Dr. Nehal Ahmad
MD (Pathology)
Associate professor, Department of Pathology
Reg. Number: DMC - 39924

I Dr. Nehal Ahmad, after completing my MBBS exam joined Institute of Medical Science , Banaras Hindu University , as post graduate in Department of Pathology. After completing my Post graduation ,I joined as Demonstrator in Hamdard institute of Medical Science & research in 2014. After working for about three and half years I joined as Assistant professor in the same Institute on 19th January 2018. From then I am presently working in the same Institute as Assistant Professor. I have my credit many Publications including National and International publication. I have also my credit of poster and oral presentation. My special areas of interest are Neuropathology , Soft tissue pathology, Oncopathology , Bone marrow pathology.
Area of Interest
- Neuropathology
- Soft tissue pathology
- Oncopathology
- Bone marrow pathology
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
M.B.B.S | 2007 | Katihar Medical College,Katihar B.N.Mandal University, Madhepura | 37746, 22nd Aug 2008 | |
MD(Pathology) | 2014 | IMS,BHU, Varanasi Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi | 39924,29th May 2019 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Associate Professor | Hamdard Institute of Medical Science & research | 21-11-2022 | Present | |
Assistant Professor | Hamdard Institute of Medical Science & research | 19-01-2018 | 20-11-2022 | 4 Years, 10 Months |
SeniorResident/Demonstrator | Hamdard Institute of Medical Science & research | 04-08-2014 | 18-01 2018 | 3 Years, 5 Months |
Junior Resident | Institute of Medical Science , BHU | 05-05-2011 | 04-05-2014 | 3 years |
- Ahmad N, Khan S, Hasan MJ, Mohroo R, Hameed S, Jetley S. Clinico-pathological Study of Benign Vocal Fold Polyps and Nodules: A Single Institution Experience of 7 Years at a Tertiary Care Centre, New Delhi, India. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2024 Jan, Vol-13(1): PO37-PO40
- Mehraj M, Aden D, Khan S, Ahmad N, Jetley S. Yolk sac tumor in ascitic fluid – Cytodiagnosis of a rare case. Arch Med Health Sci Jan 2024.
- Ahmad N, Iqbal Z, Mohroo R, Khan S, Hussain M. Calcinosis Cutis presenting as Iliac region mass in an elderly female : A rare entity with Cyto-Histopathological correlation. Indian J Dermatopathol Diagn Dermatol 2024;11:8-11
- Jetley S, Bushra B, Ahmad N, Elahi AA, Jairajpuri ZS, Rana S, et al. Endometrial hormonal receptor expression and blood vessel density in abnormal uterine bleeding: A cross‐sectional descriptive study. Acta Med Int 2024;11:93-9.
- Durre Aden, Nehal Ahmad, Sabina Khan, Rubeena Mohroo,Challenges in the cytological diagnosis of nodular fasciitis,Journal of Medicine, Surgery, and Public Health,2024(4),100153,ISSN 2949-916X.
- Dr. Azka Qazi, Dr. Sabina Khan, Dr. Shivali Sehgal, Dr. Nehal Ahmad, & Dr. Anwar Habib. (). EVALUATION OF PLATELET PARAMETERS IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE PATIENTS UNDERGOING HEMODIALYSIS- A TERTIARY CARE CENTRE EXPERIENCE. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology, 2024;31(11), 349-355
- Ahmad N, Khan S, Hassan MJ, Jetley S. Histopathological profile of sinonasal lesions with brief clinical correlation:experience in a tertiary care centre. Pathology Update:Trop J Path Micro 2017;3(4):382-389.doi:10.17511/jopm. 2017.i4.04.
- Ahmad N, Hassan MJ, Khan S ,Jairajpuri ZS , Jetley S. Histopathological Spectrum of Ovarian Lesion in a Tertiary Care Hospital over a Period of Five years; Saudi J Pathol Microbiol, Nov. 2019; 4(11): 868-874
- Ahmad N, Khan S, Hasan MJ, Jetley S, Jain A. Cholesterol Granuloma of Hydrocele Sac Mimicking Testicular Tumour. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine .Vol. 04, No. 02, March - April, 2017
- Ahmad N, Khan S, Jetley S. Molluscum Contagiosum: Rapid Cytological Diagnosis using Tzanck Smear in a Case with Unusual Presentation. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2017 Apr, Vol-6(2): PC17-PC19
- Ahmad N, Hassan MJ, Jairajpuri ZS, Khan S, Naz R, Jetley S. Cytomorphological diagnosis of Pilomatricoma in an unusual location. Trop J Path Micro 2018;4(2):153-157. Doi: 10.17511/jopm.2018.i2.06
- Ahmad N, Hasan MJ, Modi SK, Khan S, Jetley S. Infarcted Fibroadenoma: An unusual case with its Cyto-histopathological Correlation. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine . Vol. 05, No. 09, Sep-2018
- Das S, Manna A, Ahmad N, Banerjee D, Mondal S, Tayal P. Psoriasis and metabolic syndrome: Co-incidence or correlation. Med J DY Patil Univ 2016;9:177-80
- Das S, Singh U, Ahmad N, Manna A. Evaluation of Autoantibodies in Systemic Lupus Erytehematosus and Their Clinical Correlation. ejbps, 2015, Volume 2, Issue 7, 289- 292
- Hassan MJ, Khan S , Ahmad N , Akhter K. Role of fine needle aspiration cytology in diagnosis of various giant cell lesions of bone and its Histopathological correlation. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology, October-December 2016;3(4);582-586
- Nayana NS, Hassan MJ, Khan S, Ahmed N, Jetley S. Epidermoid Cyst of Glans Penis in an Adolescent Male: A Common Entity at an Uncommon Site. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews 2016;2(12):9-10
- Pendharkar D, Hassan MJ, Khan S, Khetrapal S, Ahmad N, Jetley S. Cytological diagnosis and management of Bacille-Calmette-Guerin (BCG) induced lymphadenitis in infants. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2019;6(1):63-66.
