Dr. Neha Gupta
Associate professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Reg. Number: DMC/R/01889

I am Associate Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology working here from Nov 2014 to Till date in Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research and associated HAHC hospital, Jamia Hamdard deemed to be University, New Delhi. NAAC grade A, NIRF rank 11 2018. I am Doing administrative, teaching and clinical duties (In charge of Internal assessment, In charge Residents, In charge for MCI/NAAC work) Co-ordinator of MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME for MBBS students & faculty at HIMSR. Member of Cultural committee of HIMSR (2014 till date) Heading several research projects . External & Internal examiner for MBBS exams and involved in setting papers. actively organizing public awareness camps for Cancer screening, GDM and Contraceptive awareness. Organized various CMEs and workshops.
Area of Interest
- Uro-gynecology
- Preventive Oncology and Gyne-endoscopy
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
MD | Apr 2007 | Kasturba hospital, University of Delhi | DMC/R/01889 | |
M.B.B.S | Dec 2002 | Maulana Azad Medical College, University of Delhi | DMC/R/01889 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Associate Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 12-11-14 | Till date | 6 Years |
Assistant Professor | SMS&R, Greater Noida | 9-12-09 | 11-11-14 | 4years 11months |
Senior Resident | MAMC & LNJP hospital | 8-12-08 | 8-12-09 | 1year |
Senior Resident | Kasturba hospital , Delhi University | 27-03-08 | 07.12.08 | 4months |
Senior Resident | Kasturba hospital , Delhi | 25-05-2007 | 22-09-2007 | 8months |
Tutor | Kasturba hospital , Delhi University | 01-04-2004 | 01-04- 2007 | 3yrs |
- Analysis of success of vaginal birth after cesarean in relation to indication of primary caesarean section: a tertiary care experience, Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Nov;8(11):4440-4443
- VBAC: Changes over last 10 years, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India (JOGI), April 2019, Volume 69, Issue 2, pp 110–114
- Intrauterine deaths: challenges faced in developing countries: International journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2013 Dec (4), 607-610
- Prevalence of Viral infections in pregnant females in Northern India: Paripex- Indian Journal of Research, Vol 3, Issue 11, Nov 2014, page 89
- Low Back Pain after Pregnancy in Indian Women: Paripex- Indian Journal of Research, Vol 3, Issue 5, June 2013, page 221.
- Surrogacy: Review article, accepted for publication on 22/09/19 in Pan Asian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- Perineal pain: think beyond gynaecological reasons in Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders. Published May 2018, Vol 10, Issue 1, 2018.
- Tendoachillis avulsion in Osteomalacia: Clinical cases in bone and mineral metabolism, Vol XII (no 1), 2015, page 60.
- Possible underestimation of the risk in case of cervical ectopic ,Journal of postgraduate Gynecology and Obstetrics , Volume 3, No 12, 2016
- Delayed uterine necrosis: a rare cause of nonhealing wound. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Dec, Vol-10(12): QD01-QD02
- Malpositioned IUCD- Menace of Post Partum IUCD Insertion. BMJ Case Rep 2015. doi:10.1136/bcr-2015-211424 . 1757-790X
- Laparoscopic management of Non-Puerperal Uterine Inversion. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology. 2018 Dec 24
- Type-2 Mayer-Rokitansky- Kuster-Hauser Syndrome with Periureteric fibrosis: A Rare Association, PAJOG 2019;2(1): 49-52
- ‘Congenital Heart Diseases’ in a book Common Medical Disorders in Obstetrics, published by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2010.
- ‘Planning Management of Jehovah’s witness who refuse blood transfusion’ in a book ‘Management of Postpartum hemorrhage’- A practical Perspective by Evangel Publishing, 2019
- Gupta N, De Arpita. Obstetric Analgesia, Review article. AOGD Bulletin, Vol 17-11,March 2018
- Khurshid N, Gupta N Management of Cervical Cancer in Pregnancy , Review Article, ISCCP Newsletter, Vol 8, Issue 4, October-December 2018
- N Gupta, S Maruti, A Tiwari Unusual mass of Labia Minora. Abstract published in Indian Journal of Gynecological Oncology. Supplement 1, Nov 2006.
