Dr. Sankat Mochan
M.Sc., Ph.D. [Medical Anatomy]
Senior resident, Department of Anatomy
Reg. Number: DMC-

Dr. Sankat Mochan joined pride of the nation, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi for Master’s program in Medical Anatomy. After successful completion of his post graduate examination with Rank 1 in the department he further pursued Ph.D. at AIIMS, New Delhi and earned Doctorate degree in the same stream.
He did his Senior Residency in Department of Anatomy from prestigious Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi and subsequently worked as Assistant Professor at CIMSH, Lucknow. He does research on molecular aspects of human placenta, and on variations of Plastination technique. He has been recipient of 2 Gold Medals from Anatomical Society of India, and several awards at national and international levels. Awards from American Association of Anatomists, Society of Young Scientists-AIIMS, New Delhi & fellowships award from Indian Council of Medical Research are notable ones he bagged for his research work. His research work has been published in various international journals.
Area of Interest
- Medical Education
- Evolving techniques in Anatomy Teaching
- Placenta biology
- variation in Plastination techniques
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
Ph.D. Medical Anatomy | 2017 | AIIMS, New Delhi | ||
Post-graduation Medical Anatomy | 2011 | AIIMS, New Delhi |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Senior Resident | HIMSR, New Delhi | 30-12-2021 | Till Date | |
Assistant professor | CIMSH, Lucknow | 21-11-2019 | 12-10-2021 | 2 Years |
Senior Resident | MAMC, New Delhi | 20-04-2018 | 19-11-2019 | 1 Year, 7 Months |
Ph.D. Scholar | AIIMS, New Delhi | 27-07-2011 | 27-10-2017 | 6 Years |
- Sankat Mochan, Manoj Kumar Dhingra, Sunil Kumar Gupta, Shobhit Saxena, Pallavi Arora, Vineeta Yadav, Neerja Rani, Kalpana Luthra, Sadanand Dwivedi, Neerja Bhatla, Renu Dhingra (2019) Status of VEGF in preeclampsia and its effect on endoplasmic reticulum stress in placental trophoblast cells. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology., 4, 100070.
- Sankat Mochan, Manoj K. Dhingra, Sunil K. Gupta, Shobhit Saxena, Pallavi Arora, Neerja Rani, Neerja Bhatla, Sada Nand Dwivedi, Renu Dhingra (2019) Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Alleviates Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress via PERK, IRE1, and ATF6 Pathways in Trophoblast Cells. Journal of Anatomical Society of India., 68(3), 187-195
- Mochan, S., Kumar, R., Bhatla, N., Dhingra, R (2018) Role of sVEGFR1 (sFlt-1) in inducing Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Trophoblast Cells and its Status in Preeclampsia. Journal of the Anatomical Society of India., 67-2, pp.93-103.
- Pallavi Arora, SushilKumariSangwan, Ranjan Gupta, SankatMochan, Sunil K. Gupta, ShobhitSaxena, Neerja Rani, NeerjaBhatla, SadanandDwivedi, Arundhati Sharma, RenuDhingra (2019) Association of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Soluble fms Like Tyrosine Kinase 1 Polymorphisms with Their Circulating Protein Levels in Preeclampsia. Journal of Anatomical Society of India., 68(3), 215-220.
- Parkinson Soubam, Shashwat Mishra, Ashish Suri, RenuDhingra, SankatMochan, Sanjeevlalwani, TS Roy, Ashok K Mahapatra (2018): Standardization of the technique of silicon injection of human cadaveric heads for opacification of cerebral vasculature in Indian condition. Neurology India, 66-2, pp 439-443.
- Kumar, A., Pareek, V., Faiq, M.A., Kumar, P., Raza, K., Prasoon, P., Dantham, S., Mochan, S. (2017) Regulatory role of NGFs in neurocognitive functions. Reviews in the Neurosciences., 10(1515), pp. 0031.
- Kumar, A.,Singh, H.N., Pareek, V., Raza, K., Kumar, P., Faiq, M.A., Mochan, S., Dantham, S., Upadhyaya, AD. (2017) Altered expression of a unique set of genes reveals complex etiology of Schizophrenia. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, BioRxiv., 10(1101), pp. 131623.
- Kumar A., Faiq, M.A., Pandey, S.N., Pareek, V., Mochan, S., Kumar, P., Dantham, S., Raza, K (2017) Addictive Influences and Stress Propensity in Heavy Internet Users: A Proposition for Information Overload Mediated Neuropsychiatric Dysfunction. Current Psychiatry reviews, Bentham Science, Vol.13, No.3, pp. 1-8.
