Dr Junaid Malik
MBBS, DNB Otorhinolaryngology
Assistant professor, Department of ENT & Head And Neck Surgery
Reg. Number: DMC-35100

Presently working as Assistant Professor in the department of ENT-HNS, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research and HAH Centenary Hospital he is actively involved in academics and teaching of under-graduate and post-graduate medical students. He has more than 13 years of experience in the field of ENT and Head & Neck surgeries and has expertise in Micro-ear surgery, Endoscopic sinus surgery and Head & Neck Oncology with special interest in Skull base and Vertigo. He has more than 20 publications in various international, national journals and book chapter to his credit and has presented several paper in National and International conferences. He is actively involved in organizing and participation of CMEs and conferences.
Area of Interest
- Otology
- Anterior & lateral Skull base
- Head & Neck Oncology
- Vertigo
Educational Qualifications
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration Number | Date of Registration |
CC in Hospital Management | 2012 | National Board of Exams | DMC-35100 | 07-11-2017 |
DNB (ENT) | 2012 | National Board of Exams | DMC-35100 | 07-11-2017 |
MBBS | 2005 | ASCOMS, University of Jammu | JKMC-8593 | 24-06-2006 |
Deatils of Teaching Experience
Designation* | Institution | From | To | Duration |
Assistant Professor | HIMSR, New Delhi | 05-11-2015 | Till Date | |
Senior Resident | HIMSR, New Delhi | 21-03-2012 | 04-11-2015 | 3 Years 7 Months |
- Jain S, Das S, Gupta N, Malik JN. Frequency of fungal isolation and antifungal susceptibility pattern of the fungal isolates from nasal polyps of chronic rhinosinusitis patients at a tertiary care centre in north India. Medical Mycology 2013 Feb;51(2):164-9.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma AP, Jetley S. Sporadic Burkitt’s lymphoma of the parapharyngeal space in an immunocompetent adult Indian male. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities . Jan-Jun 2014; Vol. 5: 1-4.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma AP Schwannoma Tongue. Journal of Case Reports 2013;3(2):220-222.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma AP, Jetley S. Diagnostic Dilemma of Polymorphous Low Grade Adenocarcinoma of Hard Palate.Journal of Case Reports 2014;4(1):91-94.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma AP, Jan S. Acute Tuberculous Abscess of the Larynx --- An Unusual Presentation. Acta Otorrinolaringol Espanola 2016;67(1):54-56.
- Malik JN, Jan S, Monga S, Bahadur S. Sinonasal tuberculosis: Report of three atypical cases. Indian journal of tuberculosis. 2016;63:268 –72.
- Shahid R, Monga S, Malik J, Bahadur S. Schwannoma of Tongue an Unusual and Rare Entity. Otolaryngol Open Access J 2016, 1(7): 000140.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Jan S, Bahadur S, Jetley S, Kaur H. Clinical study of Extrapulmonary Head & Neck Tuberculosis in an urban set-up. Acta Otorrinolaringol Italica Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 2017;37 : 1-8.
- Malik JN, Monga S, Sharma AP, Nabi N, Naseeruddin K. STYLALGIA- Clinical profile & Management. Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology. 2018:Vol.31(6):335-340.
- Shahid Rasool, Seema Monga, Junaid Malik, Sudhir Bahadur A rare case of left vocal cord palsy due to aortic arch aneurysm:Ortners syndrome. Clinical Rhinology An International Journal. 2019 Management of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Our Experience. Ratna Priya, Junaid Malik, Seema Monga, Shahid Rasool, Humra Shamim and Khaja Naseeruddin. Glob J Otolaryngol Jan2019(2):1-3.
- Monga S, Priya R, Malik J, Sharma AP Primary tubercular otomastoiditis : a diagnostic dilemma; International Journal Of Scientific Research. 2019; 8(7):67-68.
- Priya R, Monga S, Malik J, Sharma AP, Shamim H, et al. Bell’s palsy: Our experience and review of 30 cases. Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2019; 4:1-3.
- Deranged Pulmonary Function Tests in Allergic Rhinitis in North India. Monga S, Malik JN, Sharma AP, Nabi N, Bahadur S. Submitted to Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat. Accepted: October 24, 2019
- Monga S, Sharma AP, Malik JN, Priya R, et al . Oral carcinoma in Young – clinicopathological profile and survival outcomes in a north Indian Population. Journal of Otolaryngology Studies.2019; 2(1):103.
- Rasool S, Garg R, Tandon A, Khatri S, Priya R, Malik J, et al. Cholesteatoma and Facial Canal Dehiscence: A Comparative Prospective Study. Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020;3(2):1086.
- Monga S, Malik JN, Priya R, et al. Mucocele of the frontal sinus revisited. Pol Otorhino Rev 2020; 9 (2) : 1-5; 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1998;
- Arun Prakash Sharma, Seema Monga, Junaid Malik, Khaja Nasereruddin, Shahid Rasool, Ratna Priya. Correlation between BMI and Oral Cancer: A Hospital Based Case- Control Study.