- 6. N Gupta, N Chutani An Analysis of fetal death in-utero in souvenir of 37th Annual conference, AOGD on 1st November 2015, New Delhi.
- N Gupta, A De, S Batra. VBAC: trends over last 10yrs” souvenir of 60th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Ahmedabad on 29 January 2017.
- N Gupta. Rising Oligohydramnios- Where has all the water gone? Published in Souvenir of 17th Annual CME of NOIDA Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society, July 2017
- Gupta N, Nigam A, Anwar A, Gupta N, Varun N ‘Recurrence of endometrioma on Non Resection of non- communicating rudimentary horn of unicornuate uterus’ Indian Journal Of Gynaecological Endoscopy, August 2017
- De A., Gupta N., Tripathi R. Analysis of Cesarean Deliveries in a Tertiary Care Centre using Modified Robsons Ten Group Classification System, AOGD 2017 Souvenir
- N. Gupta. Conventional hormone therapy is superior to alternative therapy for hot flashes during menopause-Against Debate , Menocon 2018 e souveneir, Nov 2018
Research Work & Projects
- Vaginal Birth after previous Cesarean section, submitted and accepted by the University of Delhi, 2006
- MD OBG PG Thesis Guide of Dr Neha Bharadwaj – Ambient Air Pollution and Pregnancy outcomes- A Retrospective Cohort Study.
- Co-guide for PGDMCH candidate Dr. Saltanat Jamal who Conducted a research Project titled ‘ Study of Nutritional status of Pregnant and Post -partum mothers in backward urban areas of South Delhi’
- Co-supervisor of Research Project of Dr. Tazyeen Fatima , MSc. Medical Physiology, Jamia Hamdard on ‘ Assessment of Sympathetic Vascular Reactivity in Pregnant women using Cold Presser test & Heart Rate variability’
- Fellowship of Indian College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists (FICOG), 2018
- Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, 2015
- Wonder Woman Award, ISOPARB West UP Chapter,2021
- FOGSI Mentor-Mentee award recipient and felicitated at NZYF Noida by Hon. cabinet minister Dr. Mahesh Sharma & president FOGSI on 2nd Feb 2019
- Youth Icon Award at YOUTHCON 2019 on 27th July at SMS&R, Sharda University, Greater NOIDA
- Installed as the Vice President, Society of Menstrual Disorders & Hygiene Management at YOUTHCON 2019 on 27th July 2019, SMS& R, Greater Noida
- Awarded with the “YUVA Achiever Award 2018 from NORTH ZONE” by FOGSI on 29th April 2018 at NZYF at Dehradun
- Awarded Fellowship of Indian College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists (FICOG) in 2018 at Bhubaneshwar
- Won the ‘1st amongst Gynecologist award’ during Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery at World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurgaon, May 2015
- All India Talent Scholarship Award, 1990
- Second Prize in Debate at ‘MENOCON 2018’ on 18th Oct 2018 at SMS&R, Greater NOIDA
- Second prize in Slogan competition on ‘Respectful maternity care’ at AOGD 25th Nov,2018 at IHC, New Delhi
- Second prize in Slogan competition on ‘Safe abortion’ at AOGD 29th Sept,2019 at Eros hotel, New Delhi
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- Co-founder & Vice President, Society of Menstrual Disorder Hygiene Management, regd. No. (GBN/03433/2019-2020)
- Editorial board, West UP ISOPARB
- Noida Obs & Gyne Society Executive member (2010 till date)
- Noida Obs & Gyne Society Joint Treasurer NOGS (2016-2017)
- Noida Obs & Gyne Society Chairperson Preventive Oncology Committee, NOIDA Obs. & Gyne. Society (2018-2019)
- Life member & Regional coordinator, NOIDA Society of Mid Life Management
- Member of FOGSI, India.