- Kumar, A., Singh, H.N., Pareek, V., Raza, K., Dantham, S., Kumar, P., Mochan, S., Faiq, M.A. (2016) A Possible Mechanism of Zika Virus Associated Microcephaly: Imperative Role of Retinoic Acid Response Element (Rare) Consensus Sequence Repeats in the Viral Genome. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.,10, pp. 403.
- SankatMochan, Sunil K Gupta, ShobhitSaxena, Pallavi Arora, VineetaYadav, Manisha Mishra, Neerja Rani, NeerjaBhatla, SadaNandDwivedi, RenuDhingra (2019) Up-regulated central regulator of UPR in trophoblastic cells: a hallmark of ER stress in Preeclampsia. Presented in 67th NATCON, VardhmanMahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, November 17-20
- Mochan, S.,Dhingra, R., (2018) A comparative study of fresh and old embalmed lungs using plastination: qualitative and quantitative approach. Presented in 66th NATCON, AIIMS, Rishikesh, November 11-14.
- Mochan, S.,Bhatla, N., Dhingra, R (2018) sFlt-1 (sVEGFR1) induces placental endoplasmic reticulum stress in trophoblast cells via IRE1 axis of the ER stress pathways; implications in Preeclampsia. Presented in SYSCON, AIIMS, New Delhi.
- Mochan, S., Kumar, R., Bhatla, N., Dhingra, R (2017) Role of sVEGFR1 (sFlt-1) in inducing Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Trophoblast Cells and its Status in Preeclampsia. Presented in 65th NATCON, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medical College, Raipur
- Mochan, S., Kumar, R., Bhatla, N., Dhingra, R (2017) sVEGFR1 (sFlt-1) induces endoplasmic reticulum stress marker ATF6 in trophoblast cells. Presented in 65th NATCON, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medical College, Raipur.
- Mochan, S., Kumar, R., Bhatla, N., Dhingra, R (2016) PERK (arm) pathway of Endoplasmic reticulum stress is induced on treatment of trophoblast cells with the sVEGFR-1(sFlt-1). Presented in 64th NATCON, AIIMS, Jodhpur.
- Mochan, S., Kumar, R., Dhingra, R (2015) Plastination of embalmed and freshly preserved human lungs using S-10 technique. Presented in 63rd NATCON, King George's Medical University, Lucknow.
- Mochan, S., Kumar, R., Bhatla, N., Luthra, K., Dhingra, R (2015) Role of angiogenic factors in inducing endoplasmic reticulum stress in trophoblast : an in vitro study. Presented in 63rd NATCON, King George's Medical University, Lucknow.
- Gupta Sunil, MochanSankat, BhatlaNeerja, Luthrakalpana, Sharma Arundhati, KshetrapalPallavi, SaxenaShobhit, Arora Pallavi, Rani Neerja, DhingraRenu (2019) Hydrogen sulphide improves the migration potential of trophoblast cells: an in vitro study. Presented in 67th NATCON, VardhmanMahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, November 17-20.
- Pallavi Arora, SankatMochan, Sunil K Gupta, ShobhitSaxena, Neerja Rani, NeerjaBhatla, SadaNandDwivedi, RenuDhingra. Insufficient trophoblastic invasion leads to impaired placentation in preeclamptic patients: a case control study (2019) Presented in 67th NATCON, VardhmanMahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, November 17-20.
- Mishra Manisha, Arora Pallavi, SaxenaShobhit, Gupta Sunil, MochanSankat,KasapuramDheeraj, Singh Seema, BhatlaNeerja, Sharma Arundhati, DhingraRenu and Rani Neerja (2019) Association of MMP 2 gene polymorphisms (-735C/T and -1306C/T) in Preeclamptic patients in Indian population. Presented in Joint meeting on 6th World Congress on Human Genetics and Genetic diseases and 12th World Conference on Human Genomics and Genomic Medicine, 8th-9th April, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- DhingraRenu, Gupta Sunil, MochanSankat,BhatlaNeerja, LuthraKalpana, Sharma Arundhati, KshetrapalPallavi, SaxenaShobhit, Arora Pallavi, Rani Neerja (2018) Hydrogen Sulphide is a Unique but Ubiquitous Gasotransmitter: A Solution for therapeutic Dilemma in Preeclampsia? Presented in 66th NATCON, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, November 11-14.
- Gupta Sunil, MochanSankat,BhatlaNeerja, Luthrakalpana, Sharma Arundhati, KshetrapalPallavi, SaxenaShobhit, Arora Pallavi, Rani Neerja, DhingraRenu, (2018). Evaluation of migration of HTR-8/SVneo cells after H2S donor treatment: Impact on placentation. Presented in 66th NATCON, AIIMS, Rishikesh, November 11-14.