- International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.2020;12 (online first).
- Arun Parkash Sharma, Junaid Malik, Seema Monga, Shamsheer Alam, Shahid Rasool, Deepti Agarwal, Sudhir Bahadur.Analysis of the Efficacy of the Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap in Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery. Acta Otorrinolaringologica Espanola. 2020
Research Work & Projects
- Role of gene expert in head and neck tuberculosis
- Role of ultrasound in head and neck swellings
- Investigations of fungal sinusitis
Membership of Academic Bodies Societies
- MNAMS (Member of National Academy Medical Sciences).
- Life member of Association of Otolaryngologists of India,
- Life member of Association of Otolaryngologists of India Indian Academy of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,
- Life member of Association of Otolaryngologists of India AOI Delhi Chapter.
Invited Talks and Lectures
- Participated as a Panelist in CME on FESS(2019) at HIMSR (Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research), New Delhi
- Delivered a lecture on ‘Management of Solitary Thyroid Nodule’ in CME on Thyroid updates at HIMSR (Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research), New Delhi.
- Presented paper in AOICON-OCEANIA 2019 on Clinical profile of AFS and role of Amp-B intranasal lavage
- Presented paper in IAOHNS-SAARC 2019 conference- STYLALGIA- Clinical profile & Management
- Presented paper in AOICON 2020, Nagpur on study of Deranged Pulmonary Function Tests in Allergic Rhinitis in North India.
- Presented paper in AOICON 2020, Nagpur on study of Bell’s palsy: Clinical profile & management.
- Presented paper in AOI conference (Delhi chapter) in 2015.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Organised
- November 2019: Organised a CME (Organising Co-secretory ) on FESS at HIMSR (Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research), New Delhi.
- Organised a CME workshop on ‘Management of Solitary Thyroid Nodule’ in CME on Thyroid updates at HIMSR (Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research), New Delhi
- March 2015: Organised a CME (Organising Co-Secretary) on Carcinoma of Oral cavity, Orophyrynx at HIMSR (Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research), New Delhi.
- November 2014: Acted as Co-Organising Secretary of CME on Carcinoma on larynx and Hypopharynx at HIMSR, New Delhi, 2014.
Workshops/ CMEs/ Conference Attended
- Attended International conference AOICON-OCEANIA at Hyderabad in January 2019.
- Attended International conference in IAOHNS-SAARC 2019 conference, Aug 2019, Gurgaon.
- Attended National conference AOICON 2020, at Nagpur, January 2020.
- ENT update 2015: Department of Ent-Head And Neck Surgery Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi.6TH SEP 2015.
- National symposium on thyroid cancer, workshop on thyroid cancer surgery & CME on recent advances in thyroid cancer. Department of Ent-Head and Neck Surgery University College of medical sciences & GTB hospital, New Delhi .Sep 24th 2016.
- Clinico-Radiological meet held at New Delhi organized by clearMedi healthcare on 19th feb 2017.
- Micro Surgery Of The Ear: Silver Jubilee Workshop , organized department of ENT Sir Ganga Ram hospital, New Delhi.18TH -19TH March 2017.
- SLEEP SURGERY LIVE 2017:Organised by ST. STEPHEN’S HOSPITAL, delhi from 20th to 21th may 2017.
- 7th SGRH FESS WORKSHOP:REVISION SINUS SURGERY. Organised department of ENT Sir Ganga Ram hospital, New Delhi.29TH -30TH july 2017.
- Sinuses and beyond: live surgical workshop sinuses and beyond conducted by MAX SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL SAKET on 5th & 6th August 2017.
- 2ND HANDS ON TEMPORAL BONE DISSECTION WORKSHOP: organised by SGRRIM&HS, Dehradun on 25th november 2017
- CME/symposium ON diagnosis and management of THYROID MALIGNANCIES: Organised by department of Ent & Head And Neck Surgery Hamdard Institue Of Medical Sciences & Research centre on 18th November 2017.
- International conference on surgical updates: department of surgery Hamdard Institue Of Medical Sciences & Research centre on december 18th 2017.
- Update on Sleep Apnoea and Rhinosinusitis-pulmonology meets otolaryngology:Department of Ent & Head And Neck Surgery and department of pulmonology MAX SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL , SAKET, NEW DELHI on 18th feb 2018.
- Frontal sinus surgery workshop:Held at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital ,New Delhi On 22nd Th April 2018.
- 3D LIVE SURGICAL WORKSHOP ON ENDOSCOPIC SINUS SURGERY: Held at Dr.Shroff’s Charity EYE Hospital ,Daryaganj,New Delhi on 20th may 2018.
- REVISED BASIC COURSE IN MEDICAL EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES on 9th-11th JULY, 2018 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (Delhi).
- CME on “CLINICAL RESEARCH” on 16th May,2017 at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (Delhi).
- AETCOM SENSITIZATION PROGRAMME: MCI regional centre for medical education technologies maulana azad medical college, at HIMSR, New Delhi
- Curriculum implementation support programme at hamdard institute of medical sciences New Delhi, under mamc regional centre.