- Life Member IMA, South Delhi branch
- Life Member DGES -423
- Life Member NARCHI, Delhi - 321
- Life member AOGD, LM 2124
- Life member ISCCP
- Life member ISOPARB
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Delivered a Lecture on ‘HPV DNA testing’ at CME cum Workshop on Overview of Cervical Lesions and Management Guidelines under aegis of ISCCP at Hamdard Convention Centre, HIMSR, New Delhi on 10th April 2015
- Delivered a talk on ‘Follow up after treatment’ at a in a CME cum worshop under aegis of ISCCP on Diagnosis and management of Cervical Intraepithelial lesions:, at HIMSR, New Delhi as faculty on 7 March 2015
- Conducted a panel discussion on “ Complications/Side-effects of contraception” in CME cum workshop under aegis of AOGD on Contraception update & PPIUCD Insertion Technique, at HIMSR, New Delhi on 17th October 2015
- Invited as Faculty in Infocon meet on 28th October 2015 at NOIDA in a Panel discussion on Contraception. (FOGSI –National)
- Invited as Faculty in National UPCOG 2015 at GSVM, Kanpur on 28th November 2015 in a Panel discussion on Intra Uterine Growth Restriction. (National)
- Participated as a Resource person & delivered a talk on “Temporary methods of contraception” at Contraception Update Workshop 2015-2016 at Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya Hospital ,Delhi on 16/02/2016( state)
- Delivered a Talk on “Single Fetal Demise” at North Zone YUVA FOGSI at Ghaziabad on 3rd April 2016.( National)
- Participated as a Faculty in Panel discussion: Case situations: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus-Challenges from Diagnosis to Management at North Zone YUVA FOGSI 2016 on 3rd April 2016 at Ghaziabad.( National)
- Participated in round table conference North Zone YUVA FOGSI 2016 on 3rd April 2016 at Ghaziabad and the team won 2nd prize for making management check list for a case of 5month pregnancy with H/O Epilepsy.( National)
- Debated in (Aap ki adalat) on Third Party Pregnancy (Surrogacy) and spoke for the motion at 13th world congress & 21st Indian Conference of NARCHI at Jaipur on 24th September 2016. (International & National) 10
- Invited to delivered a lecture on ‘First trimester screening- When & Why?’ at SMS&R, Sharda Hospital ,Greater NOIDA at CME on Fetal Medicine
- Invited as a Panelist at a Panel discussion on ‘Twin Pregnancy’ at UPCOG Midterm Conference at Hotel Crown Plaza on 14th May 2017 (National)
- Invited to deliver a Lecture on ‘Rising Oligoamnios-Where’s all the water Gone?’ at Annual Conference of NOIDA Obs. & Gyne. Society on 29th July 2017 at Hotel Radisson Blue, NOIDA
- Invited as a Yuva faculty speaker for a video presentation on ‘Excisional procedures for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia’ at Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences, Dehradun on 29th April 2018
- Invited as a Speaker on ‘Identification of Face & brow presentation and Identification & Management of Shoulder Dystocia’ for CME cum workshop on ‘Science and Art of Obstetric Skills’ under aegis of AOGD at MEU hall, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi on 21st July 2018
- Invited as a panelist in a Panel discussion conducted by FOGSI endocrine committee in association with NOGS on AUB management on 10th October 2018 at Hotel MOSAIC, NOIDA.
- Delivered a Public Awareness Lecture on ‘HPV Vaccination-Need of the hour’ at Dept. of Physiotherapy, JH, New Delhi on 15th October 2018.
- Invited to Debate Against ‘Conventional hormone therapy is superior to alternative therapy for hot flashes during menopause’ at MENOCON 2018 on18th October 2018.
- Delivered a lecture on ‘Screening guidelines for cervical cancer’ at NZYF Preventive oncology workshop on 1st February 2019 at Radisson Blu, NOIDA.