- Arora Pallavi, MochanSankat, Gupta Sunil, SaxenaShobhit, BhatlaNeerja, LuthraKalpana, Sharma Arundhati, KshetrapalPallavi, Rani Neerja, DhingraRenu (2018) Comparison of histological features of human placenta tissue in normal pregnancy and preeclampsia. Presented in 66th NATCON, AIIMS, Rishikesh, November 11-14.
- Mishra Manisha, Arora Pallavi, SaxenaShobhit, Gupta SK, Mochan S,DheerajKasapuram, Singh Seema, BhatlaNeerja, Sharma Arundhati, DhingraRenu, Rani Neerja (2018) Association of MMP2 Polymorphisms in Preeclampsia. Presented in 66th NATCON, AIIMS, Rishikesh, November 11-14.
- DhingraRenu, Bhatla N , Rani N, Kshetrapal P, Arora P, Gupta SK, Saxena S and Mochan S (2018) Immunolocalisation of hydrogen sulphide producing enzyme (cystathionine gamma lyase) in early and late onset preeclampsia. Presented in International conference on health sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, October 7-9.
- Arora P, Kshetrapal P, Bhatla N, Luthra K, Sharma A, Rani N , Mochan S, Gupta S, Saxena S, Dhingra R (2017) Expression Of MMP 9 And TIMP 1 in Human Placenta From Early Onset Preeclampsia. Presented in 65th NATCON, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medical College, Raipur, November 30 - December 3.
- SankatMochan, Sunil Kumar Gupta, ShobhitSaxena, Pallavi Arora, Neerja Rani, SadanandDwivedi, NeerjaBhatla, RenuDhingra (2019) Raised GRP78 levels is a probable key factor contributing early onset preeclampsia in pregnant mothers. Presented in All India Cell Biology Conference, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, Punjab, December 19-21.
- SankatMochan, Sunil kumar Gupta, ShobhitSaxena, Pallavi Arora, Neerja Rani, Pallavi SK, Arundhati Sharma, kalpanaLuthra, sadaNandDwivedi, NeerjaBhatla, RenuDhingra(2019) Status of sFlt-1 in pregnant women with Preclampsia and its impact on GRP78 in Trophoblast cells. Presented in Experimental Biology, Orlando, Florida, April 6- 9.
- SankatMochan,NeerjaBhatla, KalpanaLuthra, Arundhati Sharma, Sunil Gupta, ShobhitSaxena, Neerja Rani, Pallavi Arora, RenuDhingra (2018) VEGF Alleviates Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Trophoblast Cells herewith PERK arm; Implications in Preeclampsia. Presented in International Congress of cell Biology, Hyderabad, India, January 27-31.
- Sunil Kumar Gupta, SankatMochan, ShobhitSaxena, Pallavi Arora, Neerja Rani, Tony George Jacob, Arundhati Sharma, NeerjaBhatla, KalpanaLuthra, PallaviKshetrapal, RenuDhingra (2019) Evaluation of migration potential of trophoblast cells after hydrogen sulphide treatment. Presented in All India Cell Biology Conference, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, Punjab, December 19-21.
- Pallavi Arora, SankatMochan, Sunil Kumar Gupta, ShobhitSaxena, Neerja Rani, PallaviKshetrapal, SadanandDwivedi, NeerjaBhatla, RenuDhingra (2019) Gelatinase-A levels downregulated in early onset preeclamptic patients of Indian origin: a case control study. Presented in All India Cell Biology Conference, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, Punjab, December 19-21.
- Pallavi Arora, SankatMochan, Sunil Kumar Gupta, ShobhitSaxena, Neerja Rani SK Pallavi, Arundhati Sharma, kalpanaLuthra, SadanandDwivedi, NeerjaBhatla, RenuDhingra (2019) Status of MMP9 and TIMP1 in pregnant women with Preeclampsia in Indian population. Presented in Experimental Biology, Orlando, Florida, April 6- 9, 2019.
- Sunil Gupta, SankatMochan,NeerjaBhatla, KalpanaLuthra, Arundhati Sharma, PallaviKshetrapal, ShobhitSaxena, Pallavi Arora, Neerja Rani, RenuDhingra (2018) Effect of hydrogen sulphide on migration of trophoblast cells: An in vitro study. Presented in International Congress of cell Biology, Hyderabad, India, January 27-31.
- ShobhitSaxena, Pallavikshetrapal, SankatMochan,NeerjaBhatla, KalpanaLuthra, Arundhati Sharma, Sunil Gupta, Pallavi Arora, Neerja Rani, K Dheeraj, RenuDhingra (2018) The role of hydrogen sulphide in mediating trophoblast invasion during placentation and its likely role in preeclampsia. Presented in International Congress of cell Biology, Hyderabad, India, January 27-31.
