on celebration of World Patient Safety Day on 18th September 2021 by Deptt. Of Anesthesia., HIMSR
- Organizing secretary, CME: Anaesthesia Update 2020: Upcoming and Promising areas in Anaesthesia, HIMSR, New Delhi, 2020.
- Organizing secretary, CME: Perioperative Patient Safety, HIMSR, New Delhi 2019.
- Organizing secretary, CME: Geriatric Anaesthesia, HIMSR, New Delhi, 2018.
- Course coordinator, Workshops and Hands-On training in BLS, HIMSR, New Delhi 2019
- Course coordinator, Workshops and Hands-On training in BLS, HIMSR, New Delhi 2021
- Workshop on (THE MAP) “Management of Airway & Pain” 30th March 2022, Department of Anaesthesia, HIMSR
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- Attended annual conference of Association of Obstetric Anaesthesia, 2023, Ahemdabad
- Attended TMC National conference on “The Difficult Airway 2021”
- Attended workshop on “Videolaryngoscopy – basics and troubleshooting workshop” in 12th National Airway Conference, AIDAA, 2021.
- Attended Guy’s (Virtual) Airway Management Course, January 2021
- Attended TMC National conference on “The Difficult Airway 2020”.
- Attended ISA KARNATAKA VIRTUCON 2020, Karnataka, 2020.
- Attended 67th annual national conference “Anaesthesia, Technology and Beyond”, Bengaluru, 2019.
- Participated in 11th National and 1st International conference of the Indian College of Anaesthesiologists (ICACON), New Delhi, 2019.
- Participated in international conference “World Airway Management Meeting” held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019.
- Participated in CME “Block, No block, Unblock” held at Sharda Medical College, Noida, 2019.
- Attended CME “Critical Care: A Paradigm Shift”, UCMS and GTB hospital, 2019.
- Participated in national conference “Expanding horizon beyond operating room ISACON” held in Agra, 2018
- Participated in international conference at the association of anaesthetists of Great Britian and Ireland (AAGBI) annual congress 2018, Dublin, Ireland.
- Participated in international conference at Society of Airway Management annual meeting 2018, Chicago, USA.
- Participated in “Skill development workshop and refresher course of technology” HIMSR, New Delhi, 2017.
- Attended 64th annual national conference of Indian society of anaesthesiologists held in Ludhiana, 2016.
- Attended CME “The high risk cardiac patient for non-cardiac surgery” Medanta, Gurgaon, 2014.
- Attended “cardiology update for residents” VMMC and Safdarjang hospital, New Delhi, 2013.
- Attended CME paediatric anaesthesia “Managing a difficult child” AIIMS, New Delhi, 2013.
- Participated in CME/workshop “ULTRACON: TEE/USG guided nerve blocks” VMMC and Safdarjang hospital, New Delhi, 2013.
- Attended CME “International symposium on Endocrine anaesthesia” AIIMS, New Delhi, 2013.
- Attended workshop and CME on Airway Management, MAMC, New Delhi, 2011.
- Attended 1st international conference on recent advances in anaesthesiology” AIIMS, New Delhi, 2009.
- Attended CME on Neurotrauma, GRMC, Gwalior, 2008
- Attended 5th West zone conference, Nagpur, 2007.
- Attended CME Pain Blocks and Workshop on Regional blocks, Nagpur, 2007.
- Participated in annual conference of ISA, MP state branch, Gwalior, 2007.
- Attended CME “Anaesthesia Update” Bhopal, 2007
- Faculty at “Post Graduate Interactive Forum 2023” Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi
- Faculty (lecture) on “Chest X Ray” at AIIMS Post Graduate Assembly 2023
- Faculty (judge) at 61st annual conference of ISACON Delhi, 2022
- Panelist at annual conference UPISACON 2022, “The bleeding parturient”
- Faculty at workshop “Basic life support” in HIMSR annual fest Anastomosis, 2022
- Faculty at workshop “Basic life support” in Annual Congress of the American college of Surgeons, India chapter, August 2022
- Faculty (Judge) at 68th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists ISACON 2021, Ahmadabad, Gujarat.
- Faculty (Judge) at 60th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists (Delhi Branch), 2021.
- Faculty trainer for workshop “Airway management workshop”, GIMS, Greater Noida, 2021.
- Faculty (Lecture) on Artificial Intelligence in Regional Anaesthesia, ICA Webinar, 2021.
- Panelists at CME: World Patient Safety Day, HIMSR, 2021
- Speaker at workshop “Emergency 101” on CPR, organized by International Fraternity of Medical Students, 2021.
- Faculty (Chairperson) at 1st International and 30th National Conference of Research Society of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology (RSACPCON), 2021.
- Faculty (Chairperson) at RSACP ACADEMIC WEBINAR SERIES 2021, “Airway and pain Management” ISA, 2021
- Faculty (Judge), CME: World Patient Day, HIMSR, 2020.
- Organizing secretary, CME: Anaesthesia Update 2020: Upcoming and Promising areas in Anaesthesia, HIMSR, New Delhi, 2021.
- Faculty Workshop and Hands – On training in BLS, HIMSR, New Delhi 2019
- Organizing secretary, CME: Perioperative Patient Safety, HIMSR, New Delhi 2019.
- Guest speaker, CME: block, No block, unblock, Sharda Medical College, Noida, 2019
- Faculty at 11th National and 1st International conference of the Indian college of Anaesthesiologists (ICACON), New Delhi, 2019
- Organizing secretary, CME; Geriatric Anaesthesia, HIMSR, 2018.
- E- Paper on ‘Intraoperative atypical takutsubo Cardiomyopathy’in Midterm conference of society of Defence Anaesthesiologists and Inter command CME: Base hospital, Delhi Cantt, 29-30th August 2021. Ali Saloda, Jyotsna Agarwal, Pratibha. Panjiar, Kharat Mohd Butt.
- Attended Guy’s (Virtual) Airway Management Course, January 2021
- Attended TMC National conference on “The Difficult Airway 2020”
- Attended ISA KARNATAKA VIRTUCON 2020, Karnataka, 2020
- Attended 67th annual national conference “Anaesthesia, Technology and Beyond”, Bengaluru, 2019
- Participated in 11th National and 1st International conference of the Indian College of Anaesthesiologists (ICACON), New Delhi, 2019.
- Participated in international conference “World Airway Management Meeting” held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019.
- Participated in CME “Block, No block, Unblock” held at Sharda Medical College, Noida, 2019.
- Attended CME “Critical Care: A Paradigm Shift”, UCMS and GTB hospital, 2019.
- Participated in national conference “Expanding horizon beyond operating room ISACON” held in Agra, 2018.
- Participated in international conference at the association of anaesthetists of Great Britian and Ireland (AAGBI) annual congress 2018, Dublin, Ireland.
- Participated in international conference at Society of Airway Management annual meeting 2018, Chicago, USA.
- Participated in “Skill development workshop and refresher course of technology” HIMSR, New Delhi, 2017.
- Attended 64 th annual national conference of Indian society of anaesthesiologists held in Ludhiana, 2016.