- Invited as Chairperson for FOGSI TOG session to NZYF on 2nd February 2019 at Radisson Blu, NOIDA.
- Invited to deliver a lecture on FORCEPS/VACCUM on 20/06/19 at GURUKUL classes at Sir Ganga ram Hospital under aegis of ISOPARB & AOGD.
- Invited as faculty to judge Scientific presentation session at 25th Annual conference of NARCHI , Delhi branch at hotel Eros on 24th February2019. 11
- Invited as a Faculty to Current concept in ObsGy (academic programme- PGHeightT) programme,organized by Dept of Obs. & Gyne. MAMC at GBPant hospital auditorium for a case discussion of Twin pregnancy on 2nd June 2019
- Invited to deliver a lecture on ‘Methods of screening for cervical cancer’ at SUMER, Jamia Hamdard in association with ISCCP at a CME cum Workshop on 26 March 2019
- Delivered a lecture on ‘urethral catheterization’ and ‘episiotomy suturing’ at UG skill workshop cum CME organized at MEU room, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard on 20th July 2019
- Moderated a Panel discussion on ‘Cesarean Section Complications’ at Radisson blu, NOIDA at 19th Annual CME, Noida Obstetrics & Gynae Society on 21st July 2019
- Invited as a Youth Mentor for Workshop cum CME at Youthcon 2019 at SMS&R, Sharda University, Greater NOIDA
- Moderated a Panel discussion on ‘Doctor Patient relationship’ at FOGSI National conference Breaking Silos Across- Adolescence to menopause at Hotel Lalit on 10th August 2019
- Invited to chair a session on Adolescent health at Breaking Silos Across- Adolescence to menopause at Hotel Lalit on 11th August 2019
- Delivered a lecture on Shoulder dystocia at AOGD pre-congress Obstetrical Skill workshop at MEU room, HIMSR, New Delhi on 27th August 2019
- Delivered a Lecture and Conducted a Drill on ‘Shoulder Dystocia & Eclampsia’ at AOGD Conference on 29th August 2019 at Hotel Eros, New Delhi.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- CME on ‘Diagnosis and Management of Cervical Intraepithelial Lesions’ as Treasurer under the aegis of ISCCP on 7th March, 2015 at Hamdard Convention Centre, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi
- CME cum workshop on Contraception update & PPIUCD Insertion Technique, as Organizing Joint secretary under aegis of AOGD at HIMSR, New Delhi on 17th October 2015
- Organized Pre conference workshop on “CTG monitoring” on Saturday, 20th August 2016 at IMA hall, NOIDA as Joint Treasurer.
- Organized 16th Annual CME of NOIDA Obs. & Gynae. Society as Joint Treasurer on Sunday, 21st August 2016 at Radisson Blue, NOIDA
- Organized Pre conference workshop on “Colposcopy” on Saturday, 29th July 2017 at Apollo Hospital, NOIDA as Joint Treasurer
- Organized 17th Annual CME of NOIDA Obs. & Gynae. Society as Joint Treasurer on Sunday , 30th July 2017, Radisson Blue, NOIDA
- Organizing Committee Member of Endo Expert 2017, live 3-D operative Gynae Endoscopy Workshop and Hands On Training on 10th May 2017 at Fortis Hospital,Sec-62, NOIDA
- CME cum Workshop on Overview of Cervical Lesions and Management guidelines as Organizing Joint Secretary & Workshop Convener under aegis of ISCCP at Hamdard convention Centre, HIMSR, New Delhi on 10th April 2018
- Hands on workshop – Obstetrical & Gynecological skills for UG-MBBS students as organizing committee member and faculty at MEU, 3rd floor, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi on 8th May 2018
- Organizing secretary of a Guest lecture on Sustainable Menstrual Health Awareness – Newer Modalities under NOGS & FOGSI – Public Awareness committee at HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi on 28th May 2018 13