- Bajaj A, Hassan M. J, Khan S, Ahmad N, Jetley S. Bilateral mature cystic teratoma of ovary: A rare case presentation. Indian J Pathol Oncol. 2018;5(4):692-694.
- Trisal M,Khetrapal S, Ahmad N, Jetley S, Jairajpuri SZ. Primary Pure Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Gallbladder Presenting as Chronic Cholecystitis: A Rare Case Report. Saudi Journal of Pathology and Microbiology .10.21276/sjpm.2017.2.8.4.
- Ahmad N, Khan S, Hassan MJ, Jetley S. Analysis of Blood Donor Deferral Pattern in a New Blood Bank of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Delhi Region. Int Arch BioMed Clin Res. 2020;6(1):PA7–PA11.
- Panhotra. S, Jairajpuri ZS, Sultan B,Jetley S, Ahmad N*.Rare Neurogenic Tumor – Pacinian Neurofibroma: A Case Report. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 7, Issue 2, February, 2020
- Khetrapal S, R Safia , Jairajpuri SZ, Jetley S, Khan S, ,Hassan MJ, Ahmad N. The unusual tales of Arch and Nape. Sch J App Med Sci, Jan., 2020; 8(1): 29-39
- Khan S, Hameed S, Ahmad N ,Mohroo R, Hassan MJ, Jetley S. Cytological diagnosis of Cylindroma. Saudi J Pathol Microbiol, May., 2020; 5(5): 273-275
- Khan S, Ahmad N, Hussain M, Hassan MJ, Jetley S. Breast Filariasis presenting with Multiple lumps - A Rare Cytological Diagnosis. Indian journal of Pathology and Microbiology(Accepted 2020).
- Trisal M, Hassan MJ, Ahmad N, Khan S, Jetley S : Angioleiomyoma presenting as a nodular swelling of leg- Report of a rare painful benign soft tissue tumor. IP Archives of Cytology and Histopathology Research. September 2020;5(3): 248-250
- Trisal M, khan S, Husain M, Ahmad N, Hassan MJ, Jetley S. Glomus tumor of uncertain malignant potential in the arm of an elderly female- Report of unusual case”- Indian Journal of dermatopathology and diagnostic dermatology. August 2020;7(2):88–91
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Indian Acaedmy of Pathology and Microbiology (IAPM Delhi Regional chapter)
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- As a Member organizing committee in CME in Transfusion Medicine on 8th August 2017 organized by Deptt of Pathology , HIMSR
- As a Member organizing committee in Seminar Cum Workshop on Exfoliative Liquid Based Gynaecological Cytology on 17th October 2017 organized by Deptt of Pathology , HIMSR
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- “Workshop on Manual Tissue Microarray Construction’’ organized by Deptt. Of Pathology,UCMS & GTB Hospital, Delhi in March 2016
- Vth Annual conference of Delhi Chapter of Indian Academy of cytologists Sep 2016
- CME in Transfusion Medicine organized by Deptt of Pathology , HIMSR, Aug 2017
- VIth Annual conference of Delhi Chapter of Indian Academy of cytologists Sep 2017
- CME on Neurophysiology organized by Deptt. Of Physiology,HIMSR, Sep 2017
- Seminar Cum Workshop on Exfoliative Liquid Based Gynaecological Cytology organized by Deptt of Pathology , HIMSR, Oct 2017
- Women and Diabetes – Our right to healthy future organized by Deptt of Medicine and Biochemistry , HIMSR, Nov 2017
- DAPCON 2018, organized by Deptt of Pathology , VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, and NIP ,New Delhi , Feb 2018
- CME on “Oncopathology – An Update” organized by Deptt. Of Pathology, ESIC Medical college & Hospital, Faridabad Mar 2018
- VIIth Annual conference of Delhi Chapter of Indian Academy of cytologists Sep 2018
- 29th Annual conference, Delhi Society of Haematology by Deptt. Of Pathology, UCMS & GTB Hospital, Delhi.Sep 2018
- VIIIth Annual conference of Delhi Chapter of Indian Academy of cytologists Sep 2019
- “Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies’’ 14 to 16 October at HIMSR Conducted by MAMC in OCTOBER 2019.
- “AETCOM SENSITIZATION PROGRAMME’ on 17th October Conducted by MAMC in OCTOBER 2019.