- Pallavi Arora, PallaviKshetrapal, NeerjaBhatla, kalpanaLuthra, Arundhati Sharma, Neerja Rani, SankatMochan, Sunil Gupta, ShobhitSaxena, RenuDhingra (2018) Effect of cystathionine gamma lyase on markers of trophoblast invasion “an in vitro study”: Implications in adverse pregnancy outcomes like preeclampsia. Presented in International Congress of cell Biology, Hyderabad, India, January 27-31.
- K Dheeraj, RenuDhingra, MC Sharma, Sujoy Pal, Rakesh Kumar, Seema Singh, VineetaYadav, ShobhitSaxena, Sunil Kumar, SankatMochan,Pallavi Arora, Neerja Rani (2018) Correlation of cKIT expression & 68Ga- DOTANOC scans in gastroneuroendocrinetumors. Presented in International Congress of cell Biology, Hyderabad, India, January 27-31.
- Arora Pallavi, KshetrapalPallavi, NeerjaBhatla, KalpanaLuthra, Arundhati Sharma, Neerja Rani, SankatMochan, Sunil Gupta, SaxenaShobhit, RenuDhingra (2018) Study on the genetic expression of hydrogen sulphide producing enzymes in early onset preeclampsia. Presented in Society of Young Scientists Conference, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, January 11-12.
- Pallavi Arora, SankatMochan, Sunil Kumar Gupta, ShobhitSaxena, Neerja Rani, PallaviKshetrapal, Arundhati Sharma, KalpanaLuthra,SadanandDwivedi, NeerjaBhatla, RenuDhingra. MicroRNA-22, Specificity protein-1 and Cystathionine β-synthase in early onset Preeclampsia: significance in trophoblast invasion, presented on the occasion of 66th Institute Day, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, September 25, 2021.
- Pallavi Arora, SankatMochan, Sunil Kumar Gupta, ShobhitSaxena, Neerja Rani, PallaviKshetrapal, SadanandDwivedi, NeerjaBhatla, RenuDhingra. Abnormal Trophoblastic Invasion leads to Impaired Placentation in Early Onset Preeclamptic Patients, presented on the occasion of 65th Institute Day, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, September 25, 2020.
- Sunil Kumar Gupta, SankatMochan,ShobhitSaxena, Pallavi Arora, Neerja Rani, Tony George Jacob, Arundhati Sharma, NeerjaBhatla, KalpanaLuthra, PallaviKshetrapal, RenuDhingra. H2S Improves the Rate of Migration in Trophoblast Cells, presented on the occasion of 65thInstitute Day, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, September 25, 2020.
Research Work & Projects
- Molecular aspects of Placentation
- Biomarkers of preeclampsia
- Endoplasmic reticulum stress in preeclamptic placentae
- Plastination
- Soft embalming
- Fellowship award from Indian Council of Medical Research for RAship (2019)
- Fellowship award from Indian Council of Medical Research for RAship (2019)
- American Association of Anatomist (AAA) travel award for the AAA’s Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology 2019 (6 th -9 th April, 2019) in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
- Prof.Hirendra Kumar Chatterjee Memorial Gold Medal award in National conference of Anatomical Society of India, NATCON66 (2018) held at AIIMS, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India
- Dharam Narayan Gold Medal award for the best paper presented on dais in National conference of Anatomical Society of India, NATCON65 (2017) held at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
- GP Talwar Award- First Prize [Best Research Paper Presented] in National Conference of society of young scientists, SYSCON 2018, AIIMS, New Delhi, India
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- American Association of Anatomists
- Anatomical Society of India
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- International Workshop of Anatomy (Virtual), October 22-23, 2021, Department of Anatomy TMMC & RC, Moradabad, UP.
- BMJ Live (Online and On-demand), October 7-9, 2021.
- Workshop in Medical Education Technologies for Senior Residents at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India (16th -18th October, 2019)
- Workshop on Organ and Body Donation at Dr.Ambedkar International Center, New Delhi, India (17th November, 2019)
- 3rd Asian and African Stereology Congress at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India (18th-19th December, 2018)
- Use of Multimedia in Anatomy Teaching at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, India (11th November, 2018)
- All India Cell Biology Conference, December 19th -21st, 2019, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, Punjab
- 67th National Conference of Anatomical Society of India, November 17-20, 2019, VardhmanMahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
- 66th National Conference of Anatomical Society of India, November 12th -14th, 2018, AIIMS, Rishikesh, India
- SYSCON 2017-18, Jan 11th and 12th, 2018, AIIMS, New Delhi, India
- 65th National Conference of Anatomical Society of India, November 30th –December 3rd, 2017, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Medical College, Raipur, India
- 64thNational Conference of Anatomical Society of India, November 28- December 1, 2016, AIIMS, Jodhpur, India.
- 63rd National Conference of Anatomical Society of India, November 20-23, 2015, King George's Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.