- CME cum Workshop on ‘Science and Art of Obstetric Skills’ as Faculty, Organizing committee member and catering in charge at MEU, 3rd floor, HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi on 21st July 2018 held in Association with AOGD
- Faculty & organizing committee member at CME cum workshop “OBSERVE, INTERPRET AND LEARN” held on 24th September 2018 at HIMSR
- Coordinator, Preventive Oncology pre-congress Workshop for National North Zone YUVA FOGSI conference (NZYF, Noida) 2019 held on 1st February2019
- Scientific committee & core member NZYF 2019, Noida held on 2& 3rd Feb 2019
- Organizing team intercollege 1st National Hamdardian Obstetrics & Gynaecology QUIZ for UG MBBS student held in association with FOGSI Medical Education Committee on 25th April 2019
- Organizing team 19th Annual Conference of Noida Obs. and Gyn. Society held on 20-21st July
- Organizing team Obstetrical & Gynaecological Skills- Tips & Tricks to be held on 20th July at MEU room, Third floor, HIMSR
- Organizing JOINT SECRETARY working for Breaking Silos Across: Adolescence to menopause National conference organized by FOGSI in association with AOGD held on 10th & 11th August 2019 at hotel Lalit, New Delhi
- Treasurer of Obstetrical Skills pre congress workshop of 41st Annual AOGD conference held at HIMSR on 27th September 2019.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- Contraceptive update workshop, Madan Mohan Malviya Hospital, 16th February 2016
- Workshop on ‘CTG Monitoring’ at NOIDA, IMA Hall on 20 Aug 2016.
- Attended 38th Annual conference AOGD post conference workshop: Urodynamics –Trends & Controversies on 14th November 2016 at New Delhi
- Training in Basic Surgical skills organized by ETHICON on February 8, 2017 at HAHC hospital , ND
- Attended Endo Expert 2017 on 10th May 2017 at Fortis, Sector 62, NOIDA
- Attended the 32nd WHI Gynae Endoscopy Training at AIIMS ,New Delhi from 16th April 2018 till 21st April 2018
- Attended Pre-conference Uro-gynecology workshop at AOGD 2018 at Medanta, Gurugram
- Attended Pre-conference Uro-gynecology workshop at Hotel Lalit Ashok held on 8th Jan 2019 at 62nd AICOG, Bengaluru
- Attended 3-D live workshop on Laparoscopic Gynae Surgery on 12/06/19 at Minipal hospital, Dwarka under aegis of AOGD endoscopy committee
- Invited to attend the workshop on Quality improvement (POCQI) organized by AOGD in assoc. with WHO at MEU, Swarna-Jayanti Auditorium, LHMC
- Attended Revised Basic Course Workshop Medical Education Technology at HIMSR from 14th-16th October 2019.
- Attended AETCOM Sensitization Programme at HIMSR on 17th October 2019
- Participated in educational activity titled GOAL“Obstetrics and Gynecology: Controversies to Consensus” organized by FOGSI& ICOG , April 9th & 10th 2016.
- Attended 61st All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Presented at, Gujrat University Convention & Exhibition Center, Ahmedabad on 29 January 2017.
- Attended AICOG CG Saraiya CME on 26th January, held during 60th AICOG,2017 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat
- Attended CME on Transfusion Medicine at HIMSR, JH, ND
- National Conference of Delhi Gynecological Endoscopists Society & Indian Association Of Gynaecological Endoscopists(NZ) in assoc. with IAGE held on 27th August 2017,New Delhi
- Attended Annual conference AOGD Nov 2017 at IHC, New Delhi
- Attended AICOG CG Saraiya CME held during 61st AICOG,2018 at Bhubaneshwar, Odhisa
- Attended 61st All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Janta Maidan, Bhubaneswar from 17th -21st January 2018.
- Attended Annual conference AOGD Nov 2018 at IHC, New Delhi
- Attended C G Saraiya CME held on 9th Jan 2019 at 62nd AICOG, Bengaluru
- Attended 62nd All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Gayatri Vihar, Bengaluru from 8th -12th January